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  1. #1
    Moshikashite's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Thumbs up NA Account with platinum S2 elo, all champions+runes, 2992 RP, 8894 IP and skins!

    Stuff not included in pictures:
    2,000+ normal games played
    High normal elo (So if pro players are playing normals, you get to play with them. Played with loads of pro players so far.)
    Deadfall Ward skins with 311 days left
    Own all of the following skins:
    Mecha Kha'Zix
    Justicar Syndra
    Foxfire Ahri, Dynasty Ahri, Midnight Ahri
    Frostblade Irelia
    Battle Bunny Riven
    Mafia Graves
    Jurassic Kog'Maw
    Bittersweet Lulu, Wicked Lulu
    Royal Guard Fiora, Nightraven Fiora
    Bladecraft Orianna
    Headhunter Master Yi
    Stinger Akali, Crimson Akali, Nurse Akali, Blood Moon Akali
    Unchained Alistar
    Noxus Hunter Anivia
    Amethyst Ashe
    Zombie Brand
    Safari Caitlyn
    Nottingham Ezreal
    Hextech Janna
    Angler Jax
    Judgment Kayle
    Valkyrie Leona
    Spellthief Lux
    Vizier Malzahar
    Haunted Maokai
    Blackthorn Morgana
    Royal Shaco
    Guqin Sona
    Dryad Soraka
    Badger Teemo
    Riot Girl Tristana
    High Noon Twisted Fate, Musketeer Twisted Fate
    White Mage Veigar, Leprechaun Veigar

    Haven't played a game with the account for around a month. I ended up having to move to Finland due to my job, so I need to get rid of my USA account.
    Pictures show 3642 RP. Account name will be changed and 650 RP will be removed, leaving it at 2992 RP. You get to decide the name of the account after purchasing it.
    Rules for the purchase:
    #1 Paypal will be used
    #2 I will not go first
    #3 The Paypal payment will be sent as "payment owed"
    If you cannot follow these three rules, don't bother contacting me and wasting my time.
    I will not swap accounts or take another kind of payment, such as Bitcoins. Do not contact me if you wish to do either of these.
    Leave an offer, I'll PM you with my contact details if I am interested in it. If the price is not high enough, I'll wait for some time and see if any better offers come. Once we have reached a conclusion and I have received the money, I will change the in-game name of the account to your wishing and provide you with the login details and will help you in changing the email. If further issues arise with the account security (such as it being stolen etc.) I will help you fully in recovering it. If your account gets banned or frozen, I am not to be blamed. The account has never been banned while it has been under my personal use.
    If further proof is wanted of me owning this account, I can add you in-game.

    Please stick to USD when creating an offer.
    Last edited by Moshikashite; 12-18-2012 at 12:40 PM. Reason: Added additional information.

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