Hey there everyone, this is my first post on MPGH. I've lurked for a few years, especially back when I played on a large MC server, but it's been a while. If this post doesn't belong here or would be more fitting somewhere else, feel free to move/delete it. I'm used to posting on the SA forums where the smallest infraction loses you $10+, and I'm not sure how strict MPGH is yet, so this is kind of testing the waters.

So, this post isn't about Dragons Nest (I have played it, it wasn't bad, just too repetitive for me), it's for a similar translated MMO called 'Age of Wushu'. There is another version of the game called 'Age of Wulin' that just released in EU, but both are kind of dead. I am a first year CS student, so I've started tinkering with some very minor parts of modifying the client, but there are a couple of snags I have hit, especially since the last large content update.

1. They implemented GPK (which I googled to find is in DN) to stop jump hacking stuff. It may have been there before, but it never worked if it was.
2. The game is written in a huge cluster**** of lua bytecode, and decompiling it is slow, and I don't really know lua.
3. The plaintext ini and xml files (which there are a TON of that shouldn't be client side...) have random mandarin characters stuck in them left over from translation. If you speak Chinese it would be insanely easy for you to figure out what some of the variables do. If you don't you have to constantly select a different encoding in np++ and try and use google translate to get anywhere, which is extremely slow and painful.

As I mentioned earlier I'm posting here because I see DN uses a similar anti-cheat as AoW and there seem to be some bypasses for it, and the AoW client is so terribly made I think any experienced hacker could have a field day with it. Seriously, just editing ini files gets you results sometimes, it's so bad. There is a ton of client side stuff that should not be client side, at all.

AoW has definitely seen better days, however the recent content patch was fairly large and brought a good amount of players back to the game. It is not dead, it's actually really fun (great PvP as long as you have good ping), the skills are similar to Eve Online in the sense they cultivate over time rather than by grinding, and they do a great job of actually mixing PvP and PvE (though the PvE is still kinda bad).

If you're interested in helping me out you can pm me or post here and I'll add you on Steam or whatever. I also have a link to a Chinese made tool that is used for unpackaging the client resources, but it is picked up by some AV as a threat and I would rather not get banned on my first post.

Again, if this would fit better somewhere else, feel free to move it. I'm not sure how active the MPGH community is, so I don't know what kind of response I'll get.

Thanks for reading