Flash Game:
Current State:
Not Patched yet!
Tools used:
- WPE Pro
- PyCharm (Jetbrains)

It got found by me. I invented it overnight by luck trying to find a Bypass for the family Gold Donation Restriction if you haven't paid yet into the game. All credits goes to me.

It's pretty neat for the well known Bot Farm Method which works like that:
You create as many Accounts as you want. Level them to Level 5 so they can work. And attack yourself with it. If you win the fight you get a percentage of the money the opponent has.

I've actually found an exploit which lets me generate 10.000 Cash every Minute (if you do it on 100 Accounts at once, else it takes 300-600 ms). Which can, if you actually abuse it, generate 600.000 Cash every hour per Account. And calculated up to a day 14.400.000 Cash.

Which can be then invested in Skill Points which cost only 1500 Cash! That makes ~6.67 Skillpoints each Minute, 400 Skillpoints each hour & 9.600 Skillpoints after a day!

Which is only the exploit which you use in your own Account. The other Bots are made to attack you. Which give you a max. of ~30.000 Cash every fight (since they have ALOT of money). Which will end up at ~3.000.000 Cash if you attack, like in my case, 100 Bots. You can attack a player 3 times so we have to expect a value that is around 9.000.000 Cash!

Together you get ~20.000.000 Cash.
-> 13.333,33 Skillpoints each day!

I've made some Python Bot for it which makes this processing automatically.

If you are interested you have to come up with some Package Editing Experience AND being able to recode WPE Pro but in better that I'd like to use OR recommend me another Package Recording/Sending/Editing Tool with features which could make this OP.