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  1. #46
    MagN3tic's Avatar
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    I personally don't believe in god for personal reasons, I don't even know anymore man...

  2. #47
    shadow0x00's Avatar
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    In bible jesus is a black film actors is white

  3. #48
    Rattamouser's Avatar
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    Oh man idk where to start everything you said he did for reason idk what his reasom was hes God he did what he wanted.
    Im not gonna argue that I just know when i die i want there to be more so having a little faith doesnt hurt

  4. #49
    LopplioGaming's Avatar
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    You don't even need to be a religious person or believe in god to answer these questions. Just use common sense, also unsure where you got your information for most of these questions (god is white, looks like us, male, etc)

    - Do other religions go to hell for not believing the true God?
    Depends on the religion you're asking. Most will say yes because their religion (according to them) is the only right one.

    - Why is God a man and not a woman?
    How are you so sure God is a man??

    - Why is God white and not asian or black?
    How do you know what color God is??

    - Why does God look like a human?
    How do you know God looks like a human??

    - Why does God only speak English?
    How do you know God only speaks English?

    - How did God learn our language?
    If God exists, you really think god would struggle with something humans made.
    Besides, some say god knows the future and knew what humans would create before it happened.

    - Why did God make us look like him?
    Uhh what does God look like? You got a picture or something

    - Why didn't God help stop rape, murder, wars, etc?

    - If there was no religion, would God ever to be existed?
    What do you mean? God created religion for humans to follow.

    - Is Christianity really the true religion?
    I'm sure it's not but people can believe what they want.

    - Is Earth the only planet that God has reached?
    God created the entire universe, not just Earth.

    - If God existed, wouldn't that make most species in space look like humans or God himself?
    How do you know there is species in space (aka aliens) and animals on earth don't look like us
    so why would supposed extra terrestrials look like us?
    Last edited by LopplioGaming; 08-02-2019 at 11:02 PM.

  5. #50
    Charion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LopplioGaming View Post
    You don't even need to be a religious person or believe in god to answer these questions. Just use common sense, also unsure where you got your information for most of these questions (god is white, looks like us, male, etc)

    - Do other religions go to hell for not believing the true God?
    Depends on the religion you're asking. Most will say yes because their religion (according to them) is the only right one.

    - Why is God a man and not a woman?
    How are you so sure God is a man??

    - Why is God white and not asian or black?
    How do you know what color God is??

    - Why does God look like a human?
    How do you know God looks like a human??

    - Why does God only speak English?
    How do you know God only speaks English?

    - How did God learn our language?
    If God exists, you really think god would struggle with something humans made.
    Besides, some say god knows the future and knew what humans would create before it happened.

    - Why did God make us look like him?
    Uhh what does God look like? You got a picture or something

    - Why didn't God help stop rape, murder, wars, etc?

    - If there was no religion, would God ever to be existed?
    What do you mean? God created religion for humans to follow.

    - Is Christianity really the true religion?
    I'm sure it's not but people can believe what they want.

    - Is Earth the only planet that God has reached?
    God created the entire universe, not just Earth.

    - If God existed, wouldn't that make most species in space look like humans or God himself?
    How do you know there is species in space (aka aliens) and animals on earth don't look like us
    so why would supposed extra terrestrials look like us?
    How do you know God made universe?

    No religious is real religious if its being used to justify shit and all of that jazz
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  6. #51
    LopplioGaming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Index.php View Post
    How do you know God made universe?

    No religious is real religious if its being used to justify shit and all of that jazz
    If he has the power to create planets, stars, moons, humans, etc. He probably has the power to create much more, including the universe.

    I would say "The universe didn't make itself, thus God made it" but then someone will probably ask "Then who created God, he couldn't have created himself just like the universe couldn't have created itself" and that's a question no one can answer. However, being unable to answer something like that does not mean religion/God isn't real, it's just something we don't have an understanding of, and probably never will.

    AFAIK, most religions claim that they were originally created by God himself or through someone receiving information from God (prophet).
    What do you mean religion is used to justify things? Are you referring to one in specific, or just in general and what type of things?

