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  1. #16
    einar300's Avatar
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    Maybe put it in a code? BTW here is my pc specs:

    The reseaon I post this is because I want everyone to see what my pc specs is and that I can run black ops with that config file I posted. I coudn't find out my motherboard info and Cpuz is not working for me ATM and I don't know why.... + I have 6 gb ram forgot that in the pics and as always have a nice day Quote FPSRUSSIA

  2. #17
    CJwarrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by einar300 View Post
    Maybe put it in a code? BTW here is my pc specs:

    The reseaon I post this is because I want everyone to see what my pc specs is and that I can run black ops with that config file I posted. I coudn't find out my motherboard info and Cpuz is not working for me ATM and I don't know why.... + I have 6 gb ram forgot that in the pics and as always have a nice day Quote FPSRUSSIA
    You can run no lag even without a config.
    Last edited by CJwarrior; 09-06-2011 at 11:43 PM.

  3. #18
    tgeX's Avatar
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    i'm using the same pc now and it lags

  4. #19
    einar300's Avatar
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    I lag with that pc, but with the config I dont!
    Last edited by einar300; 09-10-2011 at 12:42 AM.

  5. #20
    draco124's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tgeX View Post
    i'm using the same pc now and it lags
    Your internet perhaps?
    Please click on my dragons and eggs, they grow the more you view them

    If the eggs are hidden in fog don't click them, they are sick from all the attention. if they get to much attention they get sick and need to be left alone to get better. but if the eggs are showing you can view them.

  6. #21
    math340c's Avatar
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    Here is my config. It has one option.
    This is for zombies or singleplayer. Click on F2 you will quickly restart the map. Works also for online zombies. Tired going to lobby each time?? Just push F2 and you will quickly restart the map! This also work when you losed and the points and spec about players is showed in zombies
    Works also if you want to restart a map in singleplayer.


    <b>Downloadable Files</b> Downloadable Files
    Last edited by math340c; 09-09-2012 at 02:05 PM.
    Just i could make trainers

