Hi. When i try to load into the game on the proxy server i get this error:

[Error] An exception was thrown
within RemoteRead (isClient = True)
at PacketBuffer.Resize

System.ArgumentException: New buffer size is too large
at Lib_K_Relay.Networking.PacketBuffer.Resize(Int32 newSize)
at Lib_K_Relay.Networking.Client.<>c__DisplayClass40_ 0.<RemoteRead>b__0()
at Lib_K_Relay.Utilities.PluginUtils.ProtectedInvoke( Action action, String errorProvider, Type filteredException)
[Client] Disconnected.

I have tried with the Clients Nilly's Reborn 16.2.0 and ROTMGTool 16.0.0. Any ideas? i checked the pinned Common Issues/Problems thread but couldn't find anything.