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  1. #1
    sqrl3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    CSGO Ahk multi-hack

    ;CS:GO Auto Buy and CS:GO Tools
    ;By: EpicnessCoding
    ;There is random sleep times for more human-like inputs
    ;Have Fun!
    #singleInstance, force ;one instance is easier to handle
    SendMode Input ;for the fast sending keys
    SetTitleMatchMode, 3
    #IfWinActive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    ;0 = default
    ;1 = tap once
    ;2 = tap twice
    ;3 = burst
    ;4 = fully auto for semi auto
    fireMode = 0
    ;0 = off
    ;1 = on
    noRecoil = 0
    canAuto = 0
    BHopOn = 0
    consistPull = 0
    firstShotRecoilTimeMax = 15
    firstShotRecoilTime = 0
    firstShotRestTimeMax = 5
    firstShotRestTime = 0
    buyWinShow = 0
    ;FileRead, tempWepText, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_info.txt
    tempWepText := "nova|xm1014|sawedoff|m249|negev|mac10|mp7|ump45|p90|bizon|famas|m4a1|ssg08|aug|awp|scar20`nelite|p250|tec9|deagle`nvest|vesthelm|Taser|defuser`nmolotov|decoy|flashbang|hegrenade|smokegrenade`nNova|XM1014|Sawed-Off/MAG-7|M249|Negev|MAC-10/MP9|MP7|UMP-45|P90|PP-Bizon|Galil AR/FAMAS|AK47/M4A4/M4A1-S|SSG 08|SG 553/AUG|AWP|G3SG1/SCAR-20`nDual Berettas|P250|Tec-9/Five-SeveN/CZ75-Auto|Desert Eagle`nKevlar Vest|Kevlar + Helmet|Zeus x27|Defuse/Rescue Kit`nMolotov/Incendiary Grenade|Decoy Grenade|Flashbang|High Explosive Grenade|Smoke Grenade"
    ;remove all of the \r for simplicity
    StringReplace, tempWepText, tempWepText, `r, ,
    ;arrays 1-4 is console name
    ;arrays 5-8 is label (alias)
    StringSplit, wepArray, tempWepText, `n,
    ;the split string array is for the sake of simplicity
    StringSplit, wepArraySplit1, wepArray1, |,
    StringSplit, wepArraySplit2, wepArray2, |,
    StringSplit, wepArraySplit3, wepArray3, |,
    StringSplit, wepArraySplit4, wepArray4, |,
    ;read the saved presets file
    FileRead, tempSaveText, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt
    If ErrorLevel = 1
    	FileAppend, None#None#None#None^None#None#None#None^None#None#None#None, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt
    	FileRead, tempSaveText, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt
    StringReplace, tempSaveText, tempSaveText, `r, ,
    StringSplit, tempSaveArray, tempSaveText, ^,
    StringSplit, tempSaveArraySplit1, tempSaveArray1, #,
    StringSplit, tempSaveArraySplit2, tempSaveArray2, #,
    StringSplit, tempSaveArraySplit3, tempSaveArray3, #,
    ;this is were the saved presets are stored
    primary1 := tempSaveArraySplit11
    secondary1 := tempSaveArraySplit12
    gear1 := tempSaveArraySplit13
    grenade1 := tempSaveArraySplit14
    primary2 := tempSaveArraySplit21
    secondary2 := tempSaveArraySplit22
    gear2 := tempSaveArraySplit23
    grenade2 := tempSaveArraySplit24
    primary3 := tempSaveArraySplit31
    secondary3 := tempSaveArraySplit32
    gear3 := tempSaveArraySplit33
    grenade3 := tempSaveArraySplit34
    ;show GUI
    Gui, Show, w200 h300, CS:GO Tools
    Gui, Add, Button, x10 y10 w180 h20 vSHOWBUYBUTTON gSHOWBUY, Autobuy Settings >>
    Gui, Add, GroupBox, x10 y50 w135 h190, Other:
    Gui, Add, Text, x20 y70 w200 vFIREMODE cBlue, Fire Mode: Default
    Gui, Add, Text, x20 y90 vNORECOIL cBlue, No Recoil: Off
    Gui, Add, Text, x20 y110 cBlue, No Recoil Amount:
    Gui, Add, Edit
    Gui, Add, UpDown, vNORECOILAMT Range1-8, 1
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y160 vFireStop, Stop On Fire
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y180 vSlowAuto, Slow Down Auto Fire
    Gui, Add, Text, x20 y200 vBHOP cBlue, BHop: Off
    Gui, Add, Text, x20 y220 vCONSISTPULL cBlue, Consistent Pull: Off
    Gui, Add, GroupBox, x-5 y270 w205 h50,
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y280, Good Luck`, Have Fun!