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  8. #22
    Z-Nation's Avatar
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    DWORD _BG_GetWeaponDef = 0x00529FF0;
    DWORD _BG_GetSpreadForWeapon = 0x0047DE70;
    DWORD _CG_GetPlayerViewOrigin = 0x004E7470;
    DWORD _GetSpreadEndVec = 0x007FC040;
    DWORD clients = 0x00E67C80; // clientActive_t struct
    int* currentCmdNum = 0x00EABEE8;
    int GetCurrentWeapon()
        return *(short*)((int)cgArray + 263836 + 324); // "Player is holding" string
    int BG_GetWeaponDef(int weapon)
        DWORD result = 0;
            push weapon
            mov result,eax
            add esp,04h
        return result;
    void BG_GetSpreadForWeapon(int playerStatePtr, int weaponDefPtr, float* minSpreadOut, float* maxSpreadOut)
        // WARNING: Use _fxsave and _fxrstor if your XMM
        // registers screw up
            push maxSpreadOut
            push minSpreadOut
            push weaponDefPtr
            push playerStatePtr
            call _BG_GetSpreadForWeapon
            add esp,10h
    int CG_GetPlayerViewOrigin(int localClientNum, int playerStatePtr, pvec3_t vecOut)
        DWORD result = 0;
            push vecOut
            push playerStatePtr
            push localClientNum
            call _CG_GetPlayerViewOrigin
            mov result,eax
            add esp,0Ch
        return result;
    void GetSpreadEndVec(pvec3_t viewOrigin, pvec3_t spreadEndVecOut, float spread, int commandTime, pvec3_t spreadDirectionOut, pvec3_t forward, pvec3_t right, pvec3_t up, float range)
            push range
            push up
            push right
            push forward
            push spreadDirectionOut
            push commandTime
            movss xmm0,spread
            mov esi,spreadEndVecOut
            mov edi,viewOrigin
            call _GetSpreadEndVec
            add esp,18h
    usercmd_s* CL_GetUserCmd(int cmdNum)
        return (usercmd_s*)((int)clients + 272488 + sizeof(usercmd_s) * (cmdNum & 0x7F));
    int CL_GetCurrentCmdNumber()
        return *currentCmdNum;
    void NoSpread()
        // get playerState_s struct
        int playerStatePtr = (int)cgArray + 263836;
        // get weaponDef struct and our starting spread float value
        float spread;
        int weaponDefPtr = BG_GetWeaponDef(GetCurrentWeapon());
        spread = *(float*)((int)cgArray + 457488) / 255.0f;
        // get final spread float value
        float minSpread, maxSpread;
        BG_GetSpreadForWeapon(playerStatePtr, weaponDefPtr, &minSpread, &maxSpread);
        if (*(float*)(playerStatePtr + 360) == 1.0f) // if (fWeaponPosFrac == 1.0f) get minSpread from weaponDef
            spread = *(float*)(weaponDefPtr + 1736) + ((maxSpread - *(float*)(weaponDefPtr + 1736)) * spread);
            spread = minSpread + ((maxSpread - minSpread) * spread);
        // get our view origin
        vec3_t viewOrigin;
        if (!CG_GetPlayerViewOrigin(0, playerStatePtr, viewOrigin))
        // get our view axis
        vec3_t viewAngles;
        vec3_t viewAxis[3];
        if (*(int*)((int)cgArray + 263832)) // renderingThirdPerson
            AngleVectors((float*)((int)cgArray + 390792 + sizeof(clientInfo_t) * cgArray->clientNum), viewAxis[0], viewAxis[1], viewAxis[2]);
            viewAngles[0] = *(float*)((int)cgArray + 389012);
            viewAngles[1] = *(float*)((int)cgArray + 389016);
            viewAngles[2] = 0;
            AngleVectors(viewAngles, viewAxis[0], viewAxis[1], viewAxis[2]);
        // get the range
        float range;
        if (*(int*)(weaponDefPtr + 32) == 3) // if (weapClass == WEAPCLASS_SPREAD)
            range = *(float*)(weaponDefPtr + 1964); // range = fMinDamageRange; (probably for shotguns)
            range = 8192.0f; // from bulletrange dvar
        // NOTE: you can't do 100% no spread with shotguns, because you can only fix 1 bullet at a time
        // get the end vector in the game world of the spread and the direction vector too
        // we use the direction vector directly instead of the end vector
        vec3_t spreadEndVec;
        vec3_t spreadDirection;
        GetSpreadEndVec(viewOrigin, spreadEndVec, spread, *(int*)playerStatePtr, spreadDirection, viewAxis[0], viewAxis[1], viewAxis[2], range);
        // convert the spread direction to angles
        vectoangles(spreadDirection, viewAngles);
        // fix our angles
        usercmd_s* oldcmd = CL_GetUserCmd(CL_GetCurrentCmdNumber() - 1);
        // get the angle delta and write it to the user cmd
        // do -= because we want to get the inverse of the spread
        oldcmd->angles[0] -= ANGLE2SHORT(-(*(float*)((int)cgArray + 389012) - viewAngles[0]));
        oldcmd->angles[1] -= ANGLE2SHORT(-(*(float*)((int)cgArray + 389016) - viewAngles[1]));
        oldcmd->serverTime += 1;


