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    njdavid's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    South Texas

    [Tutorial] Memory Tips

    I found War Rock a couple days ago, while searching for a Free MMORPG... Instead I found this. So, I decided to try the game out, and it kicks total ass. I highly suggest playing the game before hacking and glitching in it. After a few days, I just had to hack it. The bad thing about this game though, is that since it's an Open Beta, it's updated a lot. Causing a lot of problems for people who don't like updating offsets every other week. I have no problem with it, as I find it fun. So, let's get started.

    I won't be posting any codes or offsets. I'm only going to post the methods required for hacking War Rock. A lot of these methods have been posted before though, so, please forgive me for anything that I missed or borrowed. This game utilizes DMA like a motherfucker, so if I was you, I would read up on some tutorials and guides. I didn't know much about DMA at all until I started hacking this game, trust me it's worth the time to learn it. I've learned so much about ASM and Memory editing.

    I did all of this using Cheat Engine and Memory Hacking Software (That's the name, it's by L. Spiro). T-Search is blocked by PB and a rootkit doesn't stop PB from detecting it. I got some help from the creator of Memory Hacking Software, and from Wildshot, for this I thank you both.

    Infinite Stamina

    What you need to do to find the Infinite Stamina address is to search for 0-100. This addy is a float, so change the data type accordingly. When it's full it's 100, when you have none it's 0. So, Do a range search, after that run until you have none, then search for decreased, etc. It's all simple really. The hard part is what follows; You're going to set a breakpoint on the address you found, and then follow the code until you find a compare and jump. Nop out the jump and that will prevent the stamina from even dropping. Easily done if you can follow the ASM.


    I decided to try and do this because I love capping people with a sniper rifle without zooming in... that was a little hard with no crosshair. :P So, switch to your fists, search for a 2 byte 0. When it's done searching switch to your pistol, and search for a 2 byte 1. From, there do like above and set a breakpoint. Follow the code and find the jump.


    This one is relatively easy. You just modify the stance to make it seem like you are swimming, allowing you to "swim in the air". 0 - Standing, 1 - Crouched, 2 - Prone, 3 - Vehicle, 4 - Swimming, 5 - Ladder. Search for those when in that particular stance. The thing about this hack is that the address is a DMA addy while the other 2 aren't. (Hint: Subtract 54 from the address you found, convert it to decimal, then search. Once you have the first address, that's the "pointer". Pointer + 54 equals the DMA addy. Sorry for the shitty explanation.) The other thing about swimming is that you can't shoot while swimming, so I'd assign two hot keys, or one hotkey to toggle the stance. So you switch from Stance 0 to 4 to 0. So that you may fly, then land.

    The End!

    I'm currently perfecting a few other hacks such as No Spread, Instant Respawn (Even if you aren't supposed to spawn.), etc. Once I get these working, I'll post them in this thread. Also, if anyone else has anything to input, please reply here.

    I'd like to thank Wildshot for teaching me a lot in the last few weeks... I'd also like to thank L. Spiro, the creator of Memory Hacking Software, for putting me on the right path when I became confused. And of course, the people who originally found / posted these hacks; System79 and Quin123, and everyone else.
    Last edited by njdavid; 09-22-2006 at 10:06 PM.

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