Thread: Aleve PvP Tips

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    aleve123's Avatar
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    Aleve PvP Tips

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Table of contents
    [I] General Advanced PvP Tips
    1. Common PvP Vocabulary
    2. Introduction to PvP
    3. Bludrut Brawl Guide
    4. List of items in Dumoose's Reward Shop
    5. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

    [II] Pre-Battle Preparation
    1. Mid-battle Tips (Hotkeys, Sliding, Defending the defense, Strategies for each class)
    2. Recommended Potions

    [III] 1 vs 1 PvP/General Weaknesses For Classes
    1. Introduction to 1 vs 1 PvP
    2. Tips for 1 vs 1
    3. General Weaknesses for Classes

    Part I: General Advanced PvP Tips

    Common PvP Vocabulary
    • Sliding: Moving while attacking. Sliding is useful to avoid being attacked.
    • Tanking: A single target with high defenses taking most of the damage in order for other players to attack freely.
    • Debuff: A status effect that has a negative impact on your opponent's stats.
    • Buff: A status effect that has a possitive impact on your character's (or a friendly target's) stats.
    • Build: The enhancements your have equiped. (See Trog's Useful/Recommended Class Builds Guide for more information on builds/enhancements.)
    • Room Hopping: Moving from room to room to avoid being attacked/killed.
    • AoE: Area of Effect. (Attacking multiple targets)
    • DPS: Damage Per Second.
    • HoT: Healing over Time.
    • Crit: Short for "Critical". Critical hits are in orange text.
    • DoT: Damage over Time.

    Bludrut Brawl Guide!

    Here's a basic guide to the current PvP map, Bludrut Brawl.


    Bludrut Brawl. The 'backbone' of PvP. Matches can be quite long, fights can be tough.
    Low levels are usually prey, and are attacked first in PvP Action. To dominate the fight I suggest you aim to be at 'the top of the food chain' so to speak. Taking into consideration the highest levels, Level 50+ should give you a great chance.

    Classes and Enhancements
    • Dragonlord (Special Offer): Very good class to deal massive damage. It can also heal and attack two targets at once.
    • Ninja/Assassin (Non Member): One of the best Non Member classes. Very quick and access to a stun.
    • (Beta) Berserker ((Non) Member): Good (Non) Member class that can be deadly at low health.
    • Rogue/Renegade (Non member): Best non member class. Lots of damage and insane evasion.
    • Healer/Acolyte (Non Member/Member): One of the best healing classes in the game. Use this class to heal yourself, and your team mates.
    • Shaman (Non member): This class is amazing for PvP. It can hit very high, and can attack up to three targets at once.
    • Alpha Omega/Doomega (Non member/Member): Very high damage, can heal and one of the best tanker class.
    • Oracle(Non member):Semi-Tank class, can deal average damage, foresight gives you critical on your auto attack until it fades.
    • Chaos Slayer(Non member): Very high damage, can reduce opponent's damage dramatically, and can heal too. Good for tanking.
    • Troll Spellsmith(Non member): Also know as beast on 8vs8. High damage, can slow opponent's attack speed, can stun, and also heal. Best class for 8vs8.
    • Mindbreaker (Special Offer): Massive damage, can heal, and good for tanking.
    • Elemental Dracomancer (Non member): Greatly reduced opponent's damage, high damage and good for tanking.
    • Doomknight Overlord (Special Offer): Can deal very big damage, good for killing brawlers.
    • Pyromancer (Non member): OP class a.k.a broken class, heal and DoT will make the players win with this class.
    • Darkblood Stormking: Massive damage, heal, not bad for 8vs8

    Since Bludrut Brawl is about teamwork, it'd be useful to have a healer around. Classes that can attack more than one target are also very effective in this high-speed and furious environment.

    Always make sure you have the best enhancements equiped for your level and set. For more about this go to this guide at the introduction. Make sure you have a Helmet, a Cape, and a Weapon so your enhancements can give you more stats. The more equipment, the higher the stats (except for Pets, Pets do not grant you stats if they are equipped). Before joining Bludrut Brawl, make sure you have the highest possible stats you can obtain from your current enhancements, and you have all of the needed equipment (Helmet, Cape, Weapon). Once you are finished, you are ready to fight.