  7. #52
    KryptoKing's Avatar
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    We know God exists because he pursues us. He is constantly initiating and seeking for us to come to him

  8. #53
    Crypto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra View Post
    Disclaimer: I'm not trying to discourage Christianity or claim anything bad, I'm just giving my perspective of God's existence.

    I've always been uncomfortable talking about God and who I truly believe in, but to be honest, I don't know what to believe anymore. Growing up in place where people were christian made me a christian as well, but thinking about the reality of God, I'm starting to doubt his existence.

    These are few questions that make me wonder about God's existence.

    - Do other religions go to hell for not believing the true God?
    - Why is God a man and not a woman?
    - Why is God white and not asian or black?
    - Why does God look like a human?
    - Why does God only speak English?
    - How did God learn our language?
    - Why did God make us look like him?
    - Why didn't God help stop rape, murder, wars, etc?
    - If there was no religion, would God ever to be existed?
    - Is Christianity really the true religion?
    - Is Earth the only planet that God has reached?
    - If God existed, wouldn't that make most species in space look like humans or God himself?

    Another interesting thing I found was, how would God's rules apply to animals?

    "Paradise is open to all of God's creatures" quoted from Pope Francis.

    So if a dog doesn't believe in God or follow his path, he still gets to go to heaven?

    - Why didn't God make animals look like God himself but made us look like him?
    - What if a dog doesn't believe in God?
    - What if a dog has sinned a? Will he still go to heaven?
    - How would a dog know what to believe/follow?
    - If a dog can't ask for forgiveness, what other option would God give for redemption for dogs?

    God is described to be this white and powerful man. But, doesn't that sound like what a white supremacy man would made up? White is considered the superior race, and man is considered the dominant gender. Aren't there some little connections there? I mean why couldn't God be a man or woman and be black at the same time? Would that represent something evil? (No offense)

    Would God blame a child if the child was to believe some other false God? I mean children are easily manipulative, depending on the environment they lived in. Not everyone would believe in God because they're manipulated in every way, how will God even convince people to follow him if he doesn't show evidence of his existence? Should God sent a child to hell just because he followed the wrong path? That he was blind to see God's path? When I say sent to hell, I don't literally mean God sending him to hell, but rather not accepting him to be in heaven.

    There are hundreds of thousands of questions that Christians cannot answer alone. They can answer most questions, but, just because there is an answer, it doesn't mean that it is a correct one.


    It's really hard for me to tell if he's even real, and thinking about it really confuses me. I'm starting to not believe in him, I don't know who that makes me. I technically have no religion. But the encourage of Christianity from my family really makes me wish he was real.

    I'm not the only one who has questions about God's existence, the modern society are doubting God's existence because we don't actually have proof of it. How else are we to follow his path?

    I honestly think God was created by humans themselves to give humanity hope and to shape humanity in the right way, because if there was no higher power, one can be so cruel.

    Give me your opinions about God, do you think he's real?

    - The only existence of God is a man's word.
    Hello my friend. As a Muslim I must say that I love your post. There is a certain point in our lives when one must choose to either follow the religion of their parents or to find their own way. I decided to make the religion of my parents my own after extensive self reflection, meditation and inquiry.

    Let me tell you what Islam teaches beyond the propaganda and slander you hear on the news. I personally believe that your experiences of having christianity shoved down your throat at a young age sowed resentment into your heart towards monothiesm, but I want to show you a middle way between the idea of a white christian male god and no god at all. This is what it is:

    To answer your questions from my perspective:
    1. Do people go to hell for not believing in God or not believing in a specific interpretation of God? In Islam, we believe that people are judged on the knowledge they have and how they act on that knowledge. In the Quran, God says "We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?" (41:53). What God is saying here is that within people's lives, God will show them the truth if they search for it, but God is a witness of what is in peoples' hearts, and whether or not they are sincere or not. Also, God is the most just and merciful in Islam, so if a Christian, Jew, athiest, or other believer lived their life positively to the best of their ability, they would be judged in that manner.

