so there is no dat1 in server.sln so i went to where dat1 is in valor-server-master in game i get art error and i get this error Object reference not set to an instance of an object. i tried it with and with out ext="true" this is the weapons code
<Object type="0xea1" id="The Strap" ext="true">
<Description>You need to carry a strap in the Hood!</Description>
	<ObjectId>Xmas Bottle</ObjectId>
<ActivateOnEquip stat="0" amount="100">IncrementStat</ActivateOnEquip>
<ActivateOnEquip stat="3" amount="100">IncrementStat</ActivateOnEquip>
<ActivateOnEquip stat="20" amount="5">IncrementStat</ActivateOnEquip>
<ActivateOnEquip stat="21" amount="5">IncrementStat</ActivateOnEquip>
<ActivateOnEquip stat="22" amount="5">IncrementStat</ActivateOnEquip>
<ActivateOnEquip stat="28" amount="5">IncrementStat</ActivateOnEquip>
<ActivateOnEquip stat="26" amount="5">IncrementStat</ActivateOnEquip>
<ActivateOnEquip stat="27" amount="5">IncrementStat</ActivateOnEquip>
<DisplayId>The Strap</DisplayId>