Hello Guys.
I'd like to say hello and give you all a chance to know who I am and what my story is, if you do end up reading all of this, thanks, if you don't please don't make obnoxious comments/replies. Thanks!
Hey guys, my name is Chris or The Leet, let me start off by saying how I got into hacking. My friend told me about a game that was an open world mmorpg, I forget the name but the game sacked anyways lol, and he basically told me the game unhackable and I just thought man how can that be there is always a way, and i never really pursued it or anything, until a really bad thing happened to me. My parents where coming home from a cookout and I guess they both had a little to much to drink, on the way home they had to cross a major road, my dad drove right through a red light and two big rig trucks where driving and basically tore the car in half. This was the most devastating thing that has happened to me, I lost all emotions that day, and have pretty much isolated myself in my room, but still go out to eat and exercise ext. So while I was just sitting there I begun to get more and more into the computer and how it works, I started to make money online and was able to afford my first computer build, but ya I didn't know how to put it together but. Good old youtube was able to give me a general idea. So anyways back to that game, I put my efforts into learning how servers work and how a computer works, I learned some basic packet manipulation and then began messing with the game, when I found out that gold is sent to the player as a packet from mob loot drops, I began looking for a way to manipulate that packet sending it multiple times or just increasing the integer, once I had found this small flaw I tried it with bigger things like armors, I was able to buy the big legendary armor and when I bought it the game sends you a message in game, instead of saying the item name it says the item id so I got thinking that if I farm level 1 mobs and just make the packet say I picked up the legendary armor then I would just give it out, when I tried it 2 things happened. I received the item, and i guess I managed to unintentionally give myself experience because I just sat there watching my level go up up up, until I was max level from a level 1 mob. Once my friend got on and I showed him my millions of gold and the items I had cheated in, he had this idea that we could sell gold and the items online for real money, but I don't care for that I believe it should be free or not existent so we basically went around giving everyone we saw a ton of gold practically ruining the game but that's when I saw how much it didn't matter what I'd done, as you saw the gold circulate, the auction house prices went up and just averaged back to normal just with more zeroes. And that's pretty much the story of how I learned some of what I learned, a sad story at the same time but a story indeed.
Now id just like to announce to everyone, I have a mental disorder, DID or MPD, multiple personality disorder, so if anyone says something to me and i don't remember it it might come back and they'l respond or I will just never remember it and you'll be out of luck lol sorry if it happens, also if we are conversing and i stop talking or don't understand what we are talking about after that it'd probably this.
Thanks for reading this if you did I hope to contribute here as much as possible.