What.....the......fuck. *spoilers*(if you haven't read then w/e).

So lemme get this straight. After 350 chapters. Everyone is dead except the vampire and the time traveler. We don't get to see the whole class as adults. Not even negi, the main character. We get some shoddy faded to black pictures saying "oh hey we did something pointless".

Not only does this make me sad. I feel its ENTIRELY possible not to do. I mean dear fucking god, would it be so hard for the story to work out when everyone was an adult? Where at least not everyone is dead?

I mean to-love-ru ending bad. But negima........negima is like...........

Ok so take bleach. You know when they saved rukia? If it copied negima, rukia would have gone to sleep/time travel a hundred something years only to wake up and find everyone dead. And this is just after they saved her. (of course aizen wouldn't exist here or he would have been defeated). As you know in Bleach people live well over a hundred. Well they do the same in Negima, but for some unexplained reason everyone died.

Anyway, its fucked up. I'm not sad its ending, i'm sad that nothing in the entire series has any closure and that the author just said "wellp fuck it everyone died, we now focus on the only characters who have no importance".

Its got 3 chapters left, maybe it can redeem itself. Doubt it. But maybe.......