I have been searching the net for hacks and cheats for ARMA 2, and what a ride I have been in.

I have been on this website for more than half a year, and I am really starting to wonder. What the hell is going on? If I could get contact with any other hacker that could show me a UNDETECTABLE and RELIABLE hack for ARMA 2, that would be great. I am also wondering why on a website this big, we still haven't got anything on the ARMA 2 Hacks section of the forums.

Most of the hacks on the net or on Youtube are either scams, unreliable, and will never work. But it seems on this website it is reliable, and if anyone could give me a link or pictures of ANY hacks you know, that would be awesome . I just want to play around on ARMA 2 and have some fun. And most of the people reading this probably want that too!

Regards, ag55ful.