    enum TraceHitType
    #pragma pack(push, 1)
    struct trace_t
        vec3_t normal;
        char unk1[0x04];
        float fraction;
        char unk2[0x08];
        TraceHitType hitType;
        short hitId;
        short modelIndex;
        short partName;
        short partGroup;
        char unk4[0x10];
    }; // 0x38
    #pragma pack(pop)
    struct BulletFireParams
        int weaponEntIndex;
        int ignoreEntIndex;
        float damageMultiplier;
        int methodOfDeath;
        vec3_t origStart;
        vec3_t start;
        vec3_t end;
        vec3_t dir;
    }; // 0x40
    struct BulletTraceResults
        trace_t trace;
        int* hitEnt; // gentity_s*
        float hitPos[3];
        int ignoreHitEnt;
        int hitSurfaceType;
    }; // 0x50
    DWORD _BulletTrace = 0xblahblah;
    float (__cdecl* _BG_GetSurfacePenetrationDepth)(int weaponDefPtr, int surfaceType) = (float(__cdecl*)(int,int))0xfakfak;
    bool (__cdecl* _BG_AdvanceTrace)(BulletFireParams* bulletFireParams, BulletTraceResults* bulletTraceResults, float amount) = (bool(_cdecl*)(BulletFireParams*,BulletTraceResults*,float))0xmehmeh;
    bool BulletTrace(BulletFireParams* bulletFireParams, BulletTraceResults* bulletTraceResults, int localClientNum, centity_s* entity, int surfaceType)
        bool hit = 0;
        __declspec(align(16)) char save[512];
            push surfaceType
            push entity
            push localClientNum
            mov esi,bulletTraceResults
            mov edi,bulletFireParams
            call _BulletTrace
            mov hit,al
            add esp,0Ch
        return hit;
    float BG_GetSurfacePenetrationDepth(int weaponDefPtr, int surfaceType)
        return _BG_GetSurfacePenetrationDepth(weaponDefPtr, surfaceType);
    bool BG_AdvanceTrace(BulletFireParams* bulletFireParams, BulletTraceResults* bulletTraceResults, float amount)
        return _BG_AdvanceTrace(bulletFireParams, bulletTraceResults, amount);
    float GetAutoWallDamageMultiplier(pvec3_t start, pvec3_t end)
        // get our weapon
        int weaponDefPtr = BG_GetWeaponDef(GetCurrentWeapon());
        // set up our BulletFireParams struct
        BulletFireParams bulletFireParams;
        memset(&bulletFireParams, 0x00, sizeof(BulletFireParams));
        bulletFireParams.weaponEntIndex = 1022;
        bulletFireParams.ignoreEntIndex = *(DWORD*)((DWORD)&cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum] + 488);
        bulletFireParams.damageMultiplier = 1.0f;
        bulletFireParams.methodOfDeath = (*(BYTE*)(weaponDefPtr + 1357) != 0) + 1;
        VectorCopy(start, bulletFireParams.origStart);
        VectorCopy(start, bulletFireParams.start);
        VectorCopy(end, bulletFireParams.end);
        vec3_t dir;
        VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
        VectorCopy(dir, bulletFireParams.dir);
        // call BulletTrace for the first time and get our BulletTraceResults struct
        BulletTraceResults bulletTraceResults;
        bool hit = BulletTrace(&bulletFireParams, &bulletTraceResults, 0, &cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum], 0);
        // if the result of the bullet trace was TRACE_HITTYPE_NONE, we return the full damage multiplier
        if (!hit)
            return bulletFireParams.damageMultiplier;
        // return if the hit type was TRACE_HITTYPE_ENTITY
        if (Trace_GetEntityHitId(&bulletTraceResults.trace) != 1022)
            return 0.0f;
        if (*(WORD*)((DWORD)&bulletTraceResults.trace + 40) == 2)
            return 0.0f;
        // return if our weapon doesn't penetrate, some weird var from bulletTraceResults.trace is true or some weird weapon shit i dont know
        if (!*(DWORD*)(weaponDefPtr + 36) // if (weaponDefPtr->penetrateType == PENETRATE_TYPE_NONE)
            || *(BYTE*)((DWORD)&bulletTraceResults.trace + 43)
            || *(BYTE*)(weaponDefPtr + 1581)
            return 0.0f;
        // we can penetrate a maximum of 5 walls, we loop each wall
        int penetrationCount = 0;
        float perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier = 2.0f;
        float penetrationDepth;
        BulletFireParams bulletFireParams_2;
        BulletTraceResults bulletTraceResults_2;
        vec3_t hitPosBackup;
        bool hit_2;
        bool v26;
        while (true)
            // get the penetration depth of the hit surface, and apply the perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier perk if we have it
