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    MPGH News - 229th Edition

    229th Edition - January 28th, 2019
    Snapple Fact: Americans, on average, eat 18 acres of pizza a day.


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    India Celebrates it's 70th Republic Day!
    Like every year, India celebrated its 70th Republic Day on the 26th of January 2019. This was the day on which the world's largest democracy had it's constitution declared. On this day, India puts forward not only it's military strength in front of the world, but also showcases the various cultural aspects of the country. It has a total of 26 states and 7 union territories. Each and every child/ adult celebrates this day with immense enthusiasm and pride in India. Delegates and V.I.P. from all over the world are invited to attend the traditional Parade, air shows and cultural event at the Raj Path in Delhi. Every morning, in all schools, colleges and offices, Indian flag is hoisted and various sweets and refreshments are distributed around. You would see many vehicles with the Indian flag on their side or in the front. The Constitution of India is the supreme law in India. The constitution is the framework for political principles, procedures, and powers of government. The constitution was written on 26 November 1949, and was made the center of law in 26 January 1950. The 389 members of the Constituent Assembly formed many committees to examine in detail all the issues relating to the country. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was the Chairman of one of the most important committees, i.e., the Drafting Committee. Other members of the committee were N.Gopalaswamy Iyengar, Alladi Krishnaswamy etc.
    The Constituent Assembly, which came into existence on 11th of December 1946, had 145 meetings and framed a draft constitution. During these discussions, the various laws proposed by the British Government in 1909, 1919 and 1935, the British Parliamentary system, the American Bill of Rights, the Social Directive Policies of Ireland were studied and some parts of those were written in the Constitution. Finally, the Indian Constitution was approved on 26th of November, 1949 and came into effect on 26th of January, 1950. This day (January 26) is celebrated as the 'Republic Day' in India. It was a proud moment for all our Indian members in MPGH. A link to the highlights of the Raj Path event is attached for your kind viewing. JAI HIND!


    The 26 Richest People may own as much as 3.8 Billion of the poorest

    In a recent study from the developement charity Oxfam it has been stated that the 26 richest people on earth have as much money as the poorest half of earths population.
    This shows the trend that has been going on for some time that the rich persons get richer and the poorer get poorer.
    To put things into context, the amount of rich people who owned as much as the poorer half has been at 43 in 2017 and at 61 in 2016. That is why more and more developemental NGOs are calling for a wealth tax. This could help the poorer people with healthcare or to make it possible for children to visit schools. According to Oxfam 10000 people die daily due to lack of healthcare and with those taxes these people could be saved. The gap between poor and rich is even more severe in developing countries with the rate of extremely poor people being much higher there.
    It has been noted that the amount of those extremely poor people is steadily reducing but that was mainly due to Chinas economic growth in the recent decades. However in Sub Saharan Africa has actually started to increase again due to many factors like political instability.
    One of the findings of the report was that since the financial crisis in 2008 the number of billionaires has since doubled and that the 2200 billionaires have increased their wealth by over 900 Billion USD in 2018 alone.


    1. Jeff Bezos - $112 billion

    2. Bill Gates - $90 billion

    3. Warren Buffett - $84 billion

    4. Bernard Arnault - $72 billion

    5. Mark Zuckerberg - $71 billion

    6. Amancio Ortega - $70 billion

    7.Carlos Slim -$67.1 billion

    8. Charles Koch - $60 billion

    9. David Koch - $60 billion

    10. Larry Ellison - $58.5 billion

    CounterStrike: Global Offensive Hacks
    MPGH News's Hack of the week team can't forget to acknowledge our talented contributors, such as OfficerX. OfficerX has released a new update of Skush, a MPGH exclusive, CounterStrike: Global Offensive hack. It has everything you need to hack on CounterStrike: Global Offensive until you are the highest rank. It is comprises with visual hacks such as glow and charms, aiming hacks such as triggerbot and RCS as well as, a tonne more miscellaneous hacks. It even allows you to save and load your previously saved hack settings. This means, you can spend more time playing, and less time fiddling around with the hack configurations. However, remember all hacking has consequences and it is key to be up to date on the status of the hack. Thus, it is important to reguarly check the hack's thread. As always happy hacking.

