Anyone believe in spirits or ghosts? I believe in them. I don't know about you, but I am sure either my houses former owner (old lady), or my father's best friend (Linda, also a woman about 35) are in my house. Wierd stuff happens, there are simple explanations but I honestly think there's is something going on. It is not a creepy vibe (like I get in my cousin's house when I walk in the hallway and you get a shudder).

Some things that happen are my chairs move around when I leave the room, the lights will turn on when i specifically turn them off, the remotes will move to rooms acroos the house that I haven't been in since I last had the remote, and my hats and ipods will end up in the fridge when I stay home alone.

I notice the most activity in my sisters room (there are footsteps all night), and in the kitchen (crazy shit happens there all night.)
My theory on this is that the former owner (Carol) spent most of her time in her room (now my sisters room) and the kitchen (because she was a mom) and that is why the most activity happens there.
