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  1. #1
    Corrupt99's Avatar
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    Have trouble reverse engineering to bypass

    I have been playing around with reverse engineering. It is true I don't know how to program, but I have been going through a lot of the olly tuts on youtube. So I understand a little about JMP, JNZ, JNE, JE, JZ, CMP, MOV, CALL and some other functions. I understand a little about how to read the registers. I have this program that I have been having problems with reverse engineering on it. I am trying to bypass the serial. I have set a breakpoint just before the nag screen pops up. The nag screen pops after after a 'call' is made to an address inside a system file. I know I can't change anything in a system file. The call is made to the Kernel32.HeapCreate, then from there to the ntdll. Then the nag screen pops up. During all the checks for a registration key it hops around in quite a few system files. I tried to NOP this call, but get errors. So the program HAS to make this call. I have tried to see where in the original program the registration process is located but to me it just seems like everything is ran through the system files that I can't touch.

    <edit> For anybody trying to help I do have teamspeak availability to talk on with you. I'm not trying to get someone to reverse this program for me, but to help give me a better understanding of what is going on.
    Last edited by Corrupt99; 07-14-2014 at 06:08 PM.

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