    Getting to know Bludrut Brawl

    Now, before you can dominate, learn your environment and your enemies.

    To win a Bludrut Brawl match you must kill the opposing team's Boss. Several factors combine to make him weaker.

    First of all, the more Brawlers your team defeats, the less damage the Captain will do. In other words, the Captain will do more damage for each remaining Brawler. The Restorers function similarly. The captain will heal itself more for each remaining Restorer. So the more you kill, the less you have to worry about the captain healing.

    Techniques to win!

    Everyone wants to win. Now, here are the techniques. (here is a map for Bludrut Brawl)

    Tell your team to attack Restorers, then Brawlers to raise your points quicker. The other team will be trying to do this too, so it's imperative that you gain the upper-hand early in the game.

    Here are the enemies you will be facing:

    Team A and Team B Restorers(Depending on which team you are on).
    Level: 255
    Total HP: 5,000
    • High Frequency Scream: 150-200
    • Sonic Zoom: 150-200

    Team A and Team B Brawlers
    Level: 255
    Total HP: 15,000
    • Slash: 150-200
    • Smokey Ninja Slash: 150-200

    Team A and Team B Captains
    Level: 255
    Total HP: 35,000
    Average damage with Brawlers a******
    400-800 non critical hits
    Critical hits being 1,000-1,400.
    Average damage after defeating the Brawlers:

    • Does more damage for each remaining brawler.
    • Heals himself more for each remaining restorer.
    • Defeating him will automatically win you the match.
    • And of course: your enemies. Level 1-60. Damage can vary from 1-19,000.

    If an opponent is running back and forth, use Rogue's ''Viper's Kiss'' skill on them so they will be poisoned when they run around trying to avoid you. Viper's Kiss inflicts 50% of your weapon's damage without landing a hit, so when your opponent finally stops running around, you will have him right where you want him.

    Make sure you have potions equipped.

    First one to 1000 points wins and gets 3-10 trophies based off of how many Brawlers you defeated.

    • When you enter the Warzone, Press the V-key on your keyboard to display health bars of every player around you. This makes picking off weakened and dying enemies so much easier!
    • Whenever an enemy player kills you, the enemy team scores 10 points. However, if you die by the hand of an enemy NPC, they get no points. So, if you're low on health and about to die, try and get yourself killed by an NPC rather than a player. Of course potions/healers are the more desirable option, but if all else fails, die by an NPC and don't feed the other team points!
    • Every defeated enemy NPC generates 5 points for your team per 5 seconds. So killing all restorers means you get 20 points "per tick". Every defeated enemy player grants your team 10 points per kill.
    • Sitting down to rest doesn't work (except in your team's safe zone). Asides from that, it doesn't matter whether you sit, stand, dance or whatever. You won't regenerate faster by sitting down.
    • The enemy team CAN NOT read your chat! Stop wasting time by starting every sentence with "Team A" or by insulting the opposing team. They cannot read it.
    • General defence strategy: When you're attacking several players who are busy fighting your restorers or brawlers, don't stand next to them. Stand right in the middle of them. That way, you're a royal pain for them to target, because they'll mostly just click their team mates or the restorers instead.
    • If you have trouble targeting a player, hit the ESC button to remove your current target, run past the enemy player and keep spamming hotkeys - as soon as you're in range, you will automatically target and attack him/her.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails


    Last edited by aleve123; 07-09-2014 at 05:45 PM.

  2. #2
    aleve123's Avatar
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    Part II: Pre-Battle Preparation


    1) Make sure you are wearing every kind of equipable item (pets not included). Every piece of equipment provides a boost in PvP, therefore you want to wear all the equipment you possibly can. This includes an amulet, cape, and helm.

    2) Make sure you turn pets, capes, helms, and/or quality off/down. Also, close any high memory programs. PvP can slow down your computer at times, so it's ideal to dispose of anything that will worsen that scenario.

