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  1. #1
    gogogokitty's Avatar
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    Feb 2013

    Anyone wanting to hook me up with a script executor in exchange for my work?

    I currently do not have a real way of testing my scripts on public servers before I release them so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in setting me up with one(must be a somewhat trusted member, no 1 post heroes) and I will give you access to anything I make regarding it as well as if you request a certain feature that you would like then I would make it for you. Heres an example of my first project that is a WIP(that I do plan on releasing once I can actually test it on a public server) and no where near complete, everything is written from the ground up by me, the dialog, and the scripts behind them are not copy/paste.


    Weapons: spawn any weapon on your player, this also works with most modded weapons.

    Vehicles: spawn any vehicle available.

    Player: teleport to any selected player on the server.

    Self: Heal to full health, Kill yourself, toggle god mode, toggle infinite ammo(once magazine count goes to 10-), teleport anywhere on the map, give yourself a magazine of your current weapon.

    Misc: Toggle a surrounding Box ESP with names and range below the player(color of box and name will be the color of the side the unit is on), Toggle map markers for players and AI(players have their name and AI has AI beside the marker), Show the distance between you and the enemy when your cursor is on them(make it quicker to take long range shots so you do not need to pull out your range finder to zero in on your target), give yourself 10000 dollars in wasteland(servers using the var cmoney).

    Last edited by gogogokitty; 08-01-2018 at 11:13 PM.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to gogogokitty For This Useful Post:

    Toma-RefundService (08-12-2018)

  3. #2
    coontoonz's Avatar
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    My Mood
    How can I contact you

  4. #3
    gogogokitty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by coontoonz View Post
    How can I contact you
    i added you on mpgh, send me a message on the chat whenever

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by coontoonz View Post
    How can I contact you
    Add me here on mpgh's IM

  5. #4
    kingshalev's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    so its a script menu? cuz if its only a menu then its not really that worth it

  6. #5
    gogogokitty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by kingshalev View Post
    so its a script menu? cuz if its only a menu then its not really that worth it
    still worth trying, its more so that anyone who sets me up gives themselves the right to make me their b*tch slave for whatever they want lol.

  7. #6
    cferwudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    I would pay for you to buy it .Please talk to me quickly

  8. #7
    gogogokitty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by cferwudi View Post
    I would pay for you to buy it .Please talk to me quickly
    add me on mpgh's IM to talk, im not selling scripts though, IM or say your steam and ill add you on there
    Last edited by gogogokitty; 08-02-2018 at 09:19 PM.

  9. #8
    cferwudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    I add you and my steam account gamelife63 my steam name is葫芦娃就爷爷999

  10. #9
    Heckn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    There's nothing really special about it, I doubt anyone's going to give you anything for it

  11. #10
    gogogokitty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Heckn View Post
    There's nothing really special about it, I doubt anyone's going to give you anything for it
    no sh*t sherlok theres not much more that can be done that hasnt already, was just worth a try

