Hi I live in Korea, Jun - Han is called
*Sender sender source maplestory packet sender, so the question I'm currently does, which some latest descenders source trying to get to my old we That's the source current should not.
#include "Functions.h"

#define SendAddy 0x00a22db0 //핵 뚫듯이 어레이 잡아서 하심됨.
#define SendClassAddy 0x00b491ba// 이것도 마찬가지로

DWORD dwMSSendMethod = SendAddy;//
DWORD dwMSSendObject = *(PDWORD)(SendClassAddy+2); //포인터를 잡아주는게 포인트

/* MapleStory Send method signature */
typedef BOOL ( WINAPI *PFNSENDPACKET ) ( __in PZ_PACKET ppPacket );

/* Send a MapleStory packet using byte data */
DWORD WINAPI SendPacket ( __in_bcount(nLength) LPBYTE lpBytes, __in DWORD dwLength )
static PFNSENDPACKET pfnSendPacket = (PFNSENDPACKET)dwMSSendMethod;

Z_PACKET pPacket;

ZeroMemory(&pPacket, sizeof(Z_PACKET));

pPacket.lpBytes = lpBytes;
pPacket.dwLength = dwLength;

BOOL retval = FALSE;

__try {
mov ecx,dwMSSendObject
mov ecx,[ecx]
push [esp+4]
push [lpvSomeRet]*/
retval = pfnSendPacket(&pPacket);

return retval;