    Gui, 2:+AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption
    Gui, 2:Show, x10 y10 w220 h500, CS:GO Buy Settings
    Gui, 2:Hide
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, x10 y10, Primary:
    Gui, 2:Add, DropDownList, x10 y30 w150 vPrimaryWep Choose1 AltSubmit, None|%wepArray5%
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, x10 y60, Secondary:
    Gui, 2:Add, DropDownList, x10 y80 w150 vSecondaryWep Choose1 AltSubmit, None|%wepArray6%
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, x10 y110, Gear:
    Gui, 2:Add, ListBox, x10 y130 w150 h120 vGearWep Multi Choose1 AltSubmit, None|%wepArray7%
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, x10 y250, Grenade:
    Gui, 2:Add, ListBox, x10 y270 w150 h120 vGrenadeWep Multi Choose1 AltSubmit, None|%wepArray8%
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, x10 y390, Set As Key:
    Gui, 2:Add, Button, x10 y410 w60 h60 vPRESET1BUTTON gPRESET1, Numpad 1
    Gui, 2:Add, Button, x80 y410 w60 h60 vPRESET2BUTTON gPRESET2, Numpad 2
    Gui, 2:Add, Button, x150 y410 w60 h60 vPRESET3BUTTON gPRESET3, Numpad 3
    OnExit, GuiClose
    return ;return so that the program does not run the code below on start-up
    GuiControlGet, NORECOILAMT
    GuiControlGet, NORECOILAMT
    WinGetPos, guiPosX, guiPosY,,, A
    guiPosX := guiPosX + 200
    if(buyWinShow == 0){
    	GuiControl,, SHOWBUYBUTTON, Autobuy Settings <<
    	Gui, 2:Show, x%guiPosX% y%guiPosY% Restore
    	buyWinShow = 1
    	GuiControl,, SHOWBUYBUTTON, Autobuy Settings >>
    	Gui, 2:Hide
    	buyWinShow = 0
    ;handle the preset button clicks
    GuiControlGet, PrimaryWep
    GuiControlGet, SecondaryWep
    GuiControlGet, GearWep
    GuiControlGet, GrenadeWep
    PrimaryWep -= 1
    SecondaryWep -= 1
    if(PrimaryWep != 0)
    	primary1 := wepArraySplit1%PrimaryWep%
    	primary1 := "None"
    if(SecondaryWep != 0)
    	secondary1 := wepArraySplit2%SecondaryWep%
    	secondary1 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GearWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			gear1 := wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    			gear1 := gear1 . "|" . wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    		gear1 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GrenadeWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			grenade1 := wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    			grenade1 := grenade1 . "|" . wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    		grenade1 := "None"
    GuiControlGet, PrimaryWep
    GuiControlGet, SecondaryWep
    GuiControlGet, GearWep
    GuiControlGet, GrenadeWep
    PrimaryWep -= 1
    SecondaryWep -= 1
    if(PrimaryWep != 0)
    	primary2 := wepArraySplit1%PrimaryWep%
    	primary2 := "None"
    if(SecondaryWep != 0)
    	secondary2 := wepArraySplit2%SecondaryWep%
    	secondary2 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GearWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			gear2 := wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    			gear2 := gear2 . "|" . wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    		gear2 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GrenadeWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			grenade2 := wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    			grenade2 := grenade2 . "|" . wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    		grenade2 := "None"
    GuiControlGet, PrimaryWep
    GuiControlGet, SecondaryWep
    GuiControlGet, GearWep
    GuiControlGet, GrenadeWep
    PrimaryWep -= 1
    SecondaryWep -= 1
    if(PrimaryWep != 0)
    	primary3 := wepArraySplit1%PrimaryWep%
    	primary3 := "None"
    if(SecondaryWep != 0)
    	secondary3 := wepArraySplit2%SecondaryWep%
    	secondary3 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GearWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			gear3 := wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    			gear3 := gear3 . "|" . wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    		gear3 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GrenadeWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			grenade3 := wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    			grenade3 := grenade3 . "|" . wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    		grenade3 := "None"
    FileDelete, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt
    saveText := primary1 . "#" . secondary1 . "#" . gear1 . "#" . grenade1 . "^" . primary2 . "#" . secondary2 . "#" . gear2 . "#" . grenade2 . "^" . primary3 . "#" . secondary3 . "#" . gear3 . "#" . grenade3
    FileAppend, %saveText%, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt
    BHopOn += 1
    if(BHopOn > 1){
