
Price calculator said $72 but that just seemed too low. Seller says at least $300 but that just seems like a rip-off.

Rank: Colonel
Ribbons: 23 (No Honorable)
Unique Weapons: Awm- Liquid Metal, Perm Axe, De. Xmas, FN Xmas, Golden AWM, Golden M4, M4 custom, M4 crys custom

Good Weapons: M16 Scope Camo, Ak Camo, Anaconda Adv., Aug Camo, Beretta Ar, De Camo, Ak Silver, M16A2, M4 silver, P90 camo, QBZ camo, Scar Heavy Camo, Thompson, Xm8 Adv

How much do you guys think this is really worth?