Quote Originally Posted by matypatty View Post

We wouldn't expect a non-hacker to understand, and please stop talking about your books cuz dey missin' a few chapters m8.
For your sake lets just say we are all dirty cheaters and will all be banned
I've done more than my fair share of coding maty. I don't prefer it because I view myself as more of a modder. I promise you I have more than enough knowledge on the subject, going to college for computer science I have to know my way around a computer. Don't sit here and act like you are the all knowing god of hacking, just because you have all day to sit in your mother's basement and code for a game that has been dead for a while, doesn't mean you're a big shot. I'm glad this release was made, it allows people to use mods that they haven't used in a while, but when it comes to bypasses you're fresher than a newly popped baby.