I got stuck at one problem when im going to make myWebbrowser more complex. I got stuck becouse i needed to mkae a custom control (the tabbed webbrowser so it add a new webbrowser in each tab) But i cant get the class right i can make costum classes with new events in VB but im not a expert.

Here is my progress right now i have del someparts so you dont C&P ^^

TabPage ^tab = gcnew TabPage();
            WebBrowser ^brws = gcnew WebBrowser();
            tab->Text = "This was the problem...i cant get he name of the tab without the event for docCompleted";
I want a event for the WebBrowser. it is the variable for the Webbrowser component.
Events that i need, i just need the base then just nearly the same on each event i think.
Documentcompleted, navigating, navigated, progresschange, etc.

I hope someone can help me And i dont have any errors right now...go to the programming/C++ there can you see my progress.