ill tell u how to write a quick bypass for map file hacks.

first u need write a program that can write to memory really easy in c++/vb.

next u need to find the addresses that u need to change in order to turn off the the file check. also quite easy if u know a bit of asm.

now what u do is have 2 functions, one that turns off the file check and one that turns it back on. would be better if they was activated by a key press like F7 on F8 off.

ok now edit ur map files or whatever u want to do (make a backup just in case) then when u are just about to go into a game like from the lobby or a waiting room, turn the file check off. then when the game has finished loading turn it back on so pb dont catch the memory edit.

well thats one way to do it, maybe not the best but it works if u do it right. most of u probably wont be able to do this, i could release an exe that does it for u if people want it.