Poll: Do you support my ideas on how to become a better and stronger lan?

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  1. #1
    Grim09's Avatar
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    How we can become the best!

    If you start please finish because in the end everything will solve it's self. If you have a hard time reading I'm sorry. I revised it 3 times to make it as easy as I can to read; and then a 4th time to add the looks.

    If MPGH wants to become the best that it can possibly be then I have a plan that I have seen work before when used "small time"(for people who don't know much English it means not major)and it is very successful. The first step needs the best we have. They will aggressively steal and crack other clans VIP hacks and make them available to ALL their members(aka, public). This may sound crazy but it will attract everyone who wants to get other clans VIP hacks for free. These people will be both newbs and people of real talent. Remember to disable some features for our own VIP to have on the cracked VIP hacks. This way they have to pay for the best things and we get more VIPs/Money. Do this untill we are one of the last clans there is and then make the cracked VIPs something that you have to be a VIP on our site to get. We must make our site's VIP have ALL known working hacks(pays for servers and maybe even more because they MUST pay to get them from anywhere --->$$$ will be ++ ).

    The whole time be aware of the members you get who have true talent like yourselves, onces you know who they are let them into your "elite" circle of hackers(no n00bs can see this section for the safety of the clan). From there you will build your hacker circle of only skilled people larger and larger and you get more people which means more knowledge, your hacks will dominate the game and make more people seek you. Remember, those are MORE people so you will grow even more and no other clans will stand a chance. You will have the best of the best in your inner circle and you will end up having more control over the game than the GM's themselves.

    This clan would be the biggest, best, and most skilled clan in the whole world. The game will be making TONS of money because everyone will pay huge money to be VIP, and the clan will be so big that we could sell T shirts and people would buy them because of how well known we will have become. We will be the best because we will be the only, which also means more money, and also means a bigger site
    (or new car for Dave and much much more). And we will be the most skilled because we will separate the skilled from the newbs while charging the newbs for the the VIP hacks from our site and every site on the net. And by separating the two we will have the best of the best working together without the hassles of dealing with skill less and useless newbs. They will be able to put each of their specializations together to make hacks that the world has yet to see. Things could be made that we can not imagine at the present time. There are truely endless possibilities if you have the right talent and when we get to that time we will have the talent and we will make them.

    I have run this plan in my mind many times and in ever possible scenario and it has worked out every time. Do you know why it never failed? Because it cannot fail. It is flawless in every way because in the complete plan, in my head, I have the answers to any scenario already answered and have full confidence in this plan. We will have an answer to everything and nothing could stop us but ourselves.

    So, together we can be the best there is, together we can be the biggest there is, and we can be the most skilled and talented there will ever be! Nothing else is stopping us but ourselves. I have the plan and the skills to make us who we all want to be. And Dave will not complain when he gets the money from all the tons and tons of people who buy the VIP for what they get in return. So follow my plan and we will become all that we will ever what to be. Because in the end we will be all that there will ever be. There would be no competition and we would not be stopped as our numbers grow and our strength grows too.

    Let us start now and begin the journey to which we will become who we are supposed to become, let us achieve all the we are able to and let us be happy knowing that we alone are the best and the only.

    A cheer! For the next generation of the MPGH!!!! For that will be the best anything can ever be!!!!!

    I do not ask anything in return for anything I sacrifice and do for my clan. I only seek the company of being in my clan. I ask nothing more than to be part of the group and I need nothing but the feeling of helping my team. I do not care about money and will never ask for even a penny. I only want to be one of the best. And that is what we can be.

    (also, for your information: Yes, I am completely stoned right now but I do my best thinking while high. It opens things up and I can make a plan for anything. And I know that I write in an advanced way that seems more like "old English" and geekspeak, so if may be hard for the people who only speak English as a second language to understand me. I am sorry for this but I will speak in the way I like when being so serious about anything this big.

    I have four questions for you all:

    1. Who supports my plan and wants to see it happen to us all?

    2. Who here wants nothing more than to be on a winning team. And have that team's support?

    3. Who here wants to be a part the best there can be?

    4. Who is willing to commit to something and have their dreams come true when their investment of skills and time pays off?