    3) The smaller the equips, the better. It will make you harder to click if you are wearing little to no armour. Since helms and capes are now able to be toggled, you may wear any cape or helm you want, as long as you turn it off if you want to follow this tip. Bodiless Horseman Morph and Unarmed are great examples, as it makes your armor and weapon completely invisible. If you are looking for a weapon with a wider damage range that's also reasonably small, try something like the Frost Matriarch Sword.

    Mid-battle tips

    Use Hotkeys

    Hotkeys are the numbers 1-6 on your keyboard. These buttons allow you use your skills by pressing them instead of clicking them on your screen. This is especially useful when moving and attacking simultaneously since you don't have to move your mouse to click the skill icons. Upon mastering hotkeys, you won't even have to redirect your eyes from the PvP field. (Pressing 6 uses your potion, only if you have one equipped.)

    Move while attacking

    Though this skill is hard to master and can be broken through easily, it still gives a slight advantage in PvP. To do this, simply spam your auto attack while clicking away from your target. When you learn to do this quickly, you will be slightly harder to target. While this doesn't help much in a lot of cases, a little help is better than nothing. Please keep in mind that another seasoned PvPer will still be able to target you easily most of the time. Also note that this will completely destroy laptop users without a hardware mouse attached.

    Heres a tutorial on how to slide.

    Defend their Defense

    If I'm not mistaken, every class , with the exception of No class, has a either a debuff, a skill that lowers your defences, or a skill that raises your own. These skills include Safeguard, Breaker, Onguard, Imbalancing Strike, Shadowblade, Seating Heat, ect. It would be a smart move to expect them and take defensive measures against them. Some defensive skills are too powerful to overpower, therefore you are forced to either run from them, or die. Some of these skills include Shadowblade, Breaker, and Footwork. These defences are limited, and are best fought against when ran from. All you need to do is run away until some of the time of the skill passes, then comeback when it's near its end. That way, you actually have a chance of winning. The only class that has a good chance to take a rogue head on without running is ninja. Warrior has a pretty good skill against the dodge, but that is not enough is that is the only hits the warrior is getting. When you have unavoidable skills against a dodging target, simply base your skill rotation around using them.

    Although Prepared Strike isn't in the debuff category, it does have a strict limit. Since I'm on that subject, I'm saying you can use this limit to your advantage. Any stun attack lasts long enough to nullify prepared strike. Whenever you see it coming, simply stun your target and avoid the damage.

    Playing Styles /me

    There are numerous classes, styles, and strategies in PvP. To maximize your PvP skill, you must know exactly what your role is to your team.
    • Offensive: Attack the opposing team's players at all costs.
    • Semi-Offensive: Attack the opposing team's NPCs while clearing all threats in the way.
    • Hybrid Offensive: Attack your opponent, then defend.
    • Hybrid Defensive: Defend yourself/ your teammates, then attack.
    • Defensive: Defend at all costs.

    Most players take the offensive or semi-offensive strategy. Therefore, those that choose other strategies will fill vacant roles that are vital to the survival of the team. This is why teams that have players defending their Restorers and attacking at the same time tend to win against those that all take the (semi-)offensive approach.

    Aleve 8vs8 First in First Die Strategy

    You and your teammates, wait on the middle room(the room without brawler), then wait until your enemy enter your room. Tell someone to kill the restorer to trick them so they'll come immediately. If someone entered your room, use your best skill, the first enemy who entered the room will die. Make sure there's a damage dealer in your room(TSS, Darkblood SK, Chaos Slayer, Alpha Omega, etc)

    Potions and Scrolls

    Potions and scrolls greatly help in PvP. Most players don't use them, so it might throw your opponent off-guard. They give you an edge, especially when you are using them in a typical skill rotation that requires a brief pause to conserve mana.

    With new potions in Reens Potion Shop in /join arcangrove, and Daily Potion Quests, they are now a lot more useful! Pick your potions based on your strategy. Here are some recommended potions for the different types of classes.