    BUF_fnc_getCrap =
    	params ["_type"];
    	lbClear 1500;
    	_return = [];
    	switch (_type) do
    		case "wep": 
    			_tmp = "getText (_x >> 'cursor') isEqualTo 'arifle' OR getText (_x >> 'cursor') isEqualTo 'srifle' OR getText (_x >> 'cursor') isEqualTo 'hgun' OR getText (_x >> 'cursor') isEqualTo 'smg' OR getText (_x >> 'cursor') isEqualTo 'mg' AND getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2" configClasses (configFile >> "cfgWeapons");
    				if !((getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> configName (_x) >> "displayname")) isEqualTo "Rifle") then
    					_return pushBack configName (_x);
    			} forEach _tmp;
    			BUF_action ctrlSetText "Get Weapon";
    			[_return, "wep"] call BUF_fnc_addToList;
    		case "veh": 
    			_return = ("configname _x isKindOf 'Car' && getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2 " configClasses (configfile >> "CfgVehicles")) apply {configName _x};
    			BUF_action ctrlSetText "Spawn Vehicle";
    			[_return, "veh"] call BUF_fnc_addToList;
    		case "player":
    				lbAdd [1500, name _x];
    				lbSetData [1500, _forEachIndex, _x call BIS_fnc_netId];
    			} forEach allPlayers;//change to allPlayers outside of testing
    			BUF_action ctrlSetText "Teleport To Player";
    BUF_fnc_addToList =
    	params ["_name", "_type"];
    	lbClear 1500;
    	switch (_type) do
    		case "wep":
    			_tmp = [];
    				_wep = getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "baseweapon");//test this setup with mod weapons
    				_dev = getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "author");
    				if !(_dev isEqualTo "Bohemia Interactive") then
    					_tmp pushBackUnique _x;
    				} else
    					_tmp pushBackUnique _wep;
    			} forEach _name;
    				_wepName = getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayname");
    				lbAdd [1500, _wepName];
    				lbSetData [1500, _forEachIndex, _x];
    			} forEach _tmp;
    		case "veh":
    				_obName = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayname");
    				lbAdd [1500, _obName];
    				lbSetData [1500, _forEachIndex, _x];
    			} forEach _name;
    		case "self":
    			BUF_action ctrlSetText "Do to Self";
    			_actions = ["Heal", "Kill", "God Mode On", "God Mode Off", "Infinite Ammo On", "Infinite Ammo Off", "Teleport", "Give Magazine"];
    				lbAdd [1500, _x];
    			} forEach _actions;
    		case "misc":
    			BUF_action ctrlSetText "Do....The misc thing";
    			_actions = ["Box ESP On", "Box ESP Off", "Triggerbot On", "Triggerbot Off", "Map Markers On", "Map Markers Off", "Show Aimed At Enemy Range On", "Show Aimed At Enemy Range Off", "Add Wasteland cash + 10000"];
    				lbAdd [1500, _x];
    			} forEach _actions;
    BUF_fnc_mapTeleport =
    	closeDialog 602;
    	openMap true;
    	onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos; openMap false; ['Teleported', xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; onMapSingleClick ''; true";
    BUF_fnc_deBox =
    		if (BUF_deBox_val isEqualTo false) exitWith {onEachFrame{}};
    			_distance = round (_x distance player);
    			if (_distance < 801 && _x != player) then
    				_color = [0,0,0,1];
    				switch ((side _x)) do
    					case WEST: {_color = [0,0,1,1]};
    					case EAST: {_color = [1,0,0,1]};
    					case INDEPENDENT: {_color = [0,1,0,1]};
    					case CIVILIAN: {_color = [0.4,0,1,1]};
    				_uStance = stance _x;
    				_stance = 0;
    				switch (_uStance) do
    					case "STAND": {_stance = 1.84};
    					case "CROUCH": {_stance = 1.18};
    					case "PRONE": {_stance = 0.5};
    				_distance = round (_x distance player);
    				_posID = _x modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0];
    				_posBase = getPosATL _x;
    				_posTL1 = [(_posBase select 0) - 0.35, _posBase select 1, (_posBase select 2) + _stance];
    				_posBL1 = [(_posBase select 0) - 0.35, _posBase select 1, _posBase select 2];
    				_posTR1 = [(_posBase select 0) + 0.35, _posBase select 1, (_posBase select 2) + _stance];
    				_posBR1 = [(_posBase select 0) + 0.35, _posBase select 1, _posBase select 2];
    				_posTL2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) - 0.35, (_posBase select 2) + _stance];
    				_posBL2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) - 0.35, _posBase select 2];
    				_posTR2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) + 0.35, (_posBase select 2) + _stance];
    				_posBR2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) + 0.35, _posBase select 2];
    				if (_distance < 101) then
    					drawIcon3D ["", _color, _posID, 0, 00, 45, format ["%1: %2m", name _x, _distance], 0, 0.023];
    				} else {drawIcon3D ["", _color, _posID, 0, 00, 45, format ["*%1m",_distance], 0, 0.023]};