            // need to test if perk detection works
            penetrationDepth = BG_GetSurfacePenetrationDepth(weaponDefPtr, bulletTraceResults.hitSurfaceType);
            if (*(WORD*)((DWORD)&cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum] + 678) == 1 && (*(DWORD*)((DWORD)&clientinfo[cgArray->clientNum] + 389756) & 32))
                penetrationDepth *= perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier;
            // we return if our penetration depth is zero or negative
            if (penetrationDepth <= 0.0f)
                return 0.0f;
            // backup our latest hit position and advance the trace (return if we can't advance the trace)
            VectorCopy(bulletTraceResults.hitPos, hitPosBackup);
            if (!BG_AdvanceTrace(&bulletFireParams, &bulletTraceResults, 0.13500000536441803f))
                return 0.0f;
            // get the wall depth by hitting the face of the surface, then the back of the surface, and saving those hit positions
            hit = BulletTrace(&bulletFireParams, &bulletTraceResults, 0, &cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum], bulletTraceResults.hitSurfaceType);
            memcpy(&bulletFireParams_2, &bulletFireParams, sizeof(BulletFireParams));
            VectorScale(bulletFireParams.dir, -1.0f, bulletFireParams_2.dir); // inverse the direction when at the back of the wall
            VectorCopy(bulletFireParams.end, bulletFireParams_2.start);
            VectorMA(hitPosBackup, 0.009999999776482582f, bulletFireParams_2.dir, bulletFireParams_2.end);
            memcpy(&bulletTraceResults_2, &bulletTraceResults, sizeof(BulletTraceResults));
            VectorScale(bulletTraceResults_2.trace.normal, -1.0f, bulletTraceResults_2.trace.normal);
            if (hit)
                BG_AdvanceTrace(&bulletFireParams_2, &bulletTraceResults_2, 0.009999999776482582f);
            hit_2 = BulletTrace(&bulletFireParams_2, &bulletTraceResults_2, 0, &cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum], bulletTraceResults_2.hitSurfaceType);
            v26 = (hit_2 != 0) && *(BYTE*)((DWORD)&bulletTraceResults_2.trace + 42) || *(BYTE*)((DWORD)&bulletTraceResults.trace + 43) && *(BYTE*)((DWORD)&bulletTraceResults_2.trace + 43);
            if (hit_2 || v26)
            if (!hit)
                return bulletFireParams.damageMultiplier;
            goto continueLoop;
            if (hit)
                if (penetrationCount < 5) // max number of surfaces penetrated is 5 (from penetrationCount dvar)
            return 0.0f;
        // calculate the surface depth
        float surfaceDepth = 0.0f;
        if (v26)
            surfaceDepth = Get3DDistance(bulletFireParams_2.start, bulletFireParams_2.end);
            surfaceDepth = Get3DDistance(bulletTraceResults_2.hitPos, hitPosBackup);
        // minimum surface depth is 1.0f
        if (surfaceDepth < 1.0f)
            surfaceDepth = 1.0f;
        // if we hit the back side of the wall, set the minimum penetration depth of both surfaces hit as our final penetration depth
        if (hit_2)
            float penetrationDepth_2 = BG_GetSurfacePenetrationDepth(weaponDefPtr, bulletTraceResults_2.hitSurfaceType);
            if (*(WORD*)((DWORD)&cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum] + 678) == 1 && (*(DWORD*)((DWORD)&clientinfo[cgArray->clientNum] + 389756) & 32))
                penetrationDepth_2 *= perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier;
            penetrationDepth = min(penetrationDepth, penetrationDepth_2);
            // we return if our penetration depth is zero or negative
            if (penetrationDepth <= 0.0f)
                return 0.0f;
        if (*(WORD*)((DWORD)&cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum] + 678) == 1)
            if (*(DWORD*)((DWORD)&clientinfo[cgArray->clientNum] + 389756) & 32)
                if (bulletFireParams.damageMultiplier <= 0.0f)
                    return 0.0f;
                goto continueLoop;
        // decrease our damage multiplier (the fraction)
        bulletFireParams.damageMultiplier -= surfaceDepth / penetrationDepth;
        goto LABEL_84;
        // impossibru, this return can't be executed (who cares)
        return 0.0f;
    Last edited by Z-Nation; 04-06-2016 at 11:52 AM.
    Like Something that i did or what i've uploaded?