    Fighter Classes

    Viper's Blood
    Increases Haste and Crit Chance by 50%. This will make these classes fast and powerful! (Works best with a high amount of Luck)
    Sparrow's Blood
    Increases Haste by 20%, Evasion by 50% and grants a HoT effect. This will make these classes strong, fast, evasive, and Resilient!
    Health Potion
    This will help these classes last longer in battle.

    Wizard Classes

    Mana Potion
    Always carry these so that you have reserve mana to cast more spells.
    Potion of Evasion
    Since these classes aren't very evasive and can take a lot of damage in just a few seconds, you'll need this to last longer.

    Thief classes (This includes Ninja even though it's a Hybrid)

    Viper's Blood
    Increases Haste and Crit Chance by 50%. Since these classes are already fast, you'll defeat your opponent in mere seconds because you'll be dealing many crits at a high speed.
    Potion of Evasion
    Since these classes are already very evasive, you'll hardly take any damage since this potion grants you 50% more Evasion and 20% Haste.

    Healer Classes

    Health Potion
    Useful when your healing spell is still cooling down or when you run out of mana.
    Potion of Evasion
    You'll need to last long so that you can help your allies longer! With an extra 50% haste, you'll be able to dodge a lot of attacks.
    Mana Potion
    Very useful when you run out of mana. Since you are a caster class, you'll need a lot of mana to heal.

    Hybrid classes (Except Ninja)

    Mana Potion
    Since most hybrids tend to use a lot of mana, you will really need this potion a lot so that you can use your skills more.
    Health Potion
    Since some Hybrids don't last very long, you'll need this to heal you when you need it most.

    These potions are just suggestions, you may change them if you want.
    Last edited by aleve123; 07-09-2014 at 09:57 AM.

  3. #3
    aleve123's Avatar
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    Part III: 1 vs 1 PvP

    To get you started, first type /join doomarena, or click the button in /battleon that says '1 vs 1 PvP' (in the menu at the right). There, you will see two NPCs.

    "You stand in the ruins of a once-great Arena. It is only fitting that its twisted rebirth host your descent into darkness. The losers who have came before you are now nothing more than research materials and spare parts. Are you so eager to join them? Yes? Then prepare for battle!"

    Master of PvP warfare
    "Welcome to the new Doomwood Arena, hero. Don't let my appearance disturb you. As the PvP Master for the realm I always wear the latest in Player Versus Player gear.
    Here you can battle other heroes in single combat. Just the two of you."

    To PvP with a friend, tell the person you would like to battle to type /join doomarenaa-####, /join doomarenab-####, /join doomarenac-#### or /join doomarenad-#### (where #### = numbers of your choice), and also you can type /duel playername. They all take you to the same map, but different rooms, as shown here.
    To PvP with a stranger, click the ''1 vs 1 Strangers'' button at the NPC Dumoose. It will then queue you for a 1 vs 1 PvP fight with someone random in the server you are in.

    1 vs 1 Rewards from Dumoose's reward shop
    DoomWood Arena Shop

    1 vs 1 Quest(s)

    Victory Most Honorable
    Note: This quest can only be done once a day.

    "Defeat 10 foes in single combat. Return to me once that have won ten 1 vs 1 PvP battles and I will award you with a 1 vs 1 PvP Trophy which you can use to buy 1 vs 1 PvP items!"

    Items Required:
    DoomWood Token x10

    0 Gold
    0 XP
    1v1 PvP Trophy x1

    What I seemed to notice about 1 vs 1 PvP is this:

    Fast Combat: It goes by really fast, so spam all of your best skills early. If you have lag before hand, try to reduce it, or the lag will end up costing you the match. Refer to the clearing your cache guide on how to get rid of the dreaded lag.

    Lag: As said above, lag is a huge issue. I'd suggest turning off Capes, Pets, and Helmets to reduce Lag. Using equipment that does not have an animation may help reduce lag as well.

    The best classes in 1 vs 1 PvP tend to be the fast ones. Those that can easily spam their skills to get a good damage output. Examples would be Dragonlord or Rogue. Basically, to succeed at 1 vs 1 PvP, you have to be fast. Do everything you can to keep lag away, spam your skills, and use classes that can deal damage fast.