    				drawLine3D [_posTL1, _posTR1, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posTL1, _posBL1, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posTR1, _posBR1, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posBL1, _posBR1, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posTL2, _posTR2, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posTL2, _posBL2, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posTR2, _posBR2, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posBL2, _posBR2, _color];
    		} forEach allUnits;
    		_distCursor = round (player distance cursorTarget);
    BUF_fnc_mapMarkers =
    	_continue = false;
    	while {BUF_showMapMarkers} do
    		_continue = true;
    		if (visibleMap) then
    				_data = [];
    				_markName = name _x;
    				_mrk = createMarkerLocal [_markName, position _x];
    				_markName setMarkerColorLocal ([side _x, true] call BIS_fnc_sideColor);
    				_markName setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
    				_markName setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
    				_data pushBack _x;
    				_data pushBack _markName;
    				BUF_markers pushBack _data;
    			} forEach allUnits;
    			while {_continue} do
    				if !(visibleMap) then{_continue = false;};
    					_marker = _x select 1; _unit = _x select 0;
    					_marker setMarkerPosLocal position _unit;
    					if (!isPlayer _unit) then {_marker setMarkerTextLocal "AI"} else {_marker setMarkerTextLocal name _unit};
    				} forEach BUF_markers;
    		sleep 0.03;
    	if !(BUF_showMapMarkers) then {{_mrker = _x select 1; deletemarker _mrker} forEach BUF_markers};
    BUF_fnc_showDistance =
    	while {BUF_cursor_showRange} do
    		if (cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (side cursorTarget) != (side player) && alive cursorTarget && round (cursorTarget distance player) < 801) then
    			_str = format ["Enemy is %1m away", round (cursorTarget distance player)];
    			[_str, xOutput, yOutput, 5, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText
    BUF_fnc_iAmo =
    	while {BUF_iAmo} do
    		_ammoC = player ammo currentWeapon player;
    		if (_ammoC <= 10) then
    			_magClass = currentMagazine player;
    			_amount = getNumber (configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _magClass >> "count");		
    			player setAmmo [currentWeapon player, _amount];
    		sleep 0.03;
    BUF_fnc_triggerbot =//FIX THIS WHERE COMMENT IS
    		if (BUF_triggerbot_val isEqualTo false) exitWith {onEachFrame{}};
    		if (cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (side cursorTarget) != (side player) && alive cursorTarget) then
    			_distance = player distance cursorTarget;
    			if (round _distance >= (currentZeroing player) + 80 && round _distance < (currentZeroing player) - 80) then
    			{//condition not firing
    				player forceWeaponFire [currentWeapon player, "single"];
    BUF_fnc_doAction =
    	_type = "";
    	_action = ctrlText 1501;
    	if ((_action find 'Weapon') >= 0) then {_type = "wep"};
    	if ((_action find 'Vehicle') >= 0) then {_type = "veh"};
    	if ((_action find 'Player') >= 0) then {_type = "player"};
    	if ((_action find 'Self') >= 0) then {_type = "self"};
    	if ((_action find 'misc') >= 0) then {_type = "misc"};
    	switch (_type) do
    		case "wep": 
    			_slot = lbCurSel 1500;
    			_wep = lbData [1500, _slot];
    			[player, _wep, 3] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
    		case "veh": 
    			_slot = lbCurSel 1500;
    			_veh = lbData [1500, _slot];
    			_v = _veh createVehicle position player;
    		case "player": 
    			_slot = lbCurSel 1500;
    			_unit = lbData [1500, _slot] call BIS_fnc_objectFromNetId;
    			hint str _unit;
    			player setPos [getPos _unit select 0, getPos _unit select 1, getPos _unit select 2];
    		case "self":
    			_slot = lbCurSel 1500;
    			_action = lbText [1500, _slot];
    			switch (_action) do
    				case "Heal": {player setDammage 0; ["Player Healed", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Kill": {player setDammage 1};
    				case "God Mode On": {player allowDamage false; ["God Mode On", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};//call fnc on each frame to set dammage
    				case "God Mode Off": {player allowDamage true; ["God Mode Off", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Infinite Ammo On": {BUF_iAmo = true; []spawn BUF_fnc_iAmo; ["Infinite Ammo On", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Infinite Ammo Off": {BUF_iAmo = false; ["Infinite Ammo Off", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Teleport": {call BUF_fnc_mapTeleport; ["Click on the map to teleport", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Give Magazine": {if !(currentWeapon player isEqualTo "") then {_mag = currentMagazine player; player addMagazine _mag; _str = format["%1 Retrieved",getText (configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _mag >> "displayname")]; [_str, xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}