    2 and 3. Why is God white and not asian or black? In Christianity, it is commonly believe that God is three but also one, which frankly to me does not make sense. How can be God be an infinite creator but also be a white blond haired blue eyed creation of himself? (which doesnt make sense since in Christianity Jesus was born in the middle east). In Islam, we believe that God is an infinite being that is not human and is only one. He has no partners or alternatives, he lives outside of space and time, and cannot be imagined by his creation (us). Why do we use the term 'he' then? We say he as a literary term since it translates that way from Arabic. God is not actually a male or female in our belief system since he is not human. I hope this somewhat answers these questions.

    4. I pretty much already answered this from my belief system. I am not christian so I cannot speak for Christianity as I don't believe it as an uncorrupted religion.

    5. Again, God is not human and we both can agree that it wouldn't make sense for him to be so. As I read through this, I am starting to realize more and more that you are an agnostic and not an athiest. You just are resentful because christianity has not filled the existential void in your heart and mind. This is why I urge you to dig deeper and research other religions.

    6. How did God learn our language? If God is the creator of everything, then he created our language too. In Islam, we believe in Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) as a messenger of God instead of God himself as the Christians do. This is an irrational idea since a creation of God cannot be God himself.

    7. Why did God make us look like him? This has already been answered from my perspective as I believe God is beyond human limitations.

    8. Why didn't God stop rape, murder, wars, etc? Great question. As a Muslim, I believe that this life is a test, and that God allows negative actions to happen so that humans have a chance to repent and turn back. If they knowingly commit evil and do not turn back then they will be punished in the afterlife as well as probably in this life. If there was no turmoil on Earth, then we might as well be in heaven. But God wants to test us for US, not for him, since he already knows who the true good and bad people are. He is giving us this life as a test and example so that WE may understand why we are going to heaven or hell. Think about this, is a test a test if you are given a cheat sheet? No. This is why not everyone knows the true nature and secret of life, and not everyone follows one religion.

    9. If there was no religion, would God ever to be existed? I do not understand. At least in Islam, we believe that our sole purpose on earth is to worship God and live our lives positively under his rules which we know to be true through a preserved holy book and through inquiry as you have done here.

    I would answer all of your questions but I have to sleep now. I feel like you have been decieved by the idea of thinking that the only way to worship God is christianity. My friend, you need to do research on other religions. If you want to see what islam has to say without the media backlash and bullshit fear tactics, then check out this website:

    if you arent the original poster and are reading this, good luck with your quarantine and don't forget to do something fullfilling today

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by LopplioGaming View Post
    If he has the power to create planets, stars, moons, humans, etc. He probably has the power to create much more, including the universe.

    I would say "The universe didn't make itself, thus God made it" but then someone will probably ask "Then who created God, he couldn't have created himself just like the universe couldn't have created itself" and that's a question no one can answer. However, being unable to answer something like that does not mean religion/God isn't real, it's just something we don't have an understanding of, and probably never will.

    AFAIK, most religions claim that they were originally created by God himself or through someone receiving information from God (prophet).
    What do you mean religion is used to justify things? Are you referring to one in specific, or just in general and what type of things?
    What if the answer to that question was that nothing needs to create God because God is outside of space and time, and created the single point that led to the big bang?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by KryptoKing View Post
    We know God exists because he pursues us. He is constantly initiating and seeking for us to come to him
    You are awake. Most have their third eye blocked because of negative action and evil that is part of their character from habitual action. Keep searching for God in your life and pray to the infinite intelligence to guide you ever closer to the truth

  9. #54
    cornerpath's Avatar
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    God is black/Dark brown according to the bible, he gives his skin color twice! The middle east wasn't called the middle east until after ww1 or ww2 If I can remember correctly. That place known as today middle east.. is still north east Africa no matter how you put it.

  10. #55
    kr_nekdo's Avatar
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    God exists only in our heads. Remember that

  11. #56
    tokoyo2468's Avatar
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    watch the Netflix series show the story of god by Morgan freeman

  12. #57
    Novatastic's Avatar
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