    Please tell me what you think. I don't care if you hate it but just make sure you read it carefully and take the time to understand how each step will lead to the other and how it will work. I would really like to know what everyone thinks. I say everyone because we all have a voice and a right to say what we think. So please respond!

  2. #2
    BluSpex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grim09 View Post
    If you start please finish because in the end everything will solve it's self. If you have a hard time reading I'm sorry. I revised it 3 times to make it as easy as I can to read; and then a 4th time to add the looks.

    If MPGH wants to become the best that it can possibly be then I have a plan that I have seen work before when used "small time"(for people who don't know much English it means not major)and it is very successful. The first step needs the best we have. They will aggressively steal and crack other clans VIP hacks and make them available to ALL their members(aka, public). This may sound crazy but it will attract everyone who wants to get other clans VIP hacks for free. These people will be both newbs and people of real talent. Remember to disable some features for our own VIP to have on the cracked VIP hacks. This way they have to pay for the best things and we get more VIPs/Money. Do this untill we are one of the last clans there is and then make the cracked VIPs something that you have to be a VIP on our site to get. We must make our site's VIP have ALL known working hacks(pays for servers and maybe even more because they MUST pay to get them from anywhere --->$$$ will be ++ ).

    The whole time be aware of the members you get who have true talent like yourselves, onces you know who they are let them into your "elite" circle of hackers(no n00bs can see this section for the safety of the clan). From there you will build your hacker circle of only skilled people larger and larger and you get more people which means more knowledge, your hacks will dominate the game and make more people seek you. Remember, those are MORE people so you will grow even more and no other clans will stand a chance. You will have the best of the best in your inner circle and you will end up having more control over the game than the GM's themselves.

    This clan would be the biggest, best, and most skilled clan in the whole world. The game will be making TONS of money because everyone will pay huge money to be VIP, and the clan will be so big that we could sell T shirts and people would buy them because of how well known we will have become. We will be the best because we will be the only, which also means more money, and also means a bigger site
    (or new car for Dave and much much more). And we will be the most skilled because we will separate the skilled from the newbs while charging the newbs for the the VIP hacks from our site and every site on the net. And by separating the two we will have the best of the best working together without the hassles of dealing with skill less and useless newbs. They will be able to put each of their specializations together to make hacks that the world has yet to see. Things could be made that we can not imagine at the present time. There are truely endless possibilities if you have the right talent and when we get to that time we will have the talent and we will make them.

    I have run this plan in my mind many times and in ever possible scenario and it has worked out every time. Do you know why it never failed? Because it cannot fail. It is flawless in every way because in the complete plan, in my head, I have the answers to any scenario already answered and have full confidence in this plan. We will have an answer to everything and nothing could stop us but ourselves.

    So, together we can be the best there is, together we can be the biggest there is, and we can be the most skilled and talented there will ever be! Nothing else is stopping us but ourselves. I have the plan and the skills to make us who we all want to be. And Dave will not complain when he gets the money from all the tons and tons of people who buy the VIP for what they get in return. So follow my plan and we will become all that we will ever what to be. Because in the end we will be all that there will ever be. There would be no competition and we would not be stopped as our numbers grow and our strength grows too.

    Let us start now and begin the journey to which we will become who we are supposed to become, let us achieve all the we are able to and let us be happy knowing that we alone are the best and the only.

    A cheer! For the next generation of the MPGH!!!! For that will be the best anything can ever be!!!!!

    I do not ask anything in return for anything I sacrifice and do for my clan. I only seek the company of being in my clan. I ask nothing more than to be part of the group and I need nothing but the feeling of helping my team. I do not care about money and will never ask for even a penny. I only want to be one of the best. And that is what we can be.

    (also, for your information: Yes, I am completely stoned right now but I do my best thinking while high. It opens things up and I can make a plan for anything. And I know that I write in an advanced way that seems more like "old English" and geekspeak, so if may be hard for the people who only speak English as a second language to understand me. I am sorry for this but I will speak in the way I like when being so serious about anything this big.