    				else {["No Weapon In Hand", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}};
    		case "misc":
    			_slot = lbCurSel 1500;
    			_action = lbText [1500, _slot];
    			switch (_action) do
    				case "Box ESP On": {BUF_deBox_val = true; call BUF_fnc_deBox; ["ESP On", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Box ESP Off": {BUF_deBox_val = false; call BUF_fnc_deBox; ["ESP Off", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Triggerbot On": {BUF_triggerbot_val = true; call BUF_fnc_triggerbot};
    				case "Triggerbot Off": {BUF_triggerbot_val = false};
    				case "Map Markers On": {BUF_showMapMarkers = true; []spawn BUF_fnc_mapMarkers};
    				case "Map Markers Off": {BUF_showMapMarkers = false};
    				case "Show Aimed At Enemy Range On": {BUF_cursor_showRange = true; []spawn BUF_fnc_showDistance; ["Show Enemy Range On", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Show Aimed At Enemy Range Off": {BUF_cursor_showRange = false; ["Show Enemy Range Off", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Add Wasteland cash + 10000": {_v = player getVariable ["cmoney", 0]; _v = _v + 10000; player setVariable ["cmoney", _v, true]; _str = format ["Cash: %1", _v]; [_str, xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    BUF_cursor_showRange = false;
    BUF_showMapMarkers = false;
    BUF_iAmo = false;
    BUF_markers = [];
    xOutput = 0.29 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    yOutput = 0.95 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    outputLayer = "outputlyer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
    while{true} do 
    	waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 602)};
    	BUF_listTxt = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscText", -1];
    	BUF_wep_button = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1];
    	BUF_veh_button = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1];
    	BUF_player_button = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1];
    	BUF_self_button = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1];
    	BUF_misc_button = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1];
    	BUF_action = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",1501];
    	BUF_listBox = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscListBox",1500];
    	_w = (safeZoneW/6);
    	_h = (safeZoneH/18);
    	_x = 0.098 * safezoneW + safezoneX - 0.2;
    	_y = 0.3 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    	BUF_listTxt ctrlSetText "gogogokitty's first pos menu";
    	BUF_wep_button ctrlSetText "Weapons";
    	BUF_veh_button ctrlSetText "Vehicles";
    	BUF_player_button ctrlSetText "Players";
    	BUF_self_button ctrlSetText "Self";
    	BUF_misc_button ctrlSetText "Misc";
    	BUF_action ctrlSetText "Get Weapon";
    	BUF_listTxt ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y + 0.12,_w,_h];
    	BUF_listBox ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y + 0.3,_w + 0.2,_h + 0.2];
    	BUF_wep_button ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y + 0.2,_w - 0.31,_h];
    	BUF_wep_button buttonSetAction "['wep'] call BUF_fnc_getCrap";
    	BUF_veh_button ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.098,_y + 0.2,_w - 0.31,_h];
    	BUF_veh_button buttonSetAction "['veh'] call BUF_fnc_getCrap";
    	BUF_player_button ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.197,_y + 0.2,_w - 0.31,_h];
    	BUF_player_button buttonSetAction "['player'] call BUF_fnc_getCrap";
    	BUF_self_button ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.295,_y + 0.2,_w - 0.31,_h];
    	BUF_self_button buttonSetAction "['', 'self'] call BUF_fnc_addToList";
    	BUF_misc_button ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.393,_y + 0.2,_w - 0.31,_h];
    	BUF_misc_button buttonSetAction "['', 'misc'] call BUF_fnc_addToList";
    	BUF_action ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y + 0.6,_w + 0.2,_h];
    	BUF_action buttonSetAction "call BUF_fnc_doAction";
    	BUF_wep_button ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_veh_button ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_player_button ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_self_button ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_misc_button ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_action ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_listTxt ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_listBox ctrlCommit 0;
    	['wep'] call BUF_fnc_getCrap;
    	while{!isNull (findDisplay 602)} do 
    		if(isNull (findDisplay 602)) exitWith {};
    Last edited by gogogokitty; 08-10-2018 at 11:27 PM.