    Tips for 1 vs 1 PvP

    Here are some of my tips for 1 vs 1:
    • Use U: If you press the button U on your keyboard before the battle you can see what class your opponent is using and you know what strategy to use. Typing /who and then pressing the 'enter' key or the 'send' button on the chatbox will also show the list of people in the room (your opponent) and what class he/she is using.
    • Sliding: I think Doomarenac is best for sliding. A powerful Mage or Shaman can be a real threat there. Make sure you have a class with good range, such as Ranger, or Mage/Wizard/Shaman. And I think ranger is the best sliding class.
    • Rogue/Ninja: These are nightmares in PvP. In 1 vs 1 they dodge and fight while you can't do anything if you're unprepared. Sliding is the best strategy against them. Stay away from them until Footwork (or similar moves) expire and then attack. Anything that keeps them from attacking or moving, such as Shaman's Elemental Embrace or stun moves can make Rogues suffer.
    • Class: Warriors (and anything with the same skill set as it, such as Beast Warrior and Pumpkin Lord) and Rogues/Ninjas (and anything with the same skillset as Rogue, such as Vampire, Alpha Pirate, and Pirate) are the most common classes in 1 vs 1. Try to use a class that can counter them.

    How to Counter Sliding:
    • Counter 1: Ranged Attacks and Classes
      Go up against them with any class that has a ranged skill and let that be one of your main sources of damage. (Provided that the skill is Mana-efficient.)
    • Counter 2: Go with the Flow
      Copy their movement. Follow them wherever they go. If you seem them going to the right, click to the right. If they go left, click to the left, etc. Spamming your Auto Attack is NOT wise. You'll be running and stopping while the opponent is still constantly moving.
    • Counter 3: Stuns
      Stuns will keep the opponent in place for a short amount of time, during which you can freely dish out damage. Some classes with a good stun are Warrior, Ninja and Starlord.

    How sliding works: Battle animation works the same way that emotes do. You can /dance and continue running around and everyone will see you dancing and sliding at the same time and you can keep doing that as you drag on the movement. The same thing happens with battle animation, producing the effect of sliding.

