Dear users,

Some information about me and this!!
What i have done?
After long work. I made it i can rip and remake it for you! Premium theme's for cheap!

What means premium theme's?
Premium themes are themes from the populair theme website. Like: Themeforest,Warpbootstrap. I remake and rip some parts from the theme's and i sell it for really CHEAP!

Why i don't give it free?
The awnser is easy! It cost me a lot of time for making this. And i wanna get back a little think!

You new on this forum men!
Yes, But i find this on youtube and hear some friends about it. And i think i register and i want to come with a good think! And i think this is it!

I hear the question.. Who are u friend? Sorry, Idk i get some fight with him!

Theme's & How to pay!!

Theme's for purchase
FlatLab - $5

CoreAdmin - $5

Blackforest Admin - $2

Intenso Admin - $2,50
I cant post the demos and the real site! Sorry, Im not allowd to posts links!!!

How to buy this?
Payment Methodes: PayPal,PaySafeCard
PayPal: PM ( Send Money I send rar )
PaySafeCard: PM ( Send Code I send rar )
Respons Time: So fast if i can!
Yes, You can trust me people scammed me $75! And this is i wanna help you guys!