  12. #11
    Heckn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by gogogokitty View Post
    no sh*t sherlok theres not much more that can be done that hasnt already, was just worth a try

    BUF_fnc_getCrap =
    	params ["_type"];
    	lbClear 1500;
    	_return = [];
    	switch (_type) do
    		case "wep": 
    			_tmp = "getText (_x >> 'cursor') isEqualTo 'arifle' OR getText (_x >> 'cursor') isEqualTo 'srifle' OR getText (_x >> 'cursor') isEqualTo 'hgun' OR getText (_x >> 'cursor') isEqualTo 'smg' OR getText (_x >> 'cursor') isEqualTo 'mg' AND getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2" configClasses (configFile >> "cfgWeapons");
    				if !((getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> configName (_x) >> "displayname")) isEqualTo "Rifle") then
    					_return pushBack configName (_x);
    			} forEach _tmp;
    			BUF_action ctrlSetText "Get Weapon";
    			[_return, "wep"] call BUF_fnc_addToList;
    		case "veh": 
    			_return = ("configname _x isKindOf 'Car' && getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2 " configClasses (configfile >> "CfgVehicles")) apply {configName _x};
    			BUF_action ctrlSetText "Spawn Vehicle";
    			[_return, "veh"] call BUF_fnc_addToList;
    		case "player":
    				lbAdd [1500, name _x];
    				lbSetData [1500, _forEachIndex, _x call BIS_fnc_netId];
    			} forEach allPlayers;//change to allPlayers outside of testing
    			BUF_action ctrlSetText "Teleport To Player";
    BUF_fnc_addToList =
    	params ["_name", "_type"];
    	lbClear 1500;
    	switch (_type) do
    		case "wep":
    			_tmp = [];
    				_wep = getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "baseweapon");//test this setup with mod weapons
    				_dev = getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "author");
    				if !(_dev isEqualTo "Bohemia Interactive") then
    					_tmp pushBackUnique _x;
    				} else
    					_tmp pushBackUnique _wep;
    			} forEach _name;
    				_wepName = getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayname");
    				lbAdd [1500, _wepName];
    				lbSetData [1500, _forEachIndex, _x];
    			} forEach _tmp;
    		case "veh":
    				_obName = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayname");
    				lbAdd [1500, _obName];
    				lbSetData [1500, _forEachIndex, _x];
    			} forEach _name;
    		case "self":
    			BUF_action ctrlSetText "Do to Self";
    			_actions = ["Heal", "Kill", "God Mode On", "God Mode Off", "Infinite Ammo On", "Infinite Ammo Off", "Teleport", "Give Magazine"];
    				lbAdd [1500, _x];
    			} forEach _actions;
    		case "misc":
    			BUF_action ctrlSetText "Do....The misc thing";
    			_actions = ["Box ESP On", "Box ESP Off", "Triggerbot On", "Triggerbot Off", "Map Markers On", "Map Markers Off", "Show Aimed At Enemy Range On", "Show Aimed At Enemy Range Off", "Add Wasteland cash + 10000"];
    				lbAdd [1500, _x];
    			} forEach _actions;
    BUF_fnc_mapTeleport =
    	closeDialog 602;
    	openMap true;
    	onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos; openMap false; ['Teleported', xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; onMapSingleClick ''; true";
    BUF_fnc_deBox =
    		if (BUF_deBox_val isEqualTo false) exitWith {onEachFrame{}};
    			_distance = round (_x distance player);
    			if (_distance < 801 && _x != player) then
    				_color = [0,0,0,1];
    				switch ((side _x)) do
    					case WEST: {_color = [0,0,1,1]};
    					case EAST: {_color = [1,0,0,1]};
    					case INDEPENDENT: {_color = [0,1,0,1]};
    					case CIVILIAN: {_color = [0.4,0,1,1]};
    				_uStance = stance _x;
    				_stance = 0;
    				switch (_uStance) do
    					case "STAND": {_stance = 1.84};
    					case "CROUCH": {_stance = 1.18};
    					case "PRONE": {_stance = 0.5};
    				_distance = round (_x distance player);
    				_posID = _x modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0];
    				_posBase = getPosATL _x;
    				_posTL1 = [(_posBase select 0) - 0.35, _posBase select 1, (_posBase select 2) + _stance];
    				_posBL1 = [(_posBase select 0) - 0.35, _posBase select 1, _posBase select 2];
    				_posTR1 = [(_posBase select 0) + 0.35, _posBase select 1, (_posBase select 2) + _stance];
    				_posBR1 = [(_posBase select 0) + 0.35, _posBase select 1, _posBase select 2];
    				_posTL2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) - 0.35, (_posBase select 2) + _stance];
    				_posBL2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) - 0.35, _posBase select 2];
    				_posTR2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) + 0.35, (_posBase select 2) + _stance];
    				_posBR2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) + 0.35, _posBase select 2];
    				if (_distance < 101) then
    					drawIcon3D ["", _color, _posID, 0, 00, 45, format ["%1: %2m", name _x, _distance], 0, 0.023];
    				} else {drawIcon3D ["", _color, _posID, 0, 00, 45, format ["*%1m",_distance], 0, 0.023]};
