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    amateraZZZ's Avatar
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    9.17 | BEST XAYAH GUIDE | Runes, Abilities, Builds, Laning, Mid game, Positioning

    Hello! I am amateraZZZ here with my MPGH Xayah in depth guide! This Xayah guide is for almost all skill levels. If you think you still have some things to improve, you are in the right place!

    amateraZZZ's <9.17> guide


    Runes to destroy SoloQ:

    Sustain runes to play safe:

    You can also use press the attack rune but I don't recommend you to use PTA with Xayah. Lethal Tempo is way better in my opinion.


    Abilities explained:

    Xayah Passive(Clean Cuts): After casting an ability, Xayah's next 3 basic attacks strike all enemies along their path, dealing 100% damage to her main target and 30 / 40 / 50% pass-through damage to other enemies (at levels 1 / 7 / 13. At her maximum attack range, a Feather will be left in the ground for 6 seconds. Xayah can store up to 5 empowered attacks.

    Lover's Leap: If either Xayah or Rakan is recalling, the other may move nearby and activate their own recall to join them. Both reach base at the time of which the initiator's recall ends.

    Xayah Q(Double Daggers): After a brief wind-up, Xayah hurls two feather-blades in quick succession in the target direction, and leaving 2 Feathers on the ground at maximum range.

    The feather-blades deal 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+0.5 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to all enemies they pass through, reduced to 50% against units beyond the first.

    Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 Cost: 50

    Xayah W(Deadly Plumage): Xayah surrounds herself with a storm of feather-blades for 4 seconds, granting her 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% bonus attack speed, 20% increased damage on her attacks, and 30% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds whenever she attacks a champion.

    If Rakan is nearby, he will also gain Deadly Plumage.

    Cooldown: 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 Cost: 60 / 55 / 50 / 45 / 40

    Xayah E(Bladecaller): Xayah recalls all her Feathers, dealing 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+0.6 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to enemies they strike on their way toward her, increasing by 0.5% for every 1% of Xayah's Critical Strike Chance. Minions take 50% damage.

    Each Feather to strike a target deals 10% less damage than the last, with a minimum of 10% damage. Enemies struck by at least 3 Feathers are rooted for 1.25 seconds.

    Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 Cost: 40

    Xayah R(Featherstorm):Xayah leaps into the air, becoming briefly untargetable but still able to move.

    After a short delay, she unleashes a volley of feather-blades forward in a cone, dealing 100 / 150 / 200 (+ 1.0 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to all enemies struck and leaving a line of 5 Feathers at the end of Featherstorm's maximum range.

    Cooldown: 140 / 130 / 120 Cost: 80 / 90 / 100

    Abilities to max:


    Items you can buy:
    You can also buy statikk shiv, but I don't recommend and most professional players don't play Xayah with Statikk Shiv.

    Example build: Crit build

    Most popular items:

    don't forget buying elixir after full build.


    Xayah's skills enable her to pass the laning phase easy. Her Q has a great range. To poke enemy, her Q will not deal enough damage because we don't max Q first, but doing Q+E fast will deal a lot of damage, without getting hurt by enemy team. So in lane you can often poke enemy like this, or kill minions away. Xayah's all-in's are pretty strong because of her W. her W gives her attack speed, and movement speed if attack the enemy after activating W. Using W is good way to win all-in's, push the lane and take turrets. If Rakan is near, rakan will be affected by Xayah's W too. Rakan will have the same effects like Xayah. Xayah's E pulls all the feathers in ground. This is the ability you must max first because this ability is very strong. Her basic attacks after activating a skill leaves feathers. basic atack range is not high but feathers' range is amazing. So you can use your passive feathers to kill 2 minions with 1 basic attack. When Xayah activates her E, all the feathers will come back to Xayah, and if feathers touch enemies, they will deal a lot of damage. If 3 or more feathers attack enemies, they will be rooted. E damage increases if there are more feathers. Xayah's ultimate skill R is an excellent skill to escape assasins. You mostly don't use R to attack, but to defense. Her R is similar to fiora's W but Xayah can move while R is being activated.

    Mid Game

    As a Xayah player, your late game is good enough to carry 2v5. So in order to carry, you should level up and buy items as fast as you can. But to buy items you need gold.
    Mid game is not very hard for Xayah; While splitting, she can outplay enemies with her R. As a bot laner, you should always get gold and maximize your income. How will you do this?; of course won't go to mid lane expecting to do a fight. Instead, you will push empty lanes. When mid game begins(after min14 or first turret) You should continue maximizing your income by farming. Be careful to not risk your position while doing this.

    Let's say that top lane outer turrets aren't destroyed yet. However, you destroyed enemy bot lane's outer turret and enemy bot lane destroyed your outer turret. In this point, you can't push bot lane more than middle of the lane. Reason is, if you try to push more, you may get attacked by enemies. So what you have to do is to push until the middle of the lane, and then go to another lane. This can be top lane or mid lane. If your top laner is not staying in top lane, you can go to there and farm safe. Another choice is, you can go to mid lane and push the wave, create pressure, but without attacking the turret. This pressure will make enemies come to mid lane and your top laner will easily get the top lane turret.


    As an ADC, one of the hardest things to do is to take position. Especially when enemies are made up of many assasins, you may die quite fast. If enemy has high CC, they can kill you easily. However, if you take well position, you can survive.

    Xayah's ultimate(R) is a very good skill to have a second chance. Enemy assasins can attempt to kill you even if they will die as a consequence. It will be good for them because Assasin < ADC. However, with Xayah, you can outplay assasins easily with your R, in team fights.

    Actually, taking position can be learned by experiencing teamfights. However, there are some important points;
    1. Don't start the fight!
    You are not the frontliner, you are the carry, the most important person in the team! In order to win, you must not risk yourself by starting a fight.

    2. Stay back! Calculate enemy damage and CC and play knowing it. Try to involve fights after enemies use their main CC skills, like Veigar E, Cassiopeia R, and so on.

    3. Kite! You must kite enemy players in team fights. Kiting is basically same as taking position after every atack. So you must take position, renew your position after casting an ability or auto attacking.

    Xayah can kite pretty easy because of her W attack speed and movement speed buff, and her E root. These plusses can enable her to take better position.

    You are ready! You are a Xayah Pro!

    If you have read all the guide, you are now a Xayah pro! You can destroy your enemies in SoloQ!

    You can post my mistakes, for me to fix them. Thanks for reading my guide!

    Looking for ADC Coaching? Check my service!

    Want to improve? Check my bot lane coaching service here!

    ************************************************** ********
    "note: Some writings may be similar to my other guides."
    Last edited by amateraZZZ; 08-29-2019 at 08:58 AM.
    “This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die..."

  2. #2
    Janitor's Avatar
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    Isnt resolve secondary better since the nerf of biscuits ?
    Also you wrote in the header that this is a Jinx guide, might want to fix that.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Janitor For This Useful Post:

    amateraZZZ (08-29-2019)

  4. #3
    amateraZZZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ninja View Post
    Isnt resolve secondary better since the nerf of biscuits ?
    Also you wrote in the header that this is a Jinx guide, might want to fix that.
    Resolve is not better in every lane, but yeah biscuits nerfed, not good like it was. However, most pro players still play with biscuits in SoloQ.
    “This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die..."

  5. #4
    Sharppey's Avatar
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    Aug 2019
    Like jinx's, quite complete and simple.
    Very useful

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Sharppey For This Useful Post:

    amateraZZZ (09-04-2019)

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