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  1. #1
    vertigoelectric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Is there a comprehensive list of dedicated server or console commands?

    I set up a dedicated server (via teknomw3) and I know a few of the basic commands such as the following (from the teknomw3 forum):
    start_map_rotate - starts the server
    status - show player list with (name, xuid, hwid, ip)
    dropclient/kickclient - kick player by client number, example: dropclient 5
    drop/kick - kick player by name, example: kick "Unknown Soldier"
    banclient - ban player by client number, example: banclient 5
    ban - ban player by name, example: ban "Unknown Soldier"
    killserver - shut down the server
    map - change to the given map, example: map mp_dome
    map_restart - restart the running map
    fast_restart - same as above but the map is not re-loaded
    quit - close the server
    dumpuser - display detailed information about a player, example: dumpuser "Unknown Soldier"
    loadScript - load an InfinityScript plugin, example: loadScript myPlugin.dll (myPlugin.dll must be present in the "scripts" folder) - takes effect after the next map restart
    However I'd love to have some more information. I know there are more commands that work. For example I use "g_gametype" and "map_rotate" frequently and they are not in that list (those are just two off the top of my head, as I know there are more). There's also "set <variable> <value>" and "gameOpt <option> <value>" which the server recognizes. However I don't have a list of the variables, options, and values that I can change with those commands.

    Any information regarding more server/console commands would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  2. #2
    qwertyr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    here's a full list of commands/dvars but keep in mind that this was forever ago and many will no longer work from the console -

  3. #3
    vertigoelectric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Thanks. I did see that list, though. However that list is for MW2. I know some of them still carry over to MW3 but it's a guessing game at that point. Plus that also means that there are going to be commands specific to MW3 that aren't listed.

  4. #4
    Mr_Gigglesno1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Cape Town, South Africa
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    server and console commands

    !add //add admins ex: !add Admin sa3id
    !addimmune or !protect //protect players !protect Sa3id
    !admintest or !at //to show your level
    !unimmune or !unprotect // unprotect a player
    !ver //show IAM version
    !yell // or all show message on hud
    !pm // pm to player
    !res or !fr //fast restart game
    !restart or !maprestart // restart map
    !rules //show rules
    !kick or !k //kick [playername] [reason]
    !ban or !b //ban a player
    !tmpban or !tb //temporary ban
    !slot //kick a player for slot ex : !slot <playername>
    !warn or !w //warn a player
    !unwarn or !uw //unwarn a player
    !maprotate or !mr //go to next map
    !rcon // execute a command in rcon
    !abalance //active balance
    !dbalance //deactive balance
    !get //change dspl ex : !get sd (you must have sd dspl in admin folder)
    !mod //change mod without change map (attention : when you use this may stop maprotation in a map so make default dspl in admin folder)
    !gametype // ex : !gametype mp_dome sd or !gametype <mapfilename> <dsr name> ("sd" is a dsr file you must have dsr in admin folder) (attention : when you use this may stop maprotation in a map so make default dspl in admin folder)
    !ngt //set a dspl to run for next rotation(nextmap)
    !nextmap or !nm //show the nextmap on dspl(with pm)
    @nextmap or @nm //show the nextmap for all users
    !maplist //show maplist
    !map //!map <mapname> ex : !map hardhat
    !unban //unban a player
    !guid // show player guid
    !say // say message on console
    !help // show your cmds
    !time // Show time [pm]
    @Time // show to time to all users
    !admins // show online admins [pm]
    @admins //show online admins to all
    !fov //change your fov
    !block //player name to block his chat ex: !block sa3id
    !unblock //player name to unblock he !unblock sa3id
    !blocklist or !blist // to show blocklist
    !blockchat or !bc // on or off to block chat for all players
    !register // register for log your kill or death stats
    !xlrstats //show your kill and death and kill/death
    !sxlr // ex : !sxlr sa3id // show player xlrstats
    !setmaxping // ex : !setmaxping 200
    !maxping // ex :!maxping on or off - active maxping detector censor
    !speed // change game speed
    !gravity // change gravity
    !jump // change jump hieght
    !badword \\ on or off
    !knife // on or off
    !addword // add new word to badword list
    !vfr // vote for restart
    !vm // vote for change map
    !vg // vote for change gametype
    !votekick // vote for kick players
    !vy // vote agree
    !vn // vote against
    !vc // cancel vote
    !hc // off or on
    !killed // show your killer like cod 4
    !load // load scripts ex : !load bohud.dll
    !unload // unload scripts ex : !unload bohud.dll
    !scream // scream your message in chat with many colors ex : !scream go go go
    !setteam // change player teams ex : !setteam sa3 axis
    !myteam // show your team
    !login // login the admin for use commands
    !balance // fast balance after enter cmd in server
    !remove // remove player from groups
    !setnextmap // set map for next rotate
    Ashaylin Sewnath aka [QuaD] Chuck

    !unload Hide_Seek.dll
    !laod AntiCampv2.dll

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Mr_Gigglesno1 For This Useful Post:

    Saxusr (11-20-2022)

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