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    Hurkancs's Avatar
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    CyberRepublik review


    This is a short review of a new game (Full release today)

    1. CyberRepublik is war-economical strategy what simulates the politicly-social situation of the Real world to the Cyber world. The game is 1 day alive and have ~3000 population, have’s potential and deserves a chance. In the game you are citizen what is abble to Study, Train, Work, Fight. Also you can be businessman, owner of company, president of party, congressman, president of your country, minister, ambasador, owner of house, journalist etc.
    2. In CyberRepublik you are soldier too. The game has 2 alliances now GAS (Republic of Macedonia, Spain , USA , BiH, Indonesia, Germany Hungary) and ODEA (Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Romania, Sweden), the other countries are neutral. Every country is on risk by being attacked by its neigbor-enemy. In the war can fight all countries what have MPP (Multy Protectional Pact) with the atacker/defender. Every citizen what fights makes damage what depends of the military rank, military skill, quality of weapon, quality of the ammo, if its member/captain/commander of military unit etc. In CyberRepublik there are 3 skills: Gun, Heli , Tank and 52 military ranks. Every citizen trains and improves his skill. The Military Rank depends of the total dmg you have made. If your country falls unde occupation you can get it back by Resistance Wars.
    3. Will you be the best fighter in your country,world? You can be the best fighter only if you “own” the economic module in cRep. In cRep there are 3 economical skills: Manufacture, Land and Construction. What skill you will study it debends on you. For every skill there are companies. For Manu there are : Ammo, Food, Gift, Heli, Tank and Gun companies. For Land there are: Grain, Wood, Dust, Oil, Diamonds companies. For construction there are: Hospital and Defence System companies. To produce final product you will need raw what is producing in the Land companies. Every citizen is abble to own and menage companies.

    Final tought: Worth of try

    Game Title: CyberRepublik
    Platform(s): Browser based game
    Release Date(s): 29.7.2012.
    Genre(s):war-economical strategy
    ESRB/PEGI Rating:
    (Original) New Price: Free to play

    About the game:

    Gameplay, Graphics and Sound/Effects: Very pleasant gameplay

    Pros and Cons:
    Doesn't take much time to play
    Simple game, everyone can play it

    Presentation: 9
    Gameplay: 8
    Graphics: 8
    Sound: -
    Overall Score: 9
    Last edited by Hurkancs; 07-28-2012 at 05:55 PM.
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