    	BHopOn = 0
    if(BHopOn == 0)
    	GuiControl, , BHOP, BHop: Off
    	GuiControl, , BHOP, BHop: On
    	if(BHopOn == 1){
    		While GetKeyState("Space", "P"){
    			Send {Space Down}
    			Sleep 20
    			Send {Space Up}
    			Sleep 30 ;This is the wait time between the space presses
    		Send {Space Down}
    		KeyWait, Space
    		Send {Space Up}
    noRecoil += 1
    if(noRecoil > 1){
    	noRecoil = 0
    if(noRecoil == 0)
    	GuiControl, , NORECOIL, No Recoil: Off
    	GuiControl, , NORECOIL, No Recoil: On
    consistPull += 1
    if(consistPull > 1){
    	consistPull = 0
    if(consistPull == 0)
    	GuiControl, , CONSISTPULL, Consistent Pull: Off
    	GuiControl, , CONSISTPULL, Consistent Pull: On
    ;toggles the fireMode using right ctrl
    fireMode = 0 ;default
    KeyWait, RCtrl
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: Default
    fireMode = 1 ;tap once
    KeyWait, Numpad7
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: 1x Tap Fire
    fireMode = 2 ;tap twice
    KeyWait, Numpad8
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: 2x Tap Fire
    fireMode = 3 ;burst
    KeyWait, Numpad9
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: Burst Fire
    fireMode = 4 ;full auto for semi auto
    KeyWait, Numpad4
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: Auto Fire
    fireMode = 5 ;full auto for semi auto
    KeyWait, Numpad5
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: Knife
    fireMode = 6 ;tap = burst, click and hold = regular fire
    KeyWait, Numpad6
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: TapBurstHoldRegular
    ;handles the numpad events (use preset)
    Send ``
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    if(primary1 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%primary1%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(secondary1 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%secondary1%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(gear1 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, gear1, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    if(grenade1 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, grenade1, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    Send {ESC}
    Send ``
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    if(primary2 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%primary2%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(secondary2 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%secondary2%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(gear2 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, gear2, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    if(grenade2 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, grenade2, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    Send {ESC}
    Send ``
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    if(primary3 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%primary3%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(secondary3 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%secondary3%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(gear3 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, gear3, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    if(grenade3 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, grenade3, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    Send {ESC}
    ;handles left click for the burst and tap fire
    GuiControlGet, FireStop
    GuiControlGet, SlowAuto
    if(FireStop == 1){
    	if(GetKeyState("a", "P") && !GetKeyState("d", "P")){
    		Hotkey, *a, dummyLabel, On
    		Send {a down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {a up}
    	}else if(GetKeyState("d", "P") && !GetKeyState("a", "P")){
    		Hotkey, *d, dummyLabel, On
    		Send {d down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {d up}
    	if(GetKeyState("w", "P") && !GetKeyState("s", "P")){
    		Hotkey, *w, dummyLabel, On
    		Send {w down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {w up}
    	}else if(GetKeyState("s", "P") && !GetKeyState("w", "P")){
    		Hotkey, *s, dummyLabel, On
    		Send {s down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {s up}
    GuiControlGet, NORECOILAMT
    if(fireMode == 0){ ;default
    	Click down
    	While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
    		if(noRecoil == 1){
    			if(consistPull == 0){
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					if(firstShotRecoilTime > firstShotRecoilTimeMax){
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    						Random, tempRand, 200, 220
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    						firstShotRecoilTime += 1
