Quote Originally Posted by jim2029 View Post
So the b5 file does work on b6, but once your enable God Mode, you can't shut it off.... When you shut it off, you still have unlimited health. Stamina will go down as you run and such. Don't know what will it take to fix as I'm not much of a programmer. I've used the dnSpy in the past, but the guide is too out of date for me to make it work anymore... I found the debug area, but editing it all to look like the guide breaks it for me.
Here is a newer tutorial on how to update it yourself that might help from makakel99 at unknown cheats (dono if I am allowed to link to it but you can find it easily enough using a search engine). I do not deserve credit for this since I just did a quick copy/paste job, Nor can I help you with it (I would just suggest you go to the site this was on which I told you how to find above.)

If you want to update the Assembly-CSharp.dll yourself, here is how to:
-get this software dnSpy x64
-Locate your assembly dll-file for 7 days and make a bakup of it, incase you screw up. ("C:"whereever your steam folder is"\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\*")

- Open Assembly-CSharp.dll in dnSpy x64 and mark the assembly file in the file list and the click "Ctrl+Shift+K" and type "location"

- right click inside the code space on the code to want to edit> select Edit IL Instructions> make the edit

    Creative Mode Location (move next() should end up in line 737 in IL View)
    GameManager.<startGameCo>d__121.MoveNext ------- +a few lines down til you see  	IL_01A5:	ldfld	bool GameManager::isEditMode
    Achievements Enabled with Cheats
     "above all" > "Create New" ldc.i4.1 > "Create New" ret

In the latest update the Creative Menu IL code looks like this:
    131	0190	stfld		bool GameManager::isEditMode
    132	0195	ldc.i4.s	0x2C
    133	0197	ldloc.1
    134	0198	call		instance bool GameManager::IsEditMode()
    135	019D	call		void GamePrefs::Set(valuetype EnumGamePrefs, bool)
    136	01A2	ldc.i4.s	0x2B
    137	01A4	ldloc.1
    138	01A5	ldfld		bool GameManager::isEditMode
    139	01AA	brtrue.s	142 (01B3) ldc.i4.1 
    140	01AC	call		bool GameUtils::IsPlaytesting()
    141	01B1	br.s		143 (01B4) call void GamePrefs::Set(valuetype EnumGamePrefs, bool)
    142	01B3	ldc.i4.1
    143	01B4	call		void GamePrefs::Set(valuetype EnumGamePrefs, bool)
    144	01B9	ldc.i4.s	0x2D
    145	01BB	ldloc.1
    146	01BC	ldfld		bool GameManager::isEditMode
    147	01C1	brtrue.s	150 (01CA) ldc.i4.1 
    148	01C3	call		bool GameUtils::IsPlaytesting()
    149	01C8	br.s		151 (01CB) call void GamePrefs::Set(valuetype EnumGamePrefs, bool)
    150	01CA	ldc.i4.1
    151	01CB	call		void GamePrefs::Set(valuetype EnumGamePrefs, bool)
Simply change both brtrue.s to brfalse.s and creative menu will be enabled.
    139	01AA	brfalse.s
    147	01C1	brfalse.s
    brfalse.s <int8 (target)>	Branch to target if value is zero (false), short form.	Base instruction
    brtrue.s <int8 (target)>	Branch to target if value is non-zero (true), short form.	Base instruction
Caution! This is for educational purposes only. Use at your own risk. And play with caution!