This tutorial is about a Overwatch bot which automatically solve's Overwatch cases for you.
You will earn extra XP using this bot anf your trust factor might go up to green again.
All my accounts which were on red are green agaib using this bot.
This bot is not made from me and all credits go to BeepIsla.
This bot is open source and free to use.

Im not responsible for anything that happens with your account. This script is absolute safe and I'm using this the whole day on three of my accounts. It is possible to get banned using this script, but as far as I know the chance is not very high. Use at your own risk.

Step 1
Download and install Node.js from
Select ether the LTS or current version, im personally using the current version.

Step 2
Clone/Download the bot from here https://******.com/BeepIsla/CSGO-Overwatch-Bot, there should be an option on the right in green called Download Zip.

Step 3
Extract the folder which is in the Zip file to any location you want.

Step 4
Open the Overwatch folder and press SHIFT + Rightclick, you should see an option called Open Powershell window here.

Step 5
Type in these commands one by one:
npm install
npm audit fix
Your bot should be installed

Step 6
Make a duplicate of the config.json.example and remove the .example

Step 7
Adjust your config now.
I recommend to keep the default config and just put in your login credentials since they are already good in my opinion.

API key is not needed, but information about the suspect will not be displayed such as ban status.
Shared_secret is not needed, you can put in the code at every start of the bot.

Step 8
Run the script by typing in
node index.js
Attention: Closing the Powershell window will close the bot.

Type in
npm install
after every CS:GO update to be up to date.

Why do they need a API key?
The API key is not needed, also any API key from any account can be used.
The script uses this to find the players, for example it gives out the information if the player is already banned or not.

Where do I get my Steam API key?
You can get your Steam API key by following this link
Type in a name for example localhost and generate a API key.
You can rewoke the API key at any time.

Can I also use this on a vServer/Server?
Of course you can, I recommend using a Windows server because it might be more stable.

I got my Steam account VAC banned wtf?
VAC is not running while using this script.
It is not possible to get VAC banned, but there is a small chance getting community banned.
As I said it's using at your own risk.

Why should I use this?
You can get extra XP for your private rank every day.
After a day or less you will get a blue message popping up saying you've earned XP from Overwatch cases when you start CSGO.
Your trust factor might go up very quick too.