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT * 2)
    						Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click up
    }else if(fireMode == 1){ ;tap once
    	Click down
    	Random, tempRand, 40, 60
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click up
    }else if(fireMode == 2){ ;tap twice
    	Click down
    	Random, tempRand, 40, 60
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click up
    	Random, tempRand, 50, 70
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click down
    	Random, tempRand, 40, 60
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click up
    }else if(fireMode == 3){ ;burst
    	Click down
    	Random, tempRand, 175, 250
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click up
    }else if(fireMode == 4){ ;auto for semi-autos
    	While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
    		Random, tempRand, 15, 25
    		Click down
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click up
    		if(noRecoil == 1 && SlowAuto != 1){
    			if(consistPull == 0){
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					if(firstShotRecoilTime > firstShotRecoilTimeMax){
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    						Random, tempRand, 200, 220
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    						firstShotRecoilTime += 1
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT * 2)
    						Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    		if(SlowAuto == 1){
    			Random, tempRand, 400, 500
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		WinGetTitle, title, A
    		if(title != "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
    		If !GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
    }else if(fireMode == 5){
    	While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
    		Click down
    		Random, tempRand, 20, 30
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click up
    		Random, tempRand, 500, 600
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click down
    		Random, tempRand, 20, 30
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click up
    		Random, tempRand, 500, 600
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click down right
    		Random, tempRand, 20, 30
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click up right
    		Random, tempRand, 1000, 1200
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    }else if(fireMode == 6){
    	Click down
    	canAuto = 0
    	SetTimer, LButtonHeld, 200
    	While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
    		if(noRecoil == 1){
    			if(consistPull == 0){
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					if(firstShotRecoilTime > firstShotRecoilTimeMax){
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    						Random, tempRand, 200, 220
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    						firstShotRecoilTime += 1
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT * 2)
    						Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    	if(canAuto == 0){
    		Click up
    		Random, tempRand, 50, 100
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click down
    		Random, tempRand, 30, 40
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click up
    		SetTimer, LButtonHeld, Off
    		Click up
    firstShotRecoilTime = 0
    firstShotRestTime = 0
    if(FireStop == 1){
    	Hotkey, *a, dummyLabel, Off
    	Hotkey, *d, dummyLabel, Off
    	Hotkey, *w, dummyLabel, Off
    	Hotkey, *s, dummyLabel, Off
    	if(GetKeyState("a", "P") && !GetKeyState("d", "P")){
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {a down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {a up}
    	}else if(GetKeyState("d", "P") && !GetKeyState("a", "P")){
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {d down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {d up}
    	if(GetKeyState("w", "P") && !GetKeyState("s", "P")){
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {w down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {w up}
    	}else if(GetKeyState("s", "P") && !GetKeyState("w", "P")){
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {s down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {s up}
    canAuto = 1
    mouseXY(x, y) ;moves the mouse (relative movements)
    dummyLabel: ;does nothing (to disable a key)
    Last edited by Hunter; 12-16-2015 at 02:51 PM.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to sqrl3 For This Useful Post:

    nanotrybox (12-23-2015)

  3. #2
    Smoke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by sqrl3 View Post
    ;CS:GO Auto Buy and CS:GO Tools
    ;By: EpicnessCoding
    ;There is random sleep times for more human-like inputs
    ;Have Fun!