    				drawLine3D [_posTL1, _posTR1, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posTL1, _posBL1, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posTR1, _posBR1, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posBL1, _posBR1, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posTL2, _posTR2, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posTL2, _posBL2, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posTR2, _posBR2, _color];
    				drawLine3D [_posBL2, _posBR2, _color];
    		} forEach allUnits;
    		_distCursor = round (player distance cursorTarget);
    BUF_fnc_mapMarkers =
    	_continue = false;
    	while {BUF_showMapMarkers} do
    		_continue = true;
    		if (visibleMap) then
    				_data = [];
    				_markName = name _x;
    				_mrk = createMarkerLocal [_markName, position _x];
    				_markName setMarkerColorLocal ([side _x, true] call BIS_fnc_sideColor);
    				_markName setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
    				_markName setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
    				_data pushBack _x;
    				_data pushBack _markName;
    				BUF_markers pushBack _data;
    			} forEach allUnits;
    			while {_continue} do
    				if !(visibleMap) then{_continue = false;};
    					_marker = _x select 1; _unit = _x select 0;
    					_marker setMarkerPosLocal position _unit;
    					if (!isPlayer _unit) then {_marker setMarkerTextLocal "AI"} else {_marker setMarkerTextLocal name _unit};
    				} forEach BUF_markers;
    		sleep 0.03;
    	if !(BUF_showMapMarkers) then {{_mrker = _x select 1; deletemarker _mrker} forEach BUF_markers};
    BUF_fnc_showDistance =
    	while {BUF_cursor_showRange} do
    		if (cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (side cursorTarget) != (side player) && alive cursorTarget && round (cursorTarget distance player) < 801) then
    			_str = format ["Enemy is %1m away", round (cursorTarget distance player)];
    			[_str, xOutput, yOutput, 5, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText
    BUF_fnc_iAmo =
    	while {BUF_iAmo} do
    		_ammoC = player ammo currentWeapon player;
    		if (_ammoC <= 10) then
    			_magClass = currentMagazine player;
    			_amount = getNumber (configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _magClass >> "count");		
    			player setAmmo [currentWeapon player, _amount];
    		sleep 0.03;
    BUF_fnc_triggerbot =//FIX THIS WHERE COMMENT IS
    		if (BUF_triggerbot_val isEqualTo false) exitWith {onEachFrame{}};
    		if (cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && (side cursorTarget) != (side player) && alive cursorTarget) then
    			_distance = player distance cursorTarget;
    			if (round _distance >= (currentZeroing player) + 80 && round _distance < (currentZeroing player) - 80) then
    			{//condition not firing
    				player forceWeaponFire [currentWeapon player, "single"];
    BUF_fnc_doAction =
    	_type = "";
    	_action = ctrlText 1501;
    	if ((_action find 'Weapon') >= 0) then {_type = "wep"};
    	if ((_action find 'Vehicle') >= 0) then {_type = "veh"};
    	if ((_action find 'Player') >= 0) then {_type = "player"};
    	if ((_action find 'Self') >= 0) then {_type = "self"};
    	if ((_action find 'misc') >= 0) then {_type = "misc"};
    	switch (_type) do
    		case "wep": 
    			_slot = lbCurSel 1500;
    			_wep = lbData [1500, _slot];
    			[player, _wep, 3] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
    		case "veh": 
    			_slot = lbCurSel 1500;
    			_veh = lbData [1500, _slot];
    			_v = _veh createVehicle position player;
    		case "player": 
    			_slot = lbCurSel 1500;
    			_unit = lbData [1500, _slot] call BIS_fnc_objectFromNetId;
    			hint str _unit;
    			player setPos [getPos _unit select 0, getPos _unit select 1, getPos _unit select 2];
    		case "self":
    			_slot = lbCurSel 1500;
    			_action = lbText [1500, _slot];
    			switch (_action) do
    				case "Heal": {player setDammage 0; ["Player Healed", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Kill": {player setDammage 1};
    				case "God Mode On": {player allowDamage false; ["God Mode On", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};//call fnc on each frame to set dammage
    				case "God Mode Off": {player allowDamage true; ["God Mode Off", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Infinite Ammo On": {BUF_iAmo = true; []spawn BUF_fnc_iAmo; ["Infinite Ammo On", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Infinite Ammo Off": {BUF_iAmo = false; ["Infinite Ammo Off", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Teleport": {call BUF_fnc_mapTeleport; ["Click on the map to teleport", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Give Magazine": {if !(currentWeapon player isEqualTo "") then {_mag = currentMagazine player; player addMagazine _mag; _str = format["%1 Retrieved",getText (configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _mag >> "displayname")]; [_str, xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}
    				else {["No Weapon In Hand", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}};
    		case "misc":
