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  1. #1
    jeremynelk333's Avatar
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    Mar 2021

    Are Shell's NVIDIA aimbots detected by Blackbox and MOSS anticheats?

    Let me start off by saying I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to cheating, anti-cheats and etc. however I will try to give you as much possible information and detail to be able to help me.

    A quick description of the product and how it works, according to it's developers:
    Shell's NVIDIA aimbots (taken from the website) does not read nor inject into the games memory and only ever interacts with your NVIDIA graphics card. They claim they are undetected by XIGNCODE, which I can safely confirm as I've been using their product for months now. Their product works by connecting the aimbot to your NVIDIA GPU to access the pictures/frames generated by your game through your NVIDIA hardware. The aimbot checks for player shapes and certain pixels to engage them. Due to the aimbot running through your NVIDIA GPU it will have an effect on your game performance (This however doesn't apply to me, I've never noticed a drop in frames whilst using it).

    Now my question is, because I'm sure people here are much more aware of how programs such as blackbox anticheat and MOSS anticheat work. From what I've seen blackbox doesn't disclose how their anticheat works however the MOSS anticheat has a list of it's features on the website.

    Judging the cheat I have described to you, do you think it would be detectable using these anticheat programs? Something I thought that would look suspicious to people checking (assuming they have access to this type of information) is if they constantly see me pressing mouse button 4 whilst aiming and shooting (the aimbot is customisable to I can change the hotkey if necessary).

    Perhaps one final note to add, I spoke with the developers on ******* and the person I spoke to claimed to have used the same product on Black Squad whilst playing on MOSS and he was not caught. He also said that blackbox cannot detect it.

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    96neko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremynelk333 View Post
    Let me start off by saying I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to cheating, anti-cheats and etc. however I will try to give you as much possible information and detail to be able to help me.

    A quick description of the product and how it works, according to it's developers:
    Shell's NVIDIA aimbots (taken from the website) does not read nor inject into the games memory and only ever interacts with your NVIDIA graphics card. They claim they are undetected by XIGNCODE, which I can safely confirm as I've been using their product for months now. Their product works by connecting the aimbot to your NVIDIA GPU to access the pictures/frames generated by your game through your NVIDIA hardware. The aimbot checks for player shapes and certain pixels to engage them. Due to the aimbot running through your NVIDIA GPU it will have an effect on your game performance (This however doesn't apply to me, I've never noticed a drop in frames whilst using it).

    Now my question is, because I'm sure people here are much more aware of how programs such as blackbox anticheat and MOSS anticheat work. From what I've seen blackbox doesn't disclose how their anticheat works however the MOSS anticheat has a list of it's features on the website.

    Judging the cheat I have described to you, do you think it would be detectable using these anticheat programs? Something I thought that would look suspicious to people checking (assuming they have access to this type of information) is if they constantly see me pressing mouse button 4 whilst aiming and shooting (the aimbot is customisable to I can change the hotkey if necessary).

    Perhaps one final note to add, I spoke with the developers on ******* and the person I spoke to claimed to have used the same product on Black Squad whilst playing on MOSS and he was not caught. He also said that blackbox cannot detect it.

    What do you guys think?
    it's not detected by far as you say , so the thing is if a user sees you are recorded your gameplay or it was live stream it will be obvious ( from what i see in the videos of the creator ) since the smoothness isn't good , so the anticheat wont detect you and you will only be banned in 1 case which is game review by an expert.

    so if you are trying to play in big tours your aimbot might sometimes fail and will be sus , and the key spam will give a hint on you cheating.

    it being undetected doesnt mean you cant get caught and banned

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