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  10. #23
    Silent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z View Post

    DWORD _BG_GetWeaponDef = 0x00529FF0;
    DWORD _BG_GetSpreadForWeapon = 0x0047DE70;
    DWORD _CG_GetPlayerViewOrigin = 0x004E7470;
    DWORD _GetSpreadEndVec = 0x007FC040;
    DWORD clients = 0x00E67C80; // clientActive_t struct
    int* currentCmdNum = 0x00EABEE8;
    int GetCurrentWeapon()
        return *(short*)((int)cgArray + 263836 + 324); // "Player is holding" string
    int BG_GetWeaponDef(int weapon)
        DWORD result = 0;
            push weapon
            mov result,eax
            add esp,04h
        return result;
    void BG_GetSpreadForWeapon(int playerStatePtr, int weaponDefPtr, float* minSpreadOut, float* maxSpreadOut)
        // WARNING: Use _fxsave and _fxrstor if your XMM
        // registers screw up
            push maxSpreadOut
            push minSpreadOut
            push weaponDefPtr
            push playerStatePtr
            call _BG_GetSpreadForWeapon
            add esp,10h
    int CG_GetPlayerViewOrigin(int localClientNum, int playerStatePtr, pvec3_t vecOut)
        DWORD result = 0;
            push vecOut
            push playerStatePtr
            push localClientNum
            call _CG_GetPlayerViewOrigin
            mov result,eax
            add esp,0Ch
        return result;
    void GetSpreadEndVec(pvec3_t viewOrigin, pvec3_t spreadEndVecOut, float spread, int commandTime, pvec3_t spreadDirectionOut, pvec3_t forward, pvec3_t right, pvec3_t up, float range)
            push range
            push up
            push right
            push forward
            push spreadDirectionOut
            push commandTime
            movss xmm0,spread
            mov esi,spreadEndVecOut
            mov edi,viewOrigin
            call _GetSpreadEndVec
            add esp,18h
    usercmd_s* CL_GetUserCmd(int cmdNum)
        return (usercmd_s*)((int)clients + 272488 + sizeof(usercmd_s) * (cmdNum & 0x7F));
    int CL_GetCurrentCmdNumber()
        return *currentCmdNum;
    void NoSpread()
        // get playerState_s struct
        int playerStatePtr = (int)cgArray + 263836;
        // get weaponDef struct and our starting spread float value
        float spread;
        int weaponDefPtr = BG_GetWeaponDef(GetCurrentWeapon());
        spread = *(float*)((int)cgArray + 457488) / 255.0f;
        // get final spread float value
        float minSpread, maxSpread;
        BG_GetSpreadForWeapon(playerStatePtr, weaponDefPtr, &minSpread, &maxSpread);
        if (*(float*)(playerStatePtr + 360) == 1.0f) // if (fWeaponPosFrac == 1.0f) get minSpread from weaponDef
            spread = *(float*)(weaponDefPtr + 1736) + ((maxSpread - *(float*)(weaponDefPtr + 1736)) * spread);
            spread = minSpread + ((maxSpread - minSpread) * spread);
        // get our view origin
        vec3_t viewOrigin;
        if (!CG_GetPlayerViewOrigin(0, playerStatePtr, viewOrigin))
        // get our view axis
        vec3_t viewAngles;
        vec3_t viewAxis[3];
        if (*(int*)((int)cgArray + 263832)) // renderingThirdPerson
            AngleVectors((float*)((int)cgArray + 390792 + sizeof(clientInfo_t) * cgArray->clientNum), viewAxis[0], viewAxis[1], viewAxis[2]);
            viewAngles[0] = *(float*)((int)cgArray + 389012);
            viewAngles[1] = *(float*)((int)cgArray + 389016);
            viewAngles[2] = 0;
            AngleVectors(viewAngles, viewAxis[0], viewAxis[1], viewAxis[2]);
        // get the range
        float range;
        if (*(int*)(weaponDefPtr + 32) == 3) // if (weapClass == WEAPCLASS_SPREAD)
            range = *(float*)(weaponDefPtr + 1964); // range = fMinDamageRange; (probably for shotguns)
            range = 8192.0f; // from bulletrange dvar
        // NOTE: you can't do 100% no spread with shotguns, because you can only fix 1 bullet at a time
        // get the end vector in the game world of the spread and the direction vector too
        // we use the direction vector directly instead of the end vector
        vec3_t spreadEndVec;
        vec3_t spreadDirection;
        GetSpreadEndVec(viewOrigin, spreadEndVec, spread, *(int*)playerStatePtr, spreadDirection, viewAxis[0], viewAxis[1], viewAxis[2], range);
        // convert the spread direction to angles
        vectoangles(spreadDirection, viewAngles);
        // fix our angles
        usercmd_s* oldcmd = CL_GetUserCmd(CL_GetCurrentCmdNumber() - 1);
        // get the angle delta and write it to the user cmd
        // do -= because we want to get the inverse of the spread
        oldcmd->angles[0] -= ANGLE2SHORT(-(*(float*)((int)cgArray + 389012) - viewAngles[0]));
        oldcmd->angles[1] -= ANGLE2SHORT(-(*(float*)((int)cgArray + 389016) - viewAngles[1]));
        oldcmd->serverTime += 1;


