i no this should be techincally in the tut section but it is belonging in the main section it is important.

well i see too many people slapping a c4d on a black canvas, then throwing in a pixelated render. so i will show you how NOT to make a slap-up-sig. c4d is exeleent, only if you know what youre doing.

there are three stages of c4dnoob.

the first is the most common and probably the best to be on, because it is easiest to be converted to proper sigs form this stage than a higher stage.
this is stage 1- typically it has only a background, c4d with no matching properties to the pixelled render--

stage 2--- this is bad but it cdan be saved. notice they think they are different to the rest because they have a colour. WRONG you still have no background, and you still dont understan the c4d concept. but you can still return to normal sig making. if you are doing this, seek tut help and blend more!!!!! LESS C4D!!!!!!!!

stage 3--- they have a little bit of a brush but still colours are different and render deosnt fit, nor does the text althouhg the sig looks alright, it will never get more than a 4/10. truth is it is ugly and nobody will use one like that in their sig for the world to see. wake up, a badly used c4d is NO WHERE NEAR a nooby brushed sig. learn brushing then c3d then c4d... you have to crawl before you can walk. remember that

it lacks originality and flow........ seriously, USE A TUT