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  1. #1
    devopsguy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Looking for a mentor - willing to pay

    As the title suggests, I am looking for an experienced C++ programmer that is willing to help me in my journey to understand C++ and subsequently game hacking.

    About me -
    I come from Server Management / Release management / DevOps background. Hence, I've worked with multiple development teams over the past 10 years in order to help them automate the deployment of their software/ apps. A lot of them were Java earlier which is now mostly python machine learning applications.

    Naturally, I've done my fair share of programming. Initially it was usually just bash scripts for Linux which later turned to python for infrastructure as code.

    What I've done so far-
    I picked up a C++ book a couple of weeks ago and learnt the basic syntax of variables, functions, loops etc. I can write a very basic C++ program now.

    What I need -
    - Someone to guide me with the roadmap (i.e. read this now, try this after that > go learn that now > try this after that)
    - I am not looking to get spoonfed, DevOps in general means learning things yourself and having an all-round understanding. So I don't get tired of reading.
    - This person actually should have made a few hacks himself in order to teach a newbie like me

    Some points -
    1. I am willing to pay for your time. This does not mean I'll make you rich, its just a gesture of "thank you" for helping me out.
    2. I am expecting a few replies pointing me to different threads. Trust me, I have already gone through them and that's a part of the problem. There is PLETHORA of information out there and I need someone to help me streamline what I need to concentrate on.

    Thanks for reading and feel free to reply here for my *****.

  2. #2
    YungHa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Im not a C++ programmer but just wondering. Since you have DevOps background. Have you tried self learning sources like Udemy or Youtube? Those provide a clear path and roadmap if that's what you're looking for.

    Thus only cost like 10USD or free. Would advise u to have a look first.

    Also Sk1pe or D1scord isn't allowed here.

  3. #3
    devopsguy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Thanks for the heads up about sk1pe and d1scord.

    About self-learning, I've already got the basics in place. Never been a fan of udemy, hell I could drop my courses about Kubernetes and Release Pipeline there but its a useless site. But yes, there are definitely sources to learn (youtube and other sites), but I've used them much as I could. None of them actually is specific to memory management, how exactly a game works and how do you write to the files etc.

    I am of the belief that "concepts" are the most important part and coding is secondary. If you know what are you expecting from the program, the only thing left is to break it down into smaller chunks and code it using the documentation. That's what I need help with, understanding the concept of (lets say an aimbot and its maths) and what would I need to learn to get there.

    Quote Originally Posted by YungHa View Post
    Im not a C++ programmer but just wondering. Since you have DevOps background. Have you tried self learning sources like Udemy or Youtube? Those provide a clear path and roadmap if that's what you're looking for.

    Thus only cost like 10USD or free. Would advise u to have a look first.

    Also Sk1pe or D1scord isn't allowed here.
    Last edited by devopsguy; 03-12-2019 at 03:32 AM.

  4. #4
    MikeRohsoft's Avatar
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    May 2013
    Los Santos
    What you need to know:
    bool, char, unsigned char = 1 byte
    word = 2 bytes
    int, uint, float, and a Pointer on x86 = 4 bytes (32 Bits)
    double, uint64, int64 and a Pointer on x64 = 8 bytes (64 Bits)

    there are some exceptions, like Windows.h BOOL implementation, is an int = 4 bytes (and not a bool) and a wchar_t is 4 bytes aswell (and not 1 byte as char)

    Now you download Cheat Engine and solve the Tutorial without skipping.
    If you got it, come back here and we will use this knowledge to build a little Game Trainer

  5. #5
    devopsguy's Avatar
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    Mar 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeRohsoft View Post
    Now you download Cheat Engine and solve the Tutorial without skipping.

    Thank you. Which tutorial are we referring to here?

    Edit --- Ooh, I am guessing there would be a walk through of cheat engine at the time of installation that you want me to go through. I'll do that and update here.
    Last edited by devopsguy; 03-12-2019 at 09:38 AM.

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