    enum TraceHitType
    #pragma pack(push, 1)
    struct trace_t
        vec3_t normal;
        char unk1[0x04];
        float fraction;
        char unk2[0x08];
        TraceHitType hitType;
        short hitId;
        short modelIndex;
        short partName;
        short partGroup;
        char unk4[0x10];
    }; // 0x38
    #pragma pack(pop)
    struct BulletFireParams
        int weaponEntIndex;
        int ignoreEntIndex;
        float damageMultiplier;
        int methodOfDeath;
        vec3_t origStart;
        vec3_t start;
        vec3_t end;
        vec3_t dir;
    }; // 0x40
    struct BulletTraceResults
        trace_t trace;
        int* hitEnt; // gentity_s*
        float hitPos[3];
        int ignoreHitEnt;
        int hitSurfaceType;
    }; // 0x50
    DWORD _BulletTrace = 0xblahblah;
    float (__cdecl* _BG_GetSurfacePenetrationDepth)(int weaponDefPtr, int surfaceType) = (float(__cdecl*)(int,int))0xfakfak;
    bool (__cdecl* _BG_AdvanceTrace)(BulletFireParams* bulletFireParams, BulletTraceResults* bulletTraceResults, float amount) = (bool(_cdecl*)(BulletFireParams*,BulletTraceResults*,float))0xmehmeh;
    bool BulletTrace(BulletFireParams* bulletFireParams, BulletTraceResults* bulletTraceResults, int localClientNum, centity_s* entity, int surfaceType)
        bool hit = 0;
        __declspec(align(16)) char save[512];
            push surfaceType
            push entity
            push localClientNum
            mov esi,bulletTraceResults
            mov edi,bulletFireParams
            call _BulletTrace
            mov hit,al
            add esp,0Ch
        return hit;
    float BG_GetSurfacePenetrationDepth(int weaponDefPtr, int surfaceType)
        return _BG_GetSurfacePenetrationDepth(weaponDefPtr, surfaceType);
    bool BG_AdvanceTrace(BulletFireParams* bulletFireParams, BulletTraceResults* bulletTraceResults, float amount)
        return _BG_AdvanceTrace(bulletFireParams, bulletTraceResults, amount);
    float GetAutoWallDamageMultiplier(pvec3_t start, pvec3_t end)
        // get our weapon
        int weaponDefPtr = BG_GetWeaponDef(GetCurrentWeapon());
        // set up our BulletFireParams struct
        BulletFireParams bulletFireParams;
        memset(&bulletFireParams, 0x00, sizeof(BulletFireParams));
        bulletFireParams.weaponEntIndex = 1022;
        bulletFireParams.ignoreEntIndex = *(DWORD*)((DWORD)&cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum] + 488);
        bulletFireParams.damageMultiplier = 1.0f;
        bulletFireParams.methodOfDeath = (*(BYTE*)(weaponDefPtr + 1357) != 0) + 1;
        VectorCopy(start, bulletFireParams.origStart);
        VectorCopy(start, bulletFireParams.start);
        VectorCopy(end, bulletFireParams.end);
        vec3_t dir;
        VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
        VectorCopy(dir, bulletFireParams.dir);
        // call BulletTrace for the first time and get our BulletTraceResults struct
        BulletTraceResults bulletTraceResults;
        bool hit = BulletTrace(&bulletFireParams, &bulletTraceResults, 0, &cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum], 0);
        // if the result of the bullet trace was TRACE_HITTYPE_NONE, we return the full damage multiplier
        if (!hit)
            return bulletFireParams.damageMultiplier;
        // return if the hit type was TRACE_HITTYPE_ENTITY
        if (Trace_GetEntityHitId(&bulletTraceResults.trace) != 1022)
            return 0.0f;
        if (*(WORD*)((DWORD)&bulletTraceResults.trace + 40) == 2)
            return 0.0f;
        // return if our weapon doesn't penetrate, some weird var from bulletTraceResults.trace is true or some weird weapon shit i dont know
        if (!*(DWORD*)(weaponDefPtr + 36) // if (weaponDefPtr->penetrateType == PENETRATE_TYPE_NONE)
            || *(BYTE*)((DWORD)&bulletTraceResults.trace + 43)
            || *(BYTE*)(weaponDefPtr + 1581)
            return 0.0f;
        // we can penetrate a maximum of 5 walls, we loop each wall
        int penetrationCount = 0;
        float perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier = 2.0f;
