I'm looking to purchase an AVA Account. I don't have the time to invest in it to get all the weapons and I'm not a gambler by nature so I'd rather purchase an account with a set amount of money then try my luck with capsules. I don't care about S/D and about rank. However, I do care somewhat about the name, please nothing ridiculously stupid like l33th4x0r or something.

Some notable weapons I am looking for are: (Guns in bold are high priority)
Point -Blueskull, Death Modus, Harimau, Arachne, PPSH
Rifle - FG42, Alligator, Carpio, Hawkeye, Sidewinder, Seroja
Sniper - Mosin, Silver Arrow, Zebra, Mad Galil, Kar98
Pistol - Colt SAA, Luger, FN57, M93, Walter

MUST HAVE GUNS: if you don't have them, then you must have the euro's to buy them.
Veresk, Uzi, Kriss, K1a1, Para, M4mk3, Sg556, Sako, Tpg, Frf2, Dsr

I don't necessarily have a budget, I'm willing to spend in accordance to what you have. The more you have, the more I'll give you: that's just fair. I wouldn't want to cheat you out of something you spent so much time and money invested into it. And just to let you guys know I'm serious and not just some kid wanting to buy a good account for cheap, if you have all the items above, I'll give you $150 for it. I will entertain any account so send me your account info if your looking to sell and lets see whether we can make a deal going.