
Im member of PolishSource.cz I want to advertise a little. Tracker is opened only 1-2 time per year, so this is great chance to make account here .
It's general tracker: Movies, GamesPC/Consoles, TV Shows, Apps, Music etc.

This is polish tracker, but after registrationu can change to english in settings .

https://polishsource.cz/signup.php - register here!
Here is translation of the registration zone:

Nazwa użytkownika - user name
Hasło - password
Potwierdź haslo - confirm password
Obrazek - picture (captcha)
Kod z obrazka: code from picture (captcha)
Adres e-mail - email
Adres Email musi być prawidłowy. Na podany przez Ciebie adres zostanie wysłana wiadomość z linkiem aktywującym - Email adress must be correct. The adress you've given the activation link will be send. (Gmail recommended).
Zapoznałem sie z regulaminem strony - Im agree with rules
Zapoznałem sie z FAQ strony. - Im agree with FAQ
Jestem osobą pełnoletnią. - Im adult (18+)

After singing up and activation via link, logging in then press "ustawienia" and scroll down and change "polish-english". That's all.

If you won't be interested later or not satisfied. Then don't worry 30 days after inactivity your account get deleted with mail from database. Feel free to ask if you have questions.

Cheers, see you on polishsource.cz !