        float penetrationDepth;
        BulletFireParams bulletFireParams_2;
        BulletTraceResults bulletTraceResults_2;
        vec3_t hitPosBackup;
        bool hit_2;
        bool v26;
        while (true)
            // get the penetration depth of the hit surface, and apply the perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier perk if we have it
            // need to test if perk detection works
            penetrationDepth = BG_GetSurfacePenetrationDepth(weaponDefPtr, bulletTraceResults.hitSurfaceType);
            if (*(WORD*)((DWORD)&cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum] + 678) == 1 && (*(DWORD*)((DWORD)&clientinfo[cgArray->clientNum] + 389756) & 32))
                penetrationDepth *= perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier;
            // we return if our penetration depth is zero or negative
            if (penetrationDepth <= 0.0f)
                return 0.0f;
            // backup our latest hit position and advance the trace (return if we can't advance the trace)
            VectorCopy(bulletTraceResults.hitPos, hitPosBackup);
            if (!BG_AdvanceTrace(&bulletFireParams, &bulletTraceResults, 0.13500000536441803f))
                return 0.0f;
            // get the wall depth by hitting the face of the surface, then the back of the surface, and saving those hit positions
            hit = BulletTrace(&bulletFireParams, &bulletTraceResults, 0, &cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum], bulletTraceResults.hitSurfaceType);
            memcpy(&bulletFireParams_2, &bulletFireParams, sizeof(BulletFireParams));
            VectorScale(bulletFireParams.dir, -1.0f, bulletFireParams_2.dir); // inverse the direction when at the back of the wall
            VectorCopy(bulletFireParams.end, bulletFireParams_2.start);
            VectorMA(hitPosBackup, 0.009999999776482582f, bulletFireParams_2.dir, bulletFireParams_2.end);
            memcpy(&bulletTraceResults_2, &bulletTraceResults, sizeof(BulletTraceResults));
            VectorScale(bulletTraceResults_2.trace.normal, -1.0f, bulletTraceResults_2.trace.normal);
            if (hit)
                BG_AdvanceTrace(&bulletFireParams_2, &bulletTraceResults_2, 0.009999999776482582f);
            hit_2 = BulletTrace(&bulletFireParams_2, &bulletTraceResults_2, 0, &cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum], bulletTraceResults_2.hitSurfaceType);
            v26 = (hit_2 != 0) && *(BYTE*)((DWORD)&bulletTraceResults_2.trace + 42) || *(BYTE*)((DWORD)&bulletTraceResults.trace + 43) && *(BYTE*)((DWORD)&bulletTraceResults_2.trace + 43);
            if (hit_2 || v26)
            if (!hit)
                return bulletFireParams.damageMultiplier;
            goto continueLoop;
            if (hit)
                if (penetrationCount < 5) // max number of surfaces penetrated is 5 (from penetrationCount dvar)
            return 0.0f;
        // calculate the surface depth
        float surfaceDepth = 0.0f;
        if (v26)
            surfaceDepth = Get3DDistance(bulletFireParams_2.start, bulletFireParams_2.end);
            surfaceDepth = Get3DDistance(bulletTraceResults_2.hitPos, hitPosBackup);
        // minimum surface depth is 1.0f
        if (surfaceDepth < 1.0f)
            surfaceDepth = 1.0f;
        // if we hit the back side of the wall, set the minimum penetration depth of both surfaces hit as our final penetration depth
        if (hit_2)
            float penetrationDepth_2 = BG_GetSurfacePenetrationDepth(weaponDefPtr, bulletTraceResults_2.hitSurfaceType);
            if (*(WORD*)((DWORD)&cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum] + 678) == 1 && (*(DWORD*)((DWORD)&clientinfo[cgArray->clientNum] + 389756) & 32))
                penetrationDepth_2 *= perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier;
            penetrationDepth = min(penetrationDepth, penetrationDepth_2);
            // we return if our penetration depth is zero or negative
            if (penetrationDepth <= 0.0f)
                return 0.0f;
