Thread: brazil in gms

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  1. #1
    nagazai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Lightbulb brazil in gms

    me and my friends like to play MS but since our server closed (BMS) we cant play on gms. me and a friend got some accounts that can play on gms without any proxy or something like that. our accounts were made before juny 2008 so we can play on gms. i'm looking for an account that can be played on gms from brazil without needing a proxy.
    note1: if someone from north america create an account we cant play with it on brazil.
    note2: we cant create an account as well. when we login say we cant play from this ip or something like that
    note3: using proxy cause extreme lag, since the ping is already really big since we live in south america.
    if someone know how to play without proxy or a proxy REALLY good please tell me
    if u have an account made before juny 2008 and isnt using or want to sell please tell me

    thx and sorry for bad english

  2. #2
    unipbrasilia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Eai cara, sou Brasileiro e tbm jogo MS. tenho uma conta tbm que foi feita antes do ip block e tbm tava precisando de outra sem.
    o que eu fiz foi: criei um novo email no hotmail e etc, fui no site do MS e fiz a conta com esse email.
    na hora de jogar, eu baixei o hotspot shield e instalei.
    você pode clicar no icone do MS normal, ai quando entrar no site vc ativa o hotspot, depois de carregar vc entra na conta criada e da play.
    comigo funciona de boa, o lag nem eh tanto. eh até o mesmo da outra conta, porém as vezes da um lag demais, ai eh soh sair do jogo, pausar o hotspot e iniciar tudo de novo que fica blz.

    English: using hotspot shield will work. i did an account in my country and it worked fine.

  3. #3
    JackSparrowz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Try buying them at **********, maybe they got anything for sale..

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