    			_slot = lbCurSel 1500;
    			_action = lbText [1500, _slot];
    			switch (_action) do
    				case "Box ESP On": {BUF_deBox_val = true; call BUF_fnc_deBox; ["ESP On", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Box ESP Off": {BUF_deBox_val = false; call BUF_fnc_deBox; ["ESP Off", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Triggerbot On": {BUF_triggerbot_val = true; call BUF_fnc_triggerbot};
    				case "Triggerbot Off": {BUF_triggerbot_val = false};
    				case "Map Markers On": {BUF_showMapMarkers = true; []spawn BUF_fnc_mapMarkers};
    				case "Map Markers Off": {BUF_showMapMarkers = false};
    				case "Show Aimed At Enemy Range On": {BUF_cursor_showRange = true; []spawn BUF_fnc_showDistance; ["Show Enemy Range On", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Show Aimed At Enemy Range Off": {BUF_cursor_showRange = false; ["Show Enemy Range Off", xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    				case "Add Wasteland cash + 10000": {_v = player getVariable ["cmoney", 0]; _v = _v + 10000; player setVariable ["cmoney", _v, true]; _str = format ["Cash: %1", _v]; [_str, xOutput, yOutput, 3, 0, 0, outputLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText};
    BUF_cursor_showRange = false;
    BUF_showMapMarkers = false;
    BUF_iAmo = false;
    BUF_markers = [];
    xOutput = 0.29 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    yOutput = 0.95 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    outputLayer = "outputlyer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
    while{true} do 
    	waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 602)};
    	BUF_listTxt = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscText", -1];
    	BUF_wep_button = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1];
    	BUF_veh_button = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1];
    	BUF_player_button = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1];
    	BUF_self_button = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1];
    	BUF_misc_button = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1];
    	BUF_action = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButton",1501];
    	BUF_listBox = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscListBox",1500];
    	_w = (safeZoneW/6);
    	_h = (safeZoneH/18);
    	_x = 0.098 * safezoneW + safezoneX - 0.2;
    	_y = 0.3 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    	BUF_listTxt ctrlSetText "gogogokitty's first pos menu";
    	BUF_wep_button ctrlSetText "Weapons";
    	BUF_veh_button ctrlSetText "Vehicles";
    	BUF_player_button ctrlSetText "Players";
    	BUF_self_button ctrlSetText "Self";
    	BUF_misc_button ctrlSetText "Misc";
    	BUF_action ctrlSetText "Get Weapon";
    	BUF_listTxt ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y + 0.12,_w,_h];
    	BUF_listBox ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y + 0.3,_w + 0.2,_h + 0.2];
    	BUF_wep_button ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y + 0.2,_w - 0.31,_h];
    	BUF_wep_button buttonSetAction "['wep'] call BUF_fnc_getCrap";
    	BUF_veh_button ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.098,_y + 0.2,_w - 0.31,_h];
    	BUF_veh_button buttonSetAction "['veh'] call BUF_fnc_getCrap";
    	BUF_player_button ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.197,_y + 0.2,_w - 0.31,_h];
    	BUF_player_button buttonSetAction "['player'] call BUF_fnc_getCrap";
    	BUF_self_button ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.295,_y + 0.2,_w - 0.31,_h];
    	BUF_self_button buttonSetAction "['', 'self'] call BUF_fnc_addToList";
    	BUF_misc_button ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.393,_y + 0.2,_w - 0.31,_h];
    	BUF_misc_button buttonSetAction "['', 'misc'] call BUF_fnc_addToList";
    	BUF_action ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y + 0.6,_w + 0.2,_h];
    	BUF_action buttonSetAction "call BUF_fnc_doAction";
    	BUF_wep_button ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_veh_button ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_player_button ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_self_button ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_misc_button ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_action ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_listTxt ctrlCommit 0;
    	BUF_listBox ctrlCommit 0;
    	['wep'] call BUF_fnc_getCrap;
    	while{!isNull (findDisplay 602)} do 
    		if(isNull (findDisplay 602)) exitWith {};
    there is though, and the fact you havent tested it on public servers pretty much proves that it wont be infistar undetected, and your methods of spawning guns and vehicles is probably detected aswell considering you are adding the gun to the player, but i dont know, you are right in saying that alot of stuff as already been made, but there are very few infistar undetected pbos that can do cool things, so why not do that? and why would you try to trade your menu for stuff if you know its not good? that doesnt make any sense

