This being the 3rd headset over $150 I have bought, I was hoping it'd be the last.

How wrong I was...

If it's not one thing, it's the other. By now, I've learned that the more features something has the more delicate it is. Although I treat such expensive equipment with great care, something always breaks. This time, whenever I listen to anything, I get a strange, metallic echo that completely ruins anything I am listening to. Sounds horrible. Considering I spent $189 on this headset, I would expect it to not malfunction so soon, seeing as I have had it for little over a month now. With all that said, I always buy a warranty for each headset. Each time one breaks I use the warranty gift card to buy another, to try again. I take good care of them, they still randomly malfunction. And last time, it took the company 3months to send me a fucking gift card.

If anyone has had good experiences with a good headset with high-quality sound and a high-quality microphone, please speak up. I'm open for anything now, since my choices, all too often, turn out to be shit. I'm not interested in separate microphones and headsets, I want in all in one. No wireless either, wireless is too often complete shit, have to worry about batteries and connecting it to the computer.

tl;dr: Headset broke. Recommendations for wired headset with good microphone/sound quality?