    #singleInstance, force ;one instance is easier to handle
    SendMode Input ;for the fast sending keys
    SetTitleMatchMode, 3
    #IfWinActive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    ;0 = default
    ;1 = tap once
    ;2 = tap twice
    ;3 = burst
    ;4 = fully auto for semi auto
    fireMode = 0
    ;0 = off
    ;1 = on
    noRecoil = 0
    canAuto = 0
    BHopOn = 0
    consistPull = 0
    firstShotRecoilTimeMax = 15
    firstShotRecoilTime = 0
    firstShotRestTimeMax = 5
    firstShotRestTime = 0
    buyWinShow = 0
    ;FileRead, tempWepText, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_info.txt
    tempWepText := "nova|xm1014|sawedoff|m249|negev|mac10|mp7|ump45|p90|bizon|famas|m4a1|ssg08|aug|awp|scar20`nelite|p250|tec9|deagle`nvest|vesthelm|Taser|defuser`nmolotov|decoy|flashbang|hegrenade|smokegrenade`nNova|XM1014|Sawed-Off/MAG-7|M249|Negev|MAC-10/MP9|MP7|UMP-45|P90|PP-Bizon|Galil AR/FAMAS|AK47/M4A4/M4A1-S|SSG 08|SG 553/AUG|AWP|G3SG1/SCAR-20`nDual Berettas|P250|Tec-9/Five-SeveN/CZ75-Auto|Desert Eagle`nKevlar Vest|Kevlar + Helmet|Zeus x27|Defuse/Rescue Kit`nMolotov/Incendiary Grenade|Decoy Grenade|Flashbang|High Explosive Grenade|Smoke Grenade"
    ;remove all of the \r for simplicity
    StringReplace, tempWepText, tempWepText, `r, ,
    ;arrays 1-4 is console name
    ;arrays 5-8 is label (alias)
    StringSplit, wepArray, tempWepText, `n,
    ;the split string array is for the sake of simplicity
    StringSplit, wepArraySplit1, wepArray1, |,
    StringSplit, wepArraySplit2, wepArray2, |,
    StringSplit, wepArraySplit3, wepArray3, |,
    StringSplit, wepArraySplit4, wepArray4, |,
    ;read the saved presets file
    FileRead, tempSaveText, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt
    If ErrorLevel = 1
    	FileAppend, None#None#None#None^None#None#None#None^None#None#None#None, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt
    	FileRead, tempSaveText, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt
    StringReplace, tempSaveText, tempSaveText, `r, ,
    StringSplit, tempSaveArray, tempSaveText, ^,
    StringSplit, tempSaveArraySplit1, tempSaveArray1, #,
    StringSplit, tempSaveArraySplit2, tempSaveArray2, #,
    StringSplit, tempSaveArraySplit3, tempSaveArray3, #,
    ;this is were the saved presets are stored
    primary1 := tempSaveArraySplit11
    secondary1 := tempSaveArraySplit12
    gear1 := tempSaveArraySplit13
    grenade1 := tempSaveArraySplit14
    primary2 := tempSaveArraySplit21
    secondary2 := tempSaveArraySplit22
    gear2 := tempSaveArraySplit23
    grenade2 := tempSaveArraySplit24
    primary3 := tempSaveArraySplit31
    secondary3 := tempSaveArraySplit32
    gear3 := tempSaveArraySplit33
    grenade3 := tempSaveArraySplit34
    ;show GUI
    Gui, Show, w200 h300, CS:GO Tools
    Gui, Add, Button, x10 y10 w180 h20 vSHOWBUYBUTTON gSHOWBUY, Autobuy Settings >>
    Gui, Add, GroupBox, x10 y50 w135 h190, Other:
    Gui, Add, Text, x20 y70 w200 vFIREMODE cBlue, Fire Mode: Default
    Gui, Add, Text, x20 y90 vNORECOIL cBlue, No Recoil: Off
    Gui, Add, Text, x20 y110 cBlue, No Recoil Amount:
    Gui, Add, Edit
    Gui, Add, UpDown, vNORECOILAMT Range1-8, 1
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y160 vFireStop, Stop On Fire
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y180 vSlowAuto, Slow Down Auto Fire
    Gui, Add, Text, x20 y200 vBHOP cBlue, BHop: Off
    Gui, Add, Text, x20 y220 vCONSISTPULL cBlue, Consistent Pull: Off
    Gui, Add, GroupBox, x-5 y270 w205 h50,
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y280, Good Luck`, Have Fun!