  13. #12
    gogogokitty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Heckn View Post
    there is though, and the fact you havent tested it on public servers pretty much proves that it wont be infistar undetected, and your methods of spawning guns and vehicles is probably detected aswell considering you are adding the gun to the player, but i dont know, you are right in saying that alot of stuff as already been made, but there are very few infistar undetected pbos that can do cool things, so why not do that? and why would you try to trade your menu for stuff if you know its not good? that doesnt make any sense
    because i do not have a proper way to test is the problem. if i could test then i could get a better understanding and actually learn what throws up flags. scripting isnt the issue its getting around detections

  14. #13
    Heckn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by gogogokitty View Post
    because i do not have a proper way to test is the problem. if i could test then i could get a better understanding and actually learn what throws up flags. scripting isnt the issue its getting around detections
    well noone is going to give oyu an undetected execution method for your shitty menu, just buy one yourself and then sell your pasted menu later

  15. #14
    gogogokitty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Heckn View Post
    well noone is going to give oyu an undetected execution method for your shitty menu, just buy one yourself and then sell your pasted menu later
    first off thats not my intention and i dont see why anyone would sell a menu unless its made specifically for them, just like what people do for mission creation when they want a feature made. second off, the only thing pasted is the map marker function which i pulled out of the grouping system from one of my test missions as you can partially see here (which was also not pasted) and modified to better suite it, none of it is pasted period from another source, now quit being a little small minded prick. it doesnt have to be undetected as i can test it on my own server but like i stated, i do not have a way to execute the script without literally putting it inside the mission and repacking it, plus it would be nice to be able to record things on live servers but thats not a big deal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heckn View Post
    well noone is going to give oyu an undetected execution method for your shitty menu
    like i said above, no sh*t sherlock
    Last edited by gogogokitty; 08-11-2018 at 03:23 PM.

  16. #15
    Heckn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by gogogokitty View Post
    like i said above, no sh*t sherlock
    If it's obvious no one is going to give you an execution method why are you asking for one? and everything else you said makes no sense

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