Hello, I've a question about channelmessage.

My channelmessage refuses to change, I'm using seanpack and it just refuses to change, i've compiled the server in netbean (I had to use odinmsrev988 to compile and then just transfer all the src dist & build files)

I cannot compile directly in SeanPack and OdinMS_988 refuses to work for me, I'm getting errors when I try to run odinms

I really need help with this, i've tried and tried 2 days in a row now, please! help!

EDIT: okay, now, this is getting VEEEEEERY strange

Here's the line in maplepacketcreator: mplew.writeMapleAsciiString("SeanPack V5.9");

And here's the line in channelserver.jar: private String serverMessage = "SeanPack V.5.9 beta. Enjoy~";

(Yes I know I can change them)

But here's to the weird thing, I re-installed the entire repack and I deleted the old odinms SQL inside query browser and replaced it with a new one and fixed the login bug and everything

And then what I can see is that the Event message is "Seanpack v5.5"
Isnt that odd? I'm using Seanpack v5.9 and it says in event message that the version is 5.5,

And now to the question,
Have I screwed up my computer somehow ? or is the text hidden somewhere else?

I tried adding this to my world.properties: net.sf.odinms.channel.servermessage= Welcome to Maplestory

And I even took the line from another server so I guess it would work, but guess what, It dont! not even compiling works! Not even 5.9 shows up!

This is very strange and I really need some help now!