Hi there.

As the title says i'm selling a CSGO Matchmaking boosting service.

You have to keep in mind that i'm not asking for skins. (Except knives, a knife count as a Freepass)

Rage Mode:

-Win per win = 2€ per win.
-Up to next rank = 10€
-15 Matches = 25€ or 4 CS;GO gift
-30 Matches = 50€ or 8 CS;GO gift
-Freepass = 80€ (You are free to join all my games whenever i'm rage boosting.)
-Extra Pass = 200€ Global Elite Rank + 200 Matches won.

I can get you global elite easily (from an unranked account). All we need is 30 wins in a row.

And my boosting service is quick, i'm too lazy to play all matches so i'll be rageboosting directly from the warmup.

Also, i'm not using x22, chods, deadc0de, *******, inuria or any of these cheats. My hack is a special custom build made for CSGO boosting.

My Ragemode will beat every other provider.

-Payments are only via Paypal.
-You always have to pay before playing, there's no freewin or anything.
-After few matches, i'll ask you to vouch on my thread. That will have to be done.
-Private profile, Changing your name & pictures after each game is highly recommended.
-You have to accept and apply all these rules if you wanna get boosted.

For those wondering about the new update:
I won't name any other market websites but i'm trusted somewhere else and got many vouches being the only one booster that can make a safe rageboost.

PM me with your steam or skype username!
