I have been a full time player of insurgency for a long while now and have been trying to make a quite a useful tool for a while now.
One problem with insurgency is that when votes are called the window is hidden making the outcome of the vote anonymous until it's over.
There are sounds that play for each vote, F1 being a higher tone frequency and F2 or no votes being a lower pitch, but these are hard to here there being gunshots/explosions and people shouting in the background
One solution to this would be to have a view able frequency spectrum analyzer in the topleft/topright corner that is restricted to only show the parts of the spectrum that match the frequency of the votes, and to maybe even have that program match the sound of the vote to an identical image of the graph then tally up F1/F2 votes with a visible counter.
I have looked through a lot of frequency spectrum analyzer programs but none directly stream the sound coming from the pc its self, a lot of them only work by directly adding files to the program and playing it from there.
I am good with coding but have no clue what code I should use and if I should just modify a program to fit over the screen in the top corner.
any ideas/thoughts?