So I want to sell my accounts for a Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls key.
I'll do 2 accounts for the key max.

Origin: https:// gyazo .com/9597c9aae38570adccacce8057963b5a
GW2: https:// gyazo .com/ea4c36d1df2d72e80cbbc72d4ae4555d

League of Legends:

Level 30, all but 18 champions unlocked, Silver 1 last season, a few skins.


https:// gyazo. com/14a715d2e23510f220e4fe8af6f30885 Champs left to get
https:// gyazo. com/78f3846ecd49d93b7a8d56990f00bd09 2 skins
https:// gyazo. com/a6983617c165cc3826585713fb81cfb9 2 more skins

Also has: Lord Darius, Shadow Evelynn, Dreadknight Garen, Nightblade Irelia, Angler Jax, Mercenary Katarina, Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Traditional Lee Sin, Assassin Master Yi, Mafia Miss Fortune, Koi Nami, Forsaken Olaf, Full Metal Pantheon, Rune Wars Renekton, Ironscale Shyvana, Super Teemo, Buccaneer Tristana, Lil' Slugger Trundle, Gangster Twitch, Primal Udyr, Vindicator Vayne, Feral Warwick,