    PUBG Lite - For your slow ass PC
    So the team of PUBG is now split in two: one working on the core game and the other one working on a "slimmed down" version for regions where hardware availability is low. The new Lite version offers the same gameplay but with less horse-power needed to run it, however the current stage is still beta, and solo, duo and squad battles in third person on Erangel is basically all you can do, oh and it's also being tested in Thailand as of now. But fear not! The developers have announced that the game will offer "exclusive content and quality of life features"! This move kind of makes sense if you look at the charts, currently the Asian region has the most players in the game and Tencent, a huge Chinese publishing company holds 10% of the stakes at Bluehole, PUBG's global publishing company.
    The specs needed to run PUBG Lite are as following:

    • OS: Windows 7/8/10, 64-bit
    • CPU: Intel Core i3 2.4GHz
    • RAM: 4GB
    • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000
    • HDD: 4GB

    • OS: Windows 7/8/10, 64-bit
    • CPU: Intel Core i5 2.8GHz
    • RAM: 8GB
    • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
    • HDD: 4GB

    How Jeff Bezos' $140 billion divorce affect Amazon
    Jeff Bezos and his wife, Mackenzie, married each other in 1993, the year before Amazon was founded. The couple has been married for 25 years and have four children, but on Jan 9th, they officially announced their divorce on Twitter. They claim the decision was made "after a long period of loving exploration and trial separation." Just hours after the annoucement, Bezos was reportedly dating Lauren Sanchez, the wife of WWE agent Patrick Whitesell. Almost all of Bezos' wealth comes from 16% of his ownership in Amazon, which is currently valued at $800 billions. Since the situation is still at its early stage, it is uncertain what will happen next. Some economist suggests that Bezos may lose half of his ownership in Amazon, which could result in Mackenzie requesting change and a position in Amazon. Although the question remains, is it certain the company manage will change in the near future.

    NVIDIA's New RTX 2060
    Nvidia recently released their newest GPU, the RTX 2060, which is priced at just $349. The RTX 2060 is supposed to perform similarly, if not better than the GTX 1070ti, which is priced at $449. This price is justified, however, because not only is there an excellent performance bump over the 1060, but the 2060 is the newest card to feature ray-tracing. While ray-tracing isn't mainstream yet, it should hopefully be a worthwhile investment towards the future of PC gaming. So Nvidia says. Typically, the xx60 series is meant for gamers on a budget, but at $350, the 2060 isn't exactly entry-level. Nvidia says it's supposed to compete with higher end cards like the 1070, 1070ti, and Vega 56. In the benchmarks, the 2060 is shown to be performing above both the 1070ti and Vega 56, while occasionally trumping the 1080 at games like Shadow of the Tomb Raider and GTA V. Overall, the 2060 seems like a good contender at just $349, especially considering the 1070, which is priced at $380 and performs worse.