    I have four questions for you all:

    1. Who supports my plan and wants to see it happen to us all?

    2. Who here wants nothing more than to be on a winning team. And have that team's support?

    3. Who here wants to be a part the best there can be?

    4. Who is willing to commit to something and have their dreams come true when their investment of skills and time pays off?

    Please tell me what you think. I don't care if you hate it but just make sure you read it carefully and take the time to understand how each step will lead to the other and how it will work. I would really like to know what everyone thinks. I say everyone because we all have a voice and a right to say what we think. So please respond!
    fk this shit, i ant reading this.

  3. #3
    Inna's Avatar
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    Even I really don't want to read that, please shorten.

  4. #4
    Tiresome's Avatar
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    Yeah, I don't either.

  5. #5
    Paroxysm's Avatar
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    Here's a Summary(Listed by Paragraph number):

    1: Good Luck understanding my writing.

    2: Steal hacks from other sites and make them available to everyone here:

    3: Watch out for skilled hackers and invite them into the 'elite' circle and get more hacks made.

    4: More members = more VIP's = Dave will be rolling in dough and can finally run away to Mexico. Sell t-shirts, our reign will be grand and eternal.

    5:This plan cannot fail for my head has a simulation program for websites and we succeed every time.

    6: We'll be the best and only hacking website, Dave will be rich, VIP's won't bitch, because of the hacks we'll be pumping out.

    7: Let's start our journey to finally get to our manifest destiny.

    8: Cheer for MPGH!

    9: No people, I don't want any money for my sacrifice. I just want to be part of the group. (Paroxysm: I want money for retyping ever fucking paragraph)

    10: Yes I am totally tripping ball's right now. But apparently all my abilities increase when I'm high.

    Who supports my plan?
    Who wants to be on the winning team?
    Who wants to be a part of the best?
    Who is willing to commit to our plan and invest their skill and time.

    12: Don't care if you hate the plan just read it and try to understand it.

    Personal Opinion: Do whatever the hell you wanna do. Just for the love of god
    never type another big ass list.
    "We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter." ~ Denis Diderot

  6. #6
    jesse9000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paroxysm View Post
    Here's a Summary(Listed by Paragraph number):

    1: Good Luck understanding my writing.

    2: Steal hacks from other sites and make them available to everyone here:

    3: Watch out for skilled hackers and invite them into the 'elite' circle and get more hacks made.

    4: More members = more VIP's = Dave will be rolling in dough and can finally run away to Mexico. Sell t-shirts, our reign will be grand and eternal.

    5:This plan cannot fail for my head has a simulation program for websites and we succeed every time.

    6: We'll be the best and only hacking website, Dave will be rich, VIP's won't bitch, because of the hacks we'll be pumping out.

    7: Let's start our journey to finally get to our manifest destiny.

    8: Cheer for MPGH!

    9: No people, I don't want any money for my sacrifice. I just want to be part of the group. (Paroxysm: I want money for retyping ever fucking paragraph)

    10: Yes I am totally tripping ball's right now. But apparently all my abilities increase when I'm high.

    Who supports my plan?
    Who wants to be on the winning team?
    Who wants to be a part of the best?
    Who is willing to commit to our plan and invest their skill and time.

    12: Don't care if you hate the plan just read it and try to understand it.

    Personal Opinion: Do whatever the hell you wanna do. Just for the love of god
    never type another big ass list.
    i dont think dave wants to run away to mexico, i think he wants to buy an island

  7. #7
    Paroxysm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jesse9000 View Post
    i dont think dave wants to run away to mexico, i think he wants to buy an island
    an island? Hummm, If I manage to to put a couple of cannibalistic tribes on Dave's island he'll be done for! Perfect.
    "We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter." ~ Denis Diderot

  8. #8
    Dual-Keyboard Member
    Grim09's Avatar
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    Thank you Paroxysm for summarizing it. Next time I'll try to shorten things down.

