Yeah... I just gave a ticket to nexon like a month ago of my PayPal being banned... o_o now i am asking for them to unban it and it also might be the reason why im banned from "free NX Sur veys"... Here is what i wrote lol

Hello, I am wondering. Why am i banned from buying NX via PayPal. I have not done anything unlawful or wrong. I also cannot Access the "free Nx" button. It does say that i cannot get banned from it. I have tried with my other account and it worked. Why is this account blocked from it and May i be Unbanned from PayPal Billing Please? I get this error on the Free NX button "You have reached this page through an error.
Return to the Charge NX page.(Code:0)" Please fix this problem for me Because i am a proud NX buyer every week. I don't have any faulty Information on my paypal account and i am not any sort of scammer. Please Unban me or Fix this!

/Disscuss Please