    Amo - Bring Me The Horizon
    Bring Me The Horizon has finally released their 6th studio album, “Amo”, this time quite different than anything else we’ve heard from the band. “Amo” is a cluster-fuck of all kinds of genres. The main genre here is rock, but there are elements of rock-rap (like Linkin Park), electro-rock, electronic and even pop rock. As Oli Sykes stated in an interview, the goal of the album was to inform fans early on into “Amo” that this album was going to be nothing like what they were previously known for. So let’s break down the album, the title “Amo” is directly translated from Portuguese, and means “love’. The entire concept of the album is different forms of love, whether it be falling in love, being in love, falling out of love and even jealousy/hatred. The lyrical content on the album can pretty easily be summed up by saying it’s the troubles and successes Oli Sykes (lead vocalist) has had with love. Songs like “ouch” and “medicine” are talking about the love Oli had for his now ex-wife and how wrongly she treated him in the messy separation they went through. A nice transition from these two songs would be “mother tongue” which is a love song Oli wrote to his current wife. Oli’s current wife Alissa Salls is Brazilian and speaks Brazilian Portuguese. Oli states she doesn’t speak English very well, and he wrote this song to say that even though they don’t speak the same language love has never been an issue for them. Jordan Fish (keys /electronics /backup vocals) stated in an interview that with the experimental sounds they were going for they also wanted to include a couple of interludes in the album to help reset our expectations as we’re listening all the way through. “ouch” and “fresh bruises” are the interludes he’s alluding too. “ouch” being an introduction to medicine and “fresh bruises” being an interlude that the band had been previously using as an outro on their last tour. He said these songs were used to experiment with different sounds the band had never used before. Towards the end of the album there’s a song called “heavy metal”, in this song Oli breaks down the hatred the band has received online about how they’re no longer metalcore. Basically the issue he’s addressing in this song is that no matter what the band puts out, there are old fans who will always say “this isn’t heavy enough” or “this isn’t the real Bring Me The Horizon”. His response is that people grow up and bands change and so they released this song to directly address that issue. The last song on the album “i don’t know what to say” is an ode to a good friend of Oli’s who passed away due to cancer. This song doesn’t break the sequence of unpredictable genres though, even though it changes the mood from loving a significant other to loving a friend. This song starts off with an orchestra and an acoustic guitar in the background and fades into a more synth-sounding melody. Oli said he believed this was the perfect way to close the album, to give his friend the ode he deserves.
    Personally I found this album more incredible with each listen through. Upon my first listen through I was slightly taken back with how much the band changed but as I kept listening to the album it grew on me much more.

    UK Health Minister calling for social media ban
    The UK is on a warpath after the suicide of Molly Russell a 14 year old who took her own like following after viewing posts glorifying suicide and affirmation regarding self-harm threw Instagram she connected with profiles that promoted suicide questions are be raised and to why this content is allowed to fester on a platform that has a very large base of young teens who may be going threw mental issues. Facebook came out to say they are "deeply sorry" In a open letter the Minister warning he would push a ban on social media if they cannot work harder to protect some of the most vulnerable young teens that use there platforms. If you or anyone you know is contemplating suicide please contact you local hotline and seek help.

    Interview -[MPGH]solvi

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  2. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Ahl For This Useful Post:

    Danny (01-28-2019),[MPGH]Doc (01-30-2019),Gravity (01-29-2019),[MPGH]HALOS117 (01-29-2019),[MPGH]Lily (01-28-2019),MikeRohsoft (01-28-2019),niggo (01-28-2019),Not Officer (01-28-2019),Schuba (01-28-2019),Ticherhaz (01-28-2019)

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    Thanks for the news ^^

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    interview @Hector next, @Ahmad

    you'll need subtitles
    Need assistance?

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  7. #5
    Danny's Avatar
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    So the 26 richest people are worth the 3.8 billion poorest.

    Basing it off forbes, the 26 richest people are worth $1.398T, or $1,398,500,000,000.

    If you divided this out to the 3.8 billion poorest they would get $368 each.

    I remember watching a video not long ago where bill gates was discussing how he spoke with other of the richest billionaires and sort of made a team with them to dedicate their wealth towards taking out some of the biggest killing diseases because simply giving their money away wont do the job at getting rid of poverty for the billions. I could be remembering this wrong but I believe the bill gates foundation worked on the eradication of smallpox which now it has gone saves 5 million lives a year from the disease and are working on many others but with a focus on polio.

    I personally see it as poverty ridden countries having too many children and not being able to improve the community at all because of having too many births.

    I am not a middleman nor do I buy/sell anything. If you are being contacted by someone off-site from MPGH then it's not me! Please report these to me via PM. Don't be stupid, think first.

