As you all know, the Jr Gfx team is similar to the gfx team. The Jr Gfx team is for members at a higher skill level that diserve to be noticed. However when you are put on the team you are expected to be active in the section and help those who strive to become better at graphic art.

To those of you currently on the Jr GFX team I would like to again congradulate you on your position. I hope that you can continually hold that position by staying active and and helping. However if we do notice a drop in those actions we will take notice of it and act when we feel its right to do so.

In other news...
  • I would like to congradulate our newest Jr GFX member Kirapwns.

  • Also I would like to add in that nabdab has been removed from the Jr GFX team. Reason being he has been inactive and will remain inactive for more time to come. Upon his return I and the other Gfx team members will discuss his re-entering of the jr gfx team.


Gfx Team