Game Title: Rune Scape
Platform(s): Java(PC)
Release Date(s):Jan 2001
Publisher:Jagex Games
Developer:Andrew/Paul Gower
ESRB/PEGI Rating:T for Teen

(Official Trailer)

About the game: Rune Scape is a Fantasy MMORPG
which uses Java to make the game. You can play in FunOrb by using your RS Account. It was made in January 2001 and it is now holding the record for highest MMORPG ever played. Free ofcourse. You can fight monsters all that shit in fantasy MMO's
RS Servers can be made for Private websites as well..
Gameplay, Graphics and Sound/Effects: Graphics Not so good IMO
gameplay is good
Sound is

Pros and Cons:
Pros: Popular, Sound, No Lag
Cons: So addictive it killed someone who played for 3 days straight.

Overall Score:
9.5 / 10.0
Minimum: 128 MB RAM, 500 MHz CPU
High Detail: 256 MB RAM, 1.5 GHz CPU, Nvidia GeForce3 or equivalent graphics card[1]