1; Perks Vs Scpecimens
You dont know wich perk is the best against wich specimen?
Well its a hard question...

Lets see:

1; Cloat:

Mainly the cloat is the most weak specimen... Every perk can kill it easily.
Thought the best is the berserker, because the cloat"s ability, than he can grab u, and u cant move, And if u using berserk perk, the cloats cant grab u.

2; Crawler
Well the worst perk against them is the berserk, because hard to hit them, they are too small.
The best is the commando, the command shoot fast, and the crawlers every time being in a small team...

3; Gorefast
The gorefast is the second in the ranking. Not too hard to kill, but it can run fstly. Well 2 perks can be the best.
The first is the SHARPSHOOTER, because the sharps easily shoot down their head, and they loose theit ability.
The second is the MEDIC, because the edics can run faster then the other perks, except the berserk with meele weapon.

4; Bloat
The bloat is a big fat ugly thing... XD
Again the 2 best perk agains him is the Sharp or the medic...
Because the Sharp shoot own him head, and he loose him ability than he can puke on you. An it instantly hurt u for some second.
The medic is the second because the puke dont hurt as many, as on the other perks.

5; Siren
The third on the "Most hated" ranking list. They are screaming and it damaging in a large area. The best, if you keep distance from her, than the best perk is the SharpShooter.

6; Stalker
The best is clearly the commande, because they can see the stalkers in close range...

7; Husk
The best, is... well maybe the sharpshooter. They can shoot down the husk's head from 1 shot...

8; Scrake
Well, everybody have the own opinion, wich is the best gainst the scrake...
There is no perfect Perk.
But the best is 3 perk in Co-Op

1; The Firebug, they burn the scrake, and the fire do a lot of damage on the SC, in a short time, and auto-hurt for some second.
2; The Berserk, Because they can block the SC, with katana, or Axe, if they do headshots.
3; The Demolition, They can do Huge damage in a short period of time.

9; Flesh Pound
This is the thoughest enemy. If you see a flesh u will need the full team to kill them (on NORMAL, or above)
Well, no pronounced perk for the FP.
They can do the highest damage in the shortest time. But they will need a medic, who heal them fastly...

10; Patriarch
The big he. The boss. He have HUGEEEE amount of HP, and if he take too much damage, he go into invisible, and heal himself.
Completely no advicable perk for the patriarch, the best, if you make a team, wich can heal itself fast, and do HUGEE damage.

Wich specimen is wich







Flesh Pound