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    Lolatpablo (01-28-2019)

  9. #6
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    went three weeks with no music news so figured i'd do a more in depth review this time
    Quote Originally Posted by Hova View Post
    When schuba speaks, people listen


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    [MPGH]Ahl (01-28-2019)

  11. #7
    niggo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    So the 26 richest people are worth the 3.8 billion poorest.

    Basing it off forbes, the 26 richest people are worth $1.398T, or $1,398,500,000,000.

    If you divided this out to the 3.8 billion poorest they would get $368 each.

    I remember watching a video not long ago where bill gates was discussing how he spoke with other of the richest billionaires and sort of made a team with them to dedicate their wealth towards taking out some of the biggest killing diseases because simply giving their money away wont do the job at getting rid of poverty for the billions. I could be remembering this wrong but I believe the bill gates foundation worked on the eradication of smallpox which now it has gone saves 5 million lives a year from the disease and are working on many others but with a focus on polio.

    I personally see it as poverty ridden countries having too many children and not being able to improve the community at all because of having too many births
    dont forget those are the richest people that we know of

    saudi and quatar princes etc arent included there but they have a lot more wealth than any of those people
    same goes for those rothschild etc families that may not be as rich individually but if everyone has hundreds of millions if not more it adds up in a family of 100+

    also bill gates really does help people in africa with his foundation that he and his wife created, theyre also trying to find a cure for cancer

    but id not say that poor countries are poor cause they have many births
    its more the other way around (as it has been historically here aswell)
    they have to make many children so they have someone to care for them when they get older

    what keeps them poor is that the children often cant visit schools much if at all so they never have the chance to get into a position where they can earn enough money to change their life

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snake View Post
    you're the prime of the primes
    if shitposting was transformers you'd be optimus prime and eternity would be bumblebee
    Quote Originally Posted by Organized Chaos View Post
    acoustic retarded cum slut
    = niggo
    Quote Originally Posted by FlavderKrasse View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hectard View Post
    Am I a racist if i say Nico niggo neee
    Quote Originally Posted by Snolfy44 View Post
    how works it??
    Quote Originally Posted by Demon770 View Post
    How to hack
    Quote Originally Posted by ImThrowingMyLifeAway View Post
    niggo ugly lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Dot View Post
    I cannot wait to see you replying with another stupid reply
    Quote Originally Posted by Bowie View Post
    Stop shitposting for god sakes
    Quote Originally Posted by Poseidon View Post
    You're literally dumb.
    Quote Originally Posted by 71c View Post
    You're literally dumb.
    Quote Originally Posted by 71c View Post
    Stop shitposting for god sakes, You're literally dumb.

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    Ticherhaz (01-28-2019)

  13. #8
    Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    dont forget those are the richest people that we know of

    saudi and quatar princes etc arent included there but they have a lot more wealth than any of those people
    same goes for those rothschild etc families that may not be as rich individually but if everyone has hundreds of millions if not more it adds up in a family of 100+
    That's a very good point, out there the wealth just stays within the family and goes nowhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    but id not say that poor countries are poor cause they have many births
    its more the other way around (as it has been historically here aswell)
    they have to make many children so they have someone to care for them when they get older

    what keeps them poor is that the children often cant visit schools much if at all so they never have the chance to get into a position where they can earn enough money to change their life
    Maybe I should've reworded what I said to be more like: They have too many births in their current situation of low education. I just meant in general the birthrate only seems to harm them more

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  14. #9
    Ticherhaz's Avatar
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    Thanks for the news
    Anything can PM me. I'm from Malaysia.

  15. #10
    Solvi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schuba View Post
    went three weeks with no music news so figured i'd do a more in depth review this time
    plese dont go in depth for nu rock

  16. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by solvi View Post

    plese dont go in depth for nu rock
    any requests on genres to go more in depth on?
    Quote Originally Posted by Hova View Post
    When schuba speaks, people listen


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    Thank-you for the updates!

  18. #13
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    thanx for the news

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    Thanks for news!

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