Hey guys, i was wondering if someone could help me to make a few changes to the Quarantine Zombie Mod work. I wanted all zombies to be able to toggle the thermal vision on and off with "n", take out fall damage and give the alphazombie allitle highjump, something like heights 80, then i wanted to make highjump buyable for zombies for 600 cash (something like heights 100) and add a buy ammo for usp for 200 cash, which should only be 1 clip.
Then my next question would be if its possible to create something like a time limit that the humans need to survive in order to win and then not go back to the lobby but start the next round.

I started putting carepackages as default on maps to block a few entrances so its easier to camp certain areas. Then i had the idea to give everyone unlimited airdrops just to block zombies. But unfortinately only 1 airdrop at a time is possible, cause it says the airfield is full otherwise. How can i solve that ?

Im thankful for any kind of help
greetz kerocs