Quote Originally Posted by Azerila View Post

give account access to the Terry
if you did not change your password show us the proof

yeah we are not fair. 80% of seller here use TG or Disc. thats prema ban and we ignor it since we are not fair keep that in mind you .

anyway do you have proof user changed password access to account ?

if he did deliver pass follow what you said upgrade it.
I'll keep it brief and even after being warned the user is using abusive language and making up more lies and its all ok?
I delivered the account on 12 November 2022 @ 1:17 AM London time.

The user was provided with RDP,ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT with no additional user whatsoever.
The paypal,gmail,google voice,all the cookies and everything was included & there were special instructions given to the user.

Basically there are only 2 parties who have had the access to the account.
Me & @colorit

Quote Originally Posted by colorit View Post
@Azerila @Lily
I told you right away that I couldn't log in to my account to take screenshots! And the fact that he didn't respond to my messages for 3! days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't that tell you anything?!?!?! Why are you starting all this? First he claimed that he had not heard about the business account, and now it turns out that he has! Do you see the logic in his words?! At first he denied it and tried every way not to take responsibility for his actions, and you're still listening to him?
The man lies all the time! You read again the thread I created and what he says there at the beginning and at the end!!!! This is some kind of kindergarten! This rat is really annoying!
a) I didn't hear about the business account
b) I have not conducted transactions here and will not respond
c) oops, I can upgrade
d) he changed his password

I wrote in the first post what and how, described the whole situation! I'm sick and tired of repeating to this rotten rat, who is banned everywhere for scamming, that she is a rat!
I read her arbitrage here, all the same, all the same, he does not sell anything, but only promises! And then he begs to be brought back to the site! he even gives back his debts incompletely, if he does! It's a rat! Who decided to screw someone over again and it didn't work!

I ask the admins to ban all accounts permanently! Enough is enough!


One more thing!!!
If I changed my password, why didn't you write right away!?!?! In arbitrage?!?!?!?
is a rhetorical question, everything is clear, you really hoped that the administration would not even consider my claim! But alas! You're a rat! Who couldn't get away with it!
@Azerila @Lily
I ask the admins to ban all accounts permanently! Enough is enough!
the fact that he didn't respond to my messages for 3! days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't that tell you anything?!?!?! Why are you starting all this?
You messaged me and started barking like mad bitch which is the only reason I didn't reply had you spoken decently I am here even for my worst customers and we had come to an agreement.
About telling you anything and why are they starting all this is because you are lying piece of shit who is fucking stuttered when the staff really took interest into the matter & wanted this to be completed. the fact remains you changed it all and trying to steal 800$ worth of account + ask for a refund which isn't any option here.

I will have a simple answer to all your questions.

Give me access to the RDP & paypal account and I will upgrade it to a business account & provide Incorporation ceritifacte and documents that comes with it. & infomation ofcourse.
@Azerila @colorit