    General Weaknesses for Classes
    • DoomKnight: Taking damage and the complete manipulation of range will kill most any DmK, really. Hopping stuns can throw it off it's damage track as well. Nerfs, range, stuns, anything really. It has problems with near anything you throw at it.
    • Paladin: It's lack of mana regen and it's ability to waste that mana so easily. Basically just keep hopping around and nerfing (if you have one) until their mana dies out from heals, the AoE and Zeals. Do whatever you can to stop Zeal's mana income and they're trashed.
    • Rogue and clones: Everything is in timing. Hopping often will destroy timing and lag will destroy timing.
    • Dragonlord: Nerfs throw off all sources of damage which is the centre point of DL. Stuns will also help, because you can't go wrong with the stun method--unless of course you waste all your mana with the stun. DLs will rarely use searing heat, because most likely, you opponent will hop too much to make searing useful.
    • Ninja/assassin: What a lot of people don't know about ninja is that if you debuff it then they hop it, they can't use the "first hit mana regain method" to restore all their MP. The debuff still technically keeps them in battle. It's also been noted that a DoT can stack thin air. Best way to kill a ninja is basically just manipulating them and using some blood bag as a shield for their Shadowblade. Since Shadowblade spamming makes you virtually invulnerable.
    • Mage/sorcerer: Stuns allow people to take advantage of a mage. DoTs also allow people to take advantage of arcane shield. If someone's using the ice and fire method you can go after them after they apply the fireball, since you're invulnerable to another ice shard until scorched wears off. If they're using the spamming ice method then they're a lot more complicated and you'd need to camp out the stun.
    • ECS (Evolved Claw Suit): It's all just crits to be honest. The way you deal with that is by nerfing those, but by no means do you want to allow them to stack naughty. Naughty stacking can be countered by camping, but naughty lasts very long. It'd be better to manipulate the damage you do without getting hit, or just nerfing those hits. If they're stupid enough to use the "Blitzen Blitz" combo it can easily be hopped off and that's a wasted 60 mana.
    • Healer and clones: Mana problems and it's weakness is basically damage. Therefore, all you really need to do is put them under constant pressure to heal and completely waste their inhibition. Most healers don't use healer right. You don't heal outside of clear mind and it's not about spamming heartbeat.
    • Shaman: They do low damage excluding dry lightning. Nerfing them would completely throw off damage output and stall the dry lightning, unless they're stupid enough to use it while crippled.
    • Berserker/Beta Berserker: Range. It's so easy to manipulate a Berserker. You can completely disregard almost every aspect of this class, because if you do it right, you won't be in the range for a Berserker to do anything to you.
    • Dragonslayer: Manipulating a stun or keeping under constant nerf, although you shouldn't really need either.
    • No Class: No Class only has two skill- Auto Attack and Uprising that increase our damage by 15%.
    • Proto and clones: Let them kill their own mana.
    • Defender: Range and hops are its main weakness, I'd say. Keeping out of range of Retilation and getting all your damage in. Stunning as well, because it can throw off hops.
    • Bard: Stuns, because they can constantly spam every single move they have. Stuns would be the only way to disrupt that combo.
    • Cardclasher: Three things that can destroy a CardClasher; Sliding, Stuns, and a good Potion (for more on which potion is good for which class, refer to section II). I usually run down on mana after killing about 7 people, so it doesn't really have mana problems. If you play CC the way I do, I find myself hopping constantly. What helps with hopping is to stun, so stunning.
    • Clawsuit: Mana problems, so manipulate those. Let them waste their mana with what they think is the best DoT ever, when really it can be healed by passive regain with their mana lying in a crippled state.
    • Chronomancer: It's all timing. Hopping and waiting it out will work, but if you can nerf them as the DoT grows on you may actually be able to survive through it. Or if you can apply an On Guard type of buff. If you ever seen "Inverted Matrix" or something, on them then they're a punching bag at that point.
    • Starlord: By camping or hopping constantly. If they're gonna chain a stun and use that to their advantage and hop, then you have to camp. Can't go wrong with nerfing, if you can constantly keep them under a nerf while you're hopping or just out DPSing them it's manageable, but downright weakness? Probably just out-DPSing them would have the highest success rate.
    • Warrior and clones: Lag and hopping stuns. Nerfing towards haste can help throw off the second prep strike altogether if you manipulate hops too.
    • Ranger: Stuns really help, since you can manipulate those to keep them from stacking their first skill and get damage through at the same time.
    • Chaos Shaper: Stuns. This class is a beast if used right. You need to stun it early, and use your power attacks to get rid of it quickly.
    • Necromancer: Again, stuns can ruin Necro. Stun early, heal often. If the person is good with this class, you could be done early. So, as I said earlier, Stun early, Heal often.
    • CardClasher: Three things that can destroy a CardClasher; Sliding, Stuns, and a good Potion (for more on which potion is good for which class, refer to section II.)

    You'll notice it only really takes 1 of 4 things to mess up a class.
    Hopping, mana regain, stuns, and nerfing.

    Hope it helps
    Taken from Jason3's Advanced PvP Strategies Guide
    Last edited by aleve123; 07-09-2014 at 05:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Eternity's Avatar
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    This is good for beginner Pvpers.

    __________________________________________________ EDIT______________________________________________ __________
    Ater somewhat of reading are you sure you didnt copy and paste this for a different site?

    Last edited by Eternity; 07-08-2014 at 10:05 PM.

  5. #5
    Oliboli8769's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zavior View Post
    ___EDIT___________________________________________ _____________
    Ater somewhat of reading are you sure you didnt copy and paste this for a different site?

    *cough, cough* He linked it at the bottom of the post.
    But I guess the effort is still appreciated? I wouldn't say this is yours though @aleve123 ...

  6. #6
    aleve123's Avatar
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    I added some guide, and if you want to add some guide, you tell me here.

  7. #7
    Eternity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OB View Post
    *cough, cough* He linked it at the bottom of the post.
    But I guess the effort is still appreciated? I wouldn't say this is yours though @aleve123 ...
    Lol. I didn't see.

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