i was trying to make a script to select all 8 items in chat when i am trading
if someone could help me understand how to fix it that would be great (AutoHotKey script)
; select all 8 slots while trading
SendMode Event
MouseGetPos, mousePosX, mousePosY
WinGetPos, , , winSizeX, winSizeY, A
ImageSearch, imageLocX, imageLocY, 0, 0, %winSizeX%, %winSizeY%, img\trade.png
Xinc = 0
Yinc = 0
Loop 2
	Loop 4
		MouseClick, Left, imageLocX+Xinc, imageLocY-Yinc, 1
		Xinc += 0
	Xinc = 0
	Yinc -= 50
MouseMove, mousePosX, mousePosY