Dear MPGH,
Oh how I've loved you. I joined a while back in September of 2012. I joined when I was young and foolish. I didn't know much English at the time but MPGH just seemed like a place where I could get hacks from. Since rejoining, I love MPGH. No one can fathom the words of love I have for the community here. There are lovely members that help me out through daily things and a handful which I can communicate well with. Sure there maybe times where ideas or opinions are challenged but in the end, we're all friends. To be honest, I was bullied in 5th grade. I was berated with terms after a lesson on 9/11. I was called "terrorist" or even Osama-bin-Laden himself, but I had no care. I shoved these people off. My family life wasn't great back then either, I work basically the same clothes everyday, but I've learned to live past that. MPGH has allowed me to share myself out to anonymous people whom I may never know in a lifetime, but their and interest keeps me here. There are good people on these forums that do giveaways and even offer free services, I thank you for that, because good people like you deserve to be around. I could go on for ages onto why I love MPGH and this post might not be where I post it. Hopefully in the future when I'm older and wiser, I'll post my last thread and hopefully the future generations to come to MPGH can read those same exact words. I love you all and I love you Dave for creating this forum. Thanks for reading this if you can