  9. #9
    Paroxysm's Avatar
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    No problem.
    "We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter." ~ Denis Diderot

  10. #10
    iverson954360's Avatar
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    I skimmed through your little story and it seems like this is about getting money out of mpgh, Well i can tell you something, Dave doesnt need the money from mpgh, mpgh has been up for 4 years without VIP help and he doesnt need VIP to keep mpgh running but he does it for us because he likes mpgh for his Free time :O so i dont know if dave is going to do this for a few extra bucks
    Hip Hop thread Part 1 (No Longer Updated): https://www.mpgh.net/forum/316-music-...-hop-list.html
    Part 2 (No Longer Updated): https://www.mpgh.net/forum/2-general/...ad-pt-2-a.html
    Part 3: COMING SOON

  11. #11
    BluSpex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iverson954360 View Post
    I skimmed through your little story and it seems like this is about getting money out of mpgh, Well i can tell you something, Dave doesnt need the money from mpgh, mpgh has been up for 4 years without VIP help and he doesnt need VIP to keep mpgh running but he does it for us because he likes mpgh for his Free time :O so i dont know if dave is going to do this for a few extra bucks

  12. #12
    Inna's Avatar
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    I thought money was corruption not the other way around?

  13. #13
    arunforce's Avatar
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    Well we have the technical skills to basically shutdown almost every game hacking site on the net and create a monopoly. The point, however, is that neither me or Dave care much about game hacking anymore. 3-4 years ago, if we had that capability, there would be a monopoly right now. Hacking isn't 100% know your way about computers, it's about deceit, psychology, and thinking outside the box (shit, I could write a book about this), however, were at a point in life where you have to start your own life, and running a game hacking web site isn't something you go telling other people (trust me, I told a few friends, it's not a good idea -.-). Lack of interest + moving to bigger things, is the main reason we don't just finish everything up and be ranked number one. I could write a bunch of tools to help shift the plane of game hacking, but I'm busy writing my own shit that's gonna set me down for life.

    Say you re-evaluate your life, and see if you are on track. I precisely did just that, and it turned out that game hacking is no where on the radar. Game hacking is an industry based on an industry. If something revolutionary anti-hack came out, I'd be screwed, the industry would be screwed. You build your life on the other side of the fence. It's been a fun run, but games in general have been of decreasing interest these years for me...

    As for MPGH, I don't know what lies in the future, but potential is the #1 factor for it.


  14. #14
    Dual-Keyboard Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    Well we have the technical skills to basically shutdown almost every game hacking site on the net and create a monopoly. The point, however, is that neither me or Dave care much about game hacking anymore. 3-4 years ago, if we had that capability, there would be a monopoly right now. Hacking isn't 100% know your way about computers, it's about deceit, psychology, and thinking outside the box (shit, I could write a book about this), however, were at a point in life where you have to start your own life, and running a game hacking web site isn't something you go telling other people (trust me, I told a few friends, it's not a good idea -.-). Lack of interest + moving to bigger things, is the main reason we don't just finish everything up and be ranked number one. I could write a bunch of tools to help shift the plane of game hacking, but I'm busy writing my own shit that's gonna set me down for life.

    Say you re-evaluate your life, and see if you are on track. I precisely did just that, and it turned out that game hacking is no where on the radar. Game hacking is an industry based on an industry. If something revolutionary anti-hack came out, I'd be screwed, the industry would be screwed. You build your life on the other side of the fence. It's been a fun run, but games in general have been of decreasing interest these years for me...

    As for MPGH, I don't know what lies in the future, but potential is the #1 factor for it.
    Those are some wise words. I must say that I have always respected what you say because of the thoughts you put into what you say.

    The truth is that anything can be a huge success if it is run right and the conditions are right.

    So far MPGH has come a long way. We have a little of every type of person here(with a few exceptions).

    MPGH's future can only be what we make it. It's not going to make it's self. If unchanged it will get old and will die. This is a fact. We all know that in time this will get old. We have already lost many people to this fact. Unless we find a new way to keep people in we will eventually loose them one at a time until no one cares anymore... Game hacking DOES get old with time!

    So, if left unchanged we will die. But we don't have to die silently in the night. If we want to be here forever and be the best forever we must keep it interesting.

  15. #15
    Darky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluSpex View Post
    fk this shit, i ant reading this.
    yeah hes right, but i read it, but its bullshit!!

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