        if (*(WORD*)((DWORD)&cg_entitiesArray[cgArray->clientNum] + 678) == 1)
            if (*(DWORD*)((DWORD)&clientinfo[cgArray->clientNum] + 389756) & 32)
                if (bulletFireParams.damageMultiplier <= 0.0f)
                    return 0.0f;
                goto continueLoop;
        // decrease our damage multiplier (the fraction)
        bulletFireParams.damageMultiplier -= surfaceDepth / penetrationDepth;
        goto LABEL_84;
        // impossibru, this return can't be executed (who cares)
        return 0.0f;
    Here come the leachers :P
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  11. #24
    wixtape's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    // generated by Call of Duty, do not modify
    bind TAB "+scores"
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    bind 5 "+actionslot 3"
    bind 6 "+smoke"
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    bind F2 "vote no"
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    bind2 MOUSE1 "+vehicleattack"
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    seta v_mute "vstr v_mute_on"
    seta v_mute_off "setfromdvar snd_volume v_volume; seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; ^4un^7mute^4!"
    seta v_mute_on "setfromdvar v_volume snd_volume; set snd_volume 0; seta v_mute vstr v_mute_off; ^4m^7ute^4!"
    seta v_vol_00 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_01"
    seta v_vol_01 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.1; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_00; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_02; Sound^4||^0-------- ^41.4"
    seta v_vol_02 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.2; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_01; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_03; Sound^4|||^0------- ^41.4"
    seta v_vol_03 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.3; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_02; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_04; Sound^4|||^2|^0------ ^21.5"
    seta v_vol_04 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.4; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_03; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_05; Sound^4|||^2||^0----- ^21.6"
    seta v_vol_05 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.5; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_04; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_06; Sound^4|||^2|||^0---- ^21.7"
    seta v_vol_06 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.6; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_05; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_07; Sound^4|||^2|||^3|^0--- ^31.8"
    seta v_vol_07 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.7; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_06; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_08; Sound^4|||^2|||^3||^0-- ^31.9"
    seta v_vol_08 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.8; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_07; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_09; Sound^4|||^2|||^3||^1|^0- ^12.0"
    seta v_vol_09 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.9; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_08; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_10; Sound^4|||^2|||^3||^1|| ^12.1"
    seta v_vol_10 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 1; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_09"
    seta v_vol_down "vstr v_vol_09"
    seta v_vol_up "vstr v_vol_10"
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    seta winvoice_save_voice "0"
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    seta zombiefive_discovered "1"
    seta zombietron_discovered "1"
    con_hidechannel *; con_showchannel dontfilter error gamenotify boldgame subtitle obituary logfile_only console_only gfx sound files devgui profile ui client server system playerweap ai anim physics fx leaderboards parserscript script
    FPS 333 + sound tweaks

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