    Gui, 2:+AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption
    Gui, 2:Show, x10 y10 w220 h500, CS:GO Buy Settings
    Gui, 2:Hide
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, x10 y10, Primary:
    Gui, 2:Add, DropDownList, x10 y30 w150 vPrimaryWep Choose1 AltSubmit, None|%wepArray5%
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, x10 y60, Secondary:
    Gui, 2:Add, DropDownList, x10 y80 w150 vSecondaryWep Choose1 AltSubmit, None|%wepArray6%
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, x10 y110, Gear:
    Gui, 2:Add, ListBox, x10 y130 w150 h120 vGearWep Multi Choose1 AltSubmit, None|%wepArray7%
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, x10 y250, Grenade:
    Gui, 2:Add, ListBox, x10 y270 w150 h120 vGrenadeWep Multi Choose1 AltSubmit, None|%wepArray8%
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, x10 y390, Set As Key:
    Gui, 2:Add, Button, x10 y410 w60 h60 vPRESET1BUTTON gPRESET1, Numpad 1
    Gui, 2:Add, Button, x80 y410 w60 h60 vPRESET2BUTTON gPRESET2, Numpad 2
    Gui, 2:Add, Button, x150 y410 w60 h60 vPRESET3BUTTON gPRESET3, Numpad 3
    OnExit, GuiClose
    return ;return so that the program does not run the code below on start-up
    GuiControlGet, NORECOILAMT
    GuiControlGet, NORECOILAMT
    WinGetPos, guiPosX, guiPosY,,, A
    guiPosX := guiPosX + 200
    if(buyWinShow == 0){
    	GuiControl,, SHOWBUYBUTTON, Autobuy Settings <<
    	Gui, 2:Show, x%guiPosX% y%guiPosY% Restore
    	buyWinShow = 1
    	GuiControl,, SHOWBUYBUTTON, Autobuy Settings >>
    	Gui, 2:Hide
    	buyWinShow = 0
    ;handle the preset button clicks
    GuiControlGet, PrimaryWep
    GuiControlGet, SecondaryWep
    GuiControlGet, GearWep
    GuiControlGet, GrenadeWep
    PrimaryWep -= 1
    SecondaryWep -= 1
    if(PrimaryWep != 0)
    	primary1 := wepArraySplit1%PrimaryWep%
    	primary1 := "None"
    if(SecondaryWep != 0)
    	secondary1 := wepArraySplit2%SecondaryWep%
    	secondary1 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GearWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			gear1 := wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    			gear1 := gear1 . "|" . wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    		gear1 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GrenadeWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			grenade1 := wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    			grenade1 := grenade1 . "|" . wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    		grenade1 := "None"
    GuiControlGet, PrimaryWep
    GuiControlGet, SecondaryWep
    GuiControlGet, GearWep
    GuiControlGet, GrenadeWep
    PrimaryWep -= 1
    SecondaryWep -= 1
    if(PrimaryWep != 0)
    	primary2 := wepArraySplit1%PrimaryWep%
    	primary2 := "None"
    if(SecondaryWep != 0)
    	secondary2 := wepArraySplit2%SecondaryWep%
    	secondary2 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GearWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			gear2 := wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    			gear2 := gear2 . "|" . wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    		gear2 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GrenadeWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			grenade2 := wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    			grenade2 := grenade2 . "|" . wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    		grenade2 := "None"
    GuiControlGet, PrimaryWep
    GuiControlGet, SecondaryWep
    GuiControlGet, GearWep
    GuiControlGet, GrenadeWep
    PrimaryWep -= 1
    SecondaryWep -= 1
    if(PrimaryWep != 0)
    	primary3 := wepArraySplit1%PrimaryWep%
    	primary3 := "None"
    if(SecondaryWep != 0)
    	secondary3 := wepArraySplit2%SecondaryWep%
    	secondary3 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GearWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			gear3 := wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    			gear3 := gear3 . "|" . wepArraySplit3%tempVar%
    		gear3 := "None"
    Loop, parse, GrenadeWep, |
    	tempVar := A_LoopField - 1
    	if(tempVar != 0){
    		if(A_Index == 1)
    			grenade3 := wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    			grenade3 := grenade3 . "|" . wepArraySplit4%tempVar%
    		grenade3 := "None"
    FileDelete, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt
    saveText := primary1 . "#" . secondary1 . "#" . gear1 . "#" . grenade1 . "^" . primary2 . "#" . secondary2 . "#" . gear2 . "#" . grenade2 . "^" . primary3 . "#" . secondary3 . "#" . gear3 . "#" . grenade3
    FileAppend, %saveText%, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt
    BHopOn += 1
    if(BHopOn > 1){
    	BHopOn = 0
    if(BHopOn == 0)
    	GuiControl, , BHOP, BHop: Off
    	GuiControl, , BHOP, BHop: On
    	if(BHopOn == 1){
    		While GetKeyState("Space", "P"){
