Yargonz after playing with photoshop I decided to try playing around making decent videos, soo I joined a random contura game in warrock..took some jets and started playing around, not to mention I had fraps running ^^ and then I had a friend taught me how to use windows movie maker(props to Kimera) anyways this is my end result, my first actual music video.. Just tell me what you guys think =P

Youtube Link

DailyMotion Link

Direct Link

Size: 66MB

I reccomend downloading from the direct link just because its only 66mb, and that the quality overall is the best...you'd have to full screen it to enjoy it xD its 200x better than the youtube and dailymotion links though..but if you feel lazy then go ahead and stream it from youtube >.> I gurantee you can't even see what the enemy plane looks like on that..its like a big blob of gray =/

EDIT: Song: Initial D - Dogfight.mp3