Was looking to find a way to find GameStatus without classes about a month ago and i used my super leet math skills to figure out a ghetto sort of way.
I'm feeling sort of nice so i'll post it to the public.

Basically, LTClient Address + 0x18808 - 0x7c + 0x10 = GameStatus Address
For the current patch it would be 0x378206B8 + 0x18808 - 0x7c + 0x10 = 0x37838E54

Now you can use the LTClient sigscan to grab a working GameStatus.

dwLTClient= FindPattern(dwCShellEntry, dwCShellCodeSize,(PBYTE) "\x8B\x0D\x00\x00\x00\x00\xD9\x54\x24\x00\x53\xD9\x54\x[DONT COPY AND PASTE ME!]24\x00\x8D\x5C\x24\x00\xD9\x5C\x24\x00\x53\[NO COPY AND PASTING]xD9\xE8\x50", "xx????xxx?xxxx?xxx?xxx?xxx");
If you've had any sort of experience with hacking CA you'd know the CShell Entry point and Code size, so just edit the sig scan, i don't want leechers all over this.

Anyway, the final step.
Find where you are calling your sig scans, and basically do this.

dwGameStatus = dwLTClient + 0x18808 - 0x7c + 0x10;

Bam, working gamestatus all the time without the use of a class or a gamestatus sig.

Its a shame Gamestatus isn't primarily used anymore, but i hope people can still find it useful.