    			Send {Space Down}
    			Sleep 20
    			Send {Space Up}
    			Sleep 30 ;This is the wait time between the space presses
    		Send {Space Down}
    		KeyWait, Space
    		Send {Space Up}
    noRecoil += 1
    if(noRecoil > 1){
    	noRecoil = 0
    if(noRecoil == 0)
    	GuiControl, , NORECOIL, No Recoil: Off
    	GuiControl, , NORECOIL, No Recoil: On
    consistPull += 1
    if(consistPull > 1){
    	consistPull = 0
    if(consistPull == 0)
    	GuiControl, , CONSISTPULL, Consistent Pull: Off
    	GuiControl, , CONSISTPULL, Consistent Pull: On
    ;toggles the fireMode using right ctrl
    fireMode = 0 ;default
    KeyWait, RCtrl
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: Default
    fireMode = 1 ;tap once
    KeyWait, Numpad7
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: 1x Tap Fire
    fireMode = 2 ;tap twice
    KeyWait, Numpad8
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: 2x Tap Fire
    fireMode = 3 ;burst
    KeyWait, Numpad9
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: Burst Fire
    fireMode = 4 ;full auto for semi auto
    KeyWait, Numpad4
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: Auto Fire
    fireMode = 5 ;full auto for semi auto
    KeyWait, Numpad5
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: Knife
    fireMode = 6 ;tap = burst, click and hold = regular fire
    KeyWait, Numpad6
    GuiControl, , FIREMODE, Fire Mode: TapBurstHoldRegular
    ;handles the numpad events (use preset)
    Send ``
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    if(primary1 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%primary1%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(secondary1 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%secondary1%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(gear1 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, gear1, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    if(grenade1 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, grenade1, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    Send {ESC}
    Send ``
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    if(primary2 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%primary2%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(secondary2 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%secondary2%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(gear2 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, gear2, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    if(grenade2 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, grenade2, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    Send {ESC}
    Send ``
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    if(primary3 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%primary3%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(secondary3 != "None"){
    	Send buy%A_Space%%secondary3%
    	Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Send {Enter down}
    	Sleep 50
    	Send {Enter up}
    	Sleep 50
    if(gear3 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, gear3, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    if(grenade3 != "None"){
    	Loop, parse, grenade3, |
    		Send buy%A_Space%%A_LoopField%
    		Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Send {Enter down}
    		Sleep 50
    		Send {Enter up}
    		Sleep 50
    Random, tempRand, 140, 160
    Sleep %tempRand%
    Send {ESC}
    ;handles left click for the burst and tap fire
    GuiControlGet, FireStop
    GuiControlGet, SlowAuto
    if(FireStop == 1){
    	if(GetKeyState("a", "P") && !GetKeyState("d", "P")){
    		Hotkey, *a, dummyLabel, On
    		Send {a down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {a up}
    	}else if(GetKeyState("d", "P") && !GetKeyState("a", "P")){
    		Hotkey, *d, dummyLabel, On
    		Send {d down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {d up}
    	if(GetKeyState("w", "P") && !GetKeyState("s", "P")){
    		Hotkey, *w, dummyLabel, On
    		Send {w down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {w up}
    	}else if(GetKeyState("s", "P") && !GetKeyState("w", "P")){
    		Hotkey, *s, dummyLabel, On
    		Send {s down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {s up}
    GuiControlGet, NORECOILAMT
    if(fireMode == 0){ ;default
    	Click down
    	While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
    		if(noRecoil == 1){
    			if(consistPull == 0){
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					if(firstShotRecoilTime > firstShotRecoilTimeMax){
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    						Random, tempRand, 200, 220
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    						firstShotRecoilTime += 1
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT * 2)
    						Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click up
    }else if(fireMode == 1){ ;tap once
    	Click down
    	Random, tempRand, 40, 60
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click up
    }else if(fireMode == 2){ ;tap twice
    	Click down
    	Random, tempRand, 40, 60
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click up
    	Random, tempRand, 50, 70
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click down
    	Random, tempRand, 40, 60
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click up
    }else if(fireMode == 3){ ;burst
    	Click down
    	Random, tempRand, 175, 250
    	Sleep %tempRand%
    	Click up
    }else if(fireMode == 4){ ;auto for semi-autos
    	While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
    		Random, tempRand, 15, 25
    		Click down
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click up
    		if(noRecoil == 1 && SlowAuto != 1){
    			if(consistPull == 0){
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					if(firstShotRecoilTime > firstShotRecoilTimeMax){
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    						Random, tempRand, 200, 220
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    						firstShotRecoilTime += 1
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT * 2)
    						Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    		if(SlowAuto == 1){
    			Random, tempRand, 400, 500
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		WinGetTitle, title, A
    		if(title != "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive")
    		If !GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
    }else if(fireMode == 5){
    	While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
    		Click down
    		Random, tempRand, 20, 30
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click up
    		Random, tempRand, 500, 600
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click down
    		Random, tempRand, 20, 30
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click up
    		Random, tempRand, 500, 600
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click down right
    		Random, tempRand, 20, 30
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click up right
    		Random, tempRand, 1000, 1200
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    }else if(fireMode == 6){
    	Click down
    	canAuto = 0
    	SetTimer, LButtonHeld, 200
    	While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
    		if(noRecoil == 1){
    			if(consistPull == 0){
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					if(firstShotRecoilTime > firstShotRecoilTimeMax){
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    						Random, tempRand, 200, 220
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    						firstShotRecoilTime += 1
    						mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT * 2)
    						Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    						Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    				if(firstShotRestTime > firstShotRestTimeMax){
    					mouseXY(0, NORECOILAMT)
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    					firstShotRestTime += 1
    					Random, tempRand, 20, 40
    					Sleep %tempRand%
    	if(canAuto == 0){
    		Click up
    		Random, tempRand, 50, 100
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click down
    		Random, tempRand, 30, 40
    		Sleep %tempRand%
    		Click up
    		SetTimer, LButtonHeld, Off
    		Click up
    firstShotRecoilTime = 0
    firstShotRestTime = 0
    if(FireStop == 1){
    	Hotkey, *a, dummyLabel, Off
    	Hotkey, *d, dummyLabel, Off
    	Hotkey, *w, dummyLabel, Off
    	Hotkey, *s, dummyLabel, Off
    	if(GetKeyState("a", "P") && !GetKeyState("d", "P")){
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {a down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {a up}
    	}else if(GetKeyState("d", "P") && !GetKeyState("a", "P")){
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {d down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {d up}
    	if(GetKeyState("w", "P") && !GetKeyState("s", "P")){
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {w down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {w up}
    	}else if(GetKeyState("s", "P") && !GetKeyState("w", "P")){
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {s down}
    		Sleep 20
    		Send {s up}
    canAuto = 1
    mouseXY(x, y) ;moves the mouse (relative movements)
    dummyLabel: ;does nothing (to disable a key)
    I'm guessing that was a script/code, so i fixed it up for you a little bit.

    Please define what this does a little more so it helps users know exactly what this is. Thanks!


    Quote Originally Posted by Liz View Post
    This is my first vouch, ever. Rapidgator